LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF VICTORIA VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS No 93 No 93 — Wednesday 15 October 2008 1 The House met at Monash University Gippsland Campus, Churchill, in accordance with the Proclamation of the Governor and the terms of the resolution of the House on 21 August 2008 — The Speaker took the Chair and read the Prayer. The Proclamation was read by the Speaker: CONSTITUTION ACT 1975 PROCLAMATION A. By proclamation made on 5 December 2006 by me, David de Kretser, AC, Governor of Victoria, pursuant to section 8 of the Constitution Act 1975, fixed 19 December 2006 at 11.00a.m as the time for the commencement and holding of the first session of the 56 th Parliament of Victoria for the dispatch of business, at the Parliament Houses, Melbourne. B. Pursuant to section 8(1) of the Constitution Act 1975 the Governor is empowered to vary and alter the places fixed within Victoria and the times fixed for holding every session of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly. I, David de Kretser, Governor of Victoria, acting under section 8 of the Constitution Act 1975 and all other powers vested in me: 1. 2. hereby vary and alter the place for holding the first session of the Legislative Assembly: i. from 15 October 2008 to the Monash University Gippsland Campus at Northways Road, Churchill; and ii. thereafter, when the Legislative Assembly has completed its business on that day or on the following day if necessary, to the Houses of Parliament, Melbourne. hereby vary and alter the place for holding the first session of the Legislative Council: iii. from 15 October 2008 to Bellevue on the Lakes at 191–215 Esplanade, Lakes Entrance; and iv. after the 16 October 2008, when the Legislative Council has completed its business on that day or on the following day if necessary, to the Houses of Parliament, Melbourne. Given under my hand and the seal of Victoria at Melbourne, this 7th day of October 2008. DAVID DE KRETSER AC Governor By His Excellency's Command HON JOHN BRUMBY MP Premier of Victoria 480 Legislative Assembly of Victoria 2 VISITORS ADMITTED TO CHAMBER — In accordance with the resolution of the House on 21 August 2008 Mr Wayne Thorpe, Elder of the Gunai Kurnai people, Professor Richard Larkins, AO, Vice-Chancellor of Monash University, and Cr Bruce Lougheed, Mayor of Latrobe City Council, were admitted into the Chamber by the Serjeant-at-Arms. 3 WELCOME TO COUNTRY — Mr Wayne Thorpe provided a welcome to country on behalf of the Gunai Kurnai people. Mr Thorpe was escorted from the Chamber by the Serjeant-at-Arms. 4 ADDRESSES BY THE PREMIER AND LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION — In accordance with the resolution of the House on 21 August 2008 Mr Brumby and Mr Baillieu addressed the House. 5 ADDRESSES BY RICHARD LARKINS, AO, VICE-CHANCELLOR OF MONASH UNIVERSITY, AND BRUCE LOUGHEED, MAYOR OF LATROBE CITY COUNCIL — In accordance with the resolution of the House on 21 August 2008 Professor Richard Larkins, AO, ViceChancellor of Monash University, and Cr Bruce Lougheed, Mayor of Latrobe City Council, responded to the addresses of the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition. They were then escorted from the Chamber by the Serjeant-at-Arms. 6 MULTICULTURAL VICTORIA AMENDMENT BILL 2008 — Mr Brumby obtained leave to bring in a Bill 'for an Act to amend the Multicultural Victoria Act 2004 and for other purposes'; and, after debate, the Bill was read a first time and ordered to be read a second time tomorrow. 7 PETITION — The Clerk announced that the following petition had been lodged for presentation: Intersection of Badger Creek Road and Maroondah Highway, Healesville — Requesting that the House allows the installation of a traffic splitter island at the intersection of Badger Creek Road and Maroondah Highway, Healesville, bearing 10 signatures (Mr Hardman). Ordered to be tabled. 