Meeting Minutes August 11, 2010




Approved Minutes

August 11, 2010

Members present: Robert Compton, Chairman; Bob Carter; Katherine Jenkins, Vice Chair; Beth

Kelly; Keith Johnson; Steven Miller, Alternate; and Craig Ohlson, Planner.

Public present: Robert Todd, Robert Macentee and Rick Kohler

The meeting was opened at 7:06pm.

The minutes of the July 14, 2010 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the minutes of July 14, 2010. Seconded. Motion passed. Minutes accepted.

Agenda Item #3a. Application #10-4, Watershed Protection Review for Robert Macentee,

Campbell Lane, Tax Map 229, Lot 28. Chair Compton summarized what the board heard at the

July meeting; Mr. Macentee is asking for three waivers; leach field, septic tank placement and the building placement/setback.

Bob Todd was recognized and stated that this would be a two-part presentation; the first part by himself and the second part by Rick Kohler. He then handed out his report. The purpose of the report was to assist the owner with the three waivers. It shows the storm water management plan and also the storm water erosion risk during the construction process.

7:21 pm. Board member Peter Kaplan arrived at this time.

Discussion about soil saturation and field capacity ensued. Bob Carter had comments about “pre” and “post” construction saturation. Peter Kaplan had questions about this and what significance the .043 has on the whole parcel.

Bob Todd talked about the amount of tree removal where the house will be placed and also spoke about the sediment loss and how his plan handled that. Discussion on the stabilization of the site; that probably will be reached in the summer of 2012. Mr. Todd was thanked for his presentation.

Rick Kohler was recognized next to speak about storm water. The previous rain garden idea will be changed to a two part method-gravel perimeter drains would fall into a gravel pipe and stone apron, then into a perforated cement drain. This design is based on 24 hour duration; 4.2” of rainfall and is more than necessary for this site. Discussion on the type of septic tank to be used and the importance of keeping the standards for pumping and maintaining.

Peter Kaplan spoke about the waivers and how the solution was to keep the results that the watershed overlay is supposed to do.

Chair Compton asked for a consensus of the board to start talking about approving the waivers. He also spoke about the need for ¾” stone under the deck to handle the rain water runoff from the roof, a possible covenant in the deed for a Clean Solution contract; if it fails, it should be replaced with an equal or better system, limit future development, no alterations of the road, care of the excavated material, and asking the applicant to stake out the building envelope.

Bob Carter made a motion to hold a consensus vote on the granting of the waivers requested for the building placement, septic tank and leach field by the applicant pending final language of the conditions. Seconded. Ayes have it. Motion passed.

The minutes of the June 9, 2010 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the minutes of June 9, 2010. Seconded. Motion passed. Minutes accepted.

Agenda Item#3b. Review eleven lot subdivision request for REN Realty (Shepard’s Crossing),

Tax Map 212, Lot 25.

9:30pm. The board went into non-public session per RSA 91A:3. Katherine Jenkins recused herself from the session.

9:52pm. The board returned to public session. Katherine Jenkins rejoined the board.

Agenda Item #3c. Master Plan Community Survey. Discussion on the final draft of the survey to be presented to the Deering residents.

Having no more business before the board, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:59pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Winters, Secretary
