Adoption - Hope for Horses Equine Rescue

Hope for Horses Equine Rescue, Inc.
8853 FM 974
Bryan, TX 77808
(972) 734-6218,
Adoption Agreement
Adopter’s current home information:
Name: ________________________ Driver’s License #:___________ State: _______________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: ____________________
Home phone: _____________________________ Work phone: __________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________________________
Pet Information:
Pet’s Name: ___________________________
Adoption #:_____________________________
Color & Description: ________________________________
Sex:_____ Age:_______ Spayed/Neutered:____________ Date to Spayed/Neutered:__________
As the adopting party, I agree to the following provisions:
1. I understand that only neutered/spayed or to be neutered/spayed animals are released for adoption
from Hope for Horses. Therefore, if the animal is not already neutered, I agree to have it neuter
by the date shown above and a copy of the veterinary records sent to Hope for Horses.
2. I agree to keep an ID tag attached to a properly fitting collar which will remain on the adopted pet
at all times, whether inside or outside the house, and to obtain all licenses required by local
3. I agree to provide the adopted animal with the necessary vaccinations at all intervals advised by
my veterinarian. I also agree to keep my adopted pet on monthly heartworm prevention.
4. I agree to have the adopted animal under my control when it is not within the confines of my
property. A secure fenced area will be provided for my animal, including shelter from the
elements. The adopted animal will not be tied nor chained.
5. If for any reason I cannot keep the adopted pet, I agree to notify Hope for Horses of the
availability of the animal, and return him/her to Hope for Horses upon request.
6. I agree not to abuse nor neglect the adopted animal, and I authorize Hope for Horses at its sole
discretion, to determine whether or not the pet has been abused or neglected.
7. I understand that Hope for Horses cannot guarantee the health, temperament, or training of the
above described animal, and hereby release Hope for Horses from all liability once the animal is
in my possession. If a health problem develops during the first 10 days, I will notify Hope for
Horses to discuss the matter.
Remedy for non-compliance: It is agreed that Hope for Horses retains superior title to said animal
limited to and for the express purpose of assuring the animal’s well-being and will only exercise its
superior claim in the event it appears to Hope for Horses that the proper and humane care, as specified in
the above adoption provisions, is not being afforded to said animal, in which case the animal may be
taken through a Claim and Delivery proceeding.
I certify that all of the information contained herein is correct and true.
Signature of Adoption Applicant