Spellings Homework P5 - Roe Valley Integrated Primary School

Linguistic Phonics Programme
Spelling homework
Below is a reminder of spelling tasks to complete each evening during homework time.
Monday tasks
-Sort the words in the list for the different ways of spelling the sound (Write into
spelling homework book).
In your homework book, use look, cover, write and check x 3 to learn to spell:
Tuesday tasks
-Write a dictionary definition for each of tonight’s words
-In your homework book, use look, cover, write and check x 3 to learn to spell:
Wednesday tasks
Write a dictionary definition for each of tonight’s words
-In your homework book, use look, cover, write x 3 and check to learn to spell:
Thursday tasks
-Use look, cover, write and check x 3 to revise all spellings in your word list.
30 mins of Spellodrome tasks
Linguistic Phonics Programme
Spelling homework
Below is a reminder of spelling tasks to complete each evening during homework time.
Monday tasks
-Sort the words in the list for the different ways of spelling the sound (Write into
spelling homework book).
In your homework book, use look, cover, write and check x 3 to learn to spell:
Tuesday tasks
-Write a sentence for each of tonight’s words
-In your homework book, use look, cover, write and check x 3 to learn to spell:
Wednesday tasks
Write a sentence for each of tonight’s words
-In your homework book, use look, cover, write x 3 and check to learn to spell:
Thursday tasks
-Use look, cover, write and check x 3 to revise all spellings in your word list.
30 mins of Spellodrome tasks