Contractors` Seminar March 2011 Director`s Update Lynn Glover

Contractors’ Seminar March 2011
Director’s Update
Lynn Glover
Victoria’s education and training regulator
Legislative changes in 2010
Legislative changes
 Education
and Training Reform Act 2006
School Age
 School Senior Secondary Registration
 Learning Areas
 Skills
 Education
Services for Overseas Students
Amendment (Re-registration of Providers and Other
Measures) Act 2010
Victoria’s education and training regulator
School reviewer tender process
• The tender period opened for external reviewers
• Selection committee includes VRQA staff and Independent
Schools Victoria
• Up to three year contracts
Reviewing operations of independent and nongovernment schools and non-school secondary providers
Victoria’s education and training regulator
Financial management
• Financial management guidance sessions are being
held by the VRQA in conjunction with Grant Thornton
• All potential applicants for initial registration must
attend one of these sessions prior to applying for
registration as an RTO
• Financial management for RTOs booklet developed
to support providers
Victoria’s education and training regulator
VRQA E-news
Victoria’s education and training regulator