
Physical Properties of Metals:
1. High _____________________: metals are usually quite shiny
2. Metals are ______________________: they can be drawn out into thin wires.
3. Metals are _______________________: they can be pounded into thin sheets.
4. Metals are good ________________________________ of heat and electricity.
5. Metals generally have a high ________________________: small samples of these elements
can be quite heavy.
Chemical Properties of Metals:
1. Metals ______________valence electrons to stabilize. They form_______________ions.
2. Metals exhibit ________________________: they gradually wear away due to chemical
reactions where the metal element is changed into a metallic compound.
3. Metals combine with nonmetals to form________________________compounds, molecules
which are composed of ions.
Physical Properties of Nonmetals:
1. Low ________________________: nonmetals are usually dull in appearance.
2. Neither _______________________ nor_________________________: nonmetals break
easily, and cannot be drawn out into thin wires or pounded into sheets.
3. Nonmetals are poor conductors of heat and electricity; they are good _____________________.
Chemical Properties of Nonmetals:
1. Nonmetals ____________________ electrons to stabilize. They form ________________ions.
2. Nonmetals combine with metals to form__________________________compounds, molecules
which are composed of ions.
3. Nonmetals combine with other nonmetals to form _________________________ compounds,
molecules which possess no full positive or negative charges.
Physical Properties of Metalloids:
- Possess properties of both metals and nonmetals;
- Can be shiny or dull
- Conduct heat and electricity better than nonmetals, but not as well as metals; they are considered
- Metalloids are ductile and malleable
- Specifically, the metalloids are:
__________ __________
__________ __________