8 PETITION — INTERSECTION OF BADGER CREEK ROAD AND MAROONDAH HIGHWAY, HEALESVILLE — Motion made and question — That the petition presented by the Member for Seymour be taken into consideration tomorrow (Mr Hardman) — put and agreed to. 9 DOCUMENTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES COMMITTEE — Mr Stensholt, Chair, presented a report from the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee on the 2008–09 Budget Estimates — Part Three, together with appendices. Ordered to be tabled and printed. DOCUMENTS TABLED UNDER ACTS OF PARLIAMENT — The Clerk tabled the following documents in accordance with Acts of Parliament: Financial Management Act 1994 — Financial Report for the State of Victoria 2007–08, incorporating the Quarterly Financial Report No 4 — Ordered to be printed National Parks Act 1975 — Report 2007–08 on the working of the Act National Parks Advisory Council — Report 2007–08 Planning and Environment Act 1987 — Notices of approval of amendments to the following Planning Schemes: Votes and Proceedings 15 October 2008 481 Ballarat — C110 Darebin — C83, C90 Greater Geelong — C89 Greater Shepparton — C91 Latrobe — C54, C59 Stonnington — C86 Road Management Act 2004 — Code of Practice for Management of Infrastructure in Road Reserves Statutory Rules under the following Acts: Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Act 2001 — SR 117 County Court Act 1958 — SR 119 Supreme Court Act 1986 — SRs 117, 118 Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 — Minister's exception certificates in relation to Statutory Rules 117, 118, 119. The following proclamation fixing an operative date was tabled by the Clerk in accordance with an order of the House dated 19 December 2006: Commonwealth Powers (De Facto Relationships) Act 2004 — Whole Act — 9 October 2008 (Gazette G41, 9 October 2008). 10 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL — Agreeing to the Abortion Law Reform Bill 2008 without amendment. 11 SITTING OF THE HOUSE — Motion made and question — That the House, at its rising, adjourns until Tuesday 28 October 2008 (Mr Batchelor) — put and agreed to. 12 STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS — Statements by members were made. 13 DISCUSSION OF MATTER OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE — SUPPORT TO REGIONAL COMMUNITIES — The House was informed that Ms Allan had proposed that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely — 'That this House congratulates the Victorian Labor Government for continuing to back regional communities and investing in people, infrastructure and economic development, particularly in Gippsland, ensuring recovery from the previous Government's harsh neglect.' Ms Allan addressed the House — Discussion followed. 14 POSTPONEMENT OF ORDER OF THE DAY — Ordered — That the consideration of Government Business, Order of the Day, No 1 be postponed until later this day. 15 GREENHOUSE GAS GEOLOGICAL SEQUESTRATION BILL 2008 — Order read for resuming debate on question — That this Bill be now read a second time; debate resumed. Business having been interrupted at 2.00 pm under standing orders. 16 QUESTIONS — (Under SO 55). Business having been interrupted at 2.51 pm in accordance with the resolution of the House on 21 August 2008. 482 Legislative Assembly of Victoria 17 MINISTERIAL STATEMENT — VICTORIA'S ENERGY SECTOR — The Premier made a ministerial statement relating to Victoria's energy sector, to which members responded. 18 GREENHOUSE GAS GEOLOGICAL SEQUESTRATION BILL 2008 — Debate resumed on question — That this Bill be now read a second time. Motion made and question — That the debate be now adjourned (Mr McIntosh) — put and agreed to. Ordered — That the debate be adjourned until later this day. 19 TIMING OF ADJOURNMENT DEBATE — Motion made, by leave, and question — That the time for the adjournment debate, as provided for by the resolution of the House on 21 August 2008, be amended to 5.45 pm (Mr Batchelor) — put, after debate, and agreed to. 20 GREENHOUSE GAS GEOLOGICAL SEQUESTRATION BILL 2008 — Order read for resuming debate on question — That this Bill be now read a second time; debate resumed. Bill read a second time and, by leave, immediately read a third time. Bill sent to the Legislative Council and their agreement requested. 21 POSTPONEMENT OF REMAINING BUSINESS — Motion made and question — That the consideration of remaining business be postponed (Mr Batchelor) — put and agreed to. 22 ADJOURNMENT — The Speaker left the Chair, after debate, at 6.32 pm. R W PURDEY Clerk of the Legislative Assembly By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria JENNY LINDELL Speaker