ASSESSING SOCIAL WORK STUDENTS The standards for the award of the social work degree are outcome statements that set out what a student social worker must know, understand and be able to do to be awarded the degree in social work. The Standards of Proficiency for Social Workers set out what employers require social workers to be able to do on entering employment. These standards form the basis of the assessment of competence in practice. Social workers will be required to demonstrate competence across the full range of standards before being awarded the degree. Practice is central to the new degree, with academic learning supporting practice, rather than the other way round. ASSESSMENT TASKS AND PAPERWORK FOR PRACTICE EDUCATORS Using a range of methods will enable you to gain a clear picture of the student’s progress and allow you to make an assessment of his/her ability and suitability to practice. Suggested methods of assessment are: Day to day observation/contact Co-working Formal supervision Formal observation of practice Feedback from colleagues Feedback from other social work professionals Feedback from other professionals Feedback from service users Student’s written work Any other method appropriate to the student and situation Your student should be encouraged to write reflective accounts of their work and collect any other written evidence that demonstrates their ability to meet the Standards of Proficiency for Social Workers and keep this in a folder of evidence. THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS The overall aim of assessment is to assess the student’s level of ability and suitability to practice i.e. competence. Ideas about competence are based on: What the student brings to practiceWhat the student does and produces in practice What the student achieves in practice This can be broken down further and looked at in terms of input, process and outcome. INPUT Individual knowledge and skills, personal attributes, degree of motivation i.e. ‘What the student brings to the job’ PROCESS Individual behaviours, tasks and procedures, contributions to group actions i.e. ‘Processes students undertake in the course of the job’ OUTCOME What the individual achieves i.e. ‘What the student achieves in the job’ All social work students must be assessed on their ability and suitability to practice. A clear statement from the Department of Health is ‘Knowledge will only be assessed in relation to practice.' That is to say theory (knowledge) must be taught within a university setting and then applied, by the student, to practice. This transfer of knowledge and skills to practice needs to be re-enforced by practice educators. The ability to reflect on self and on practice as an active participant in the practice assessment process for both the student and the educator is critical to effective practice. Some questions that will enable you and your student to reflect on self are: How do I think about the world? What are my biases and prejudices? What do I want for myself? Who do I like / not like? What are my personality strengths and weaknesses? How do I feel about certain things / people? When endeavouring to work with and enable a student it is also useful to ask yourself: Who is this person? What has happened to them? How do they see the world? Why do they see the world as they do? How do they act in the world? What impact do these individuals have on others? Within this framework you also need to ask yourself (either currently or retrospectively): What information do I need to pay attention to? How do I need to think about this information? What am I proposing to do in practice? Why am I proposing to do it? When attempting to quantify and qualify your student’s learning gains, this checklist may be useful in helping you to analyse and evaluate your student’s learning and practice: Description (what happened?) Feelings (what were you/the student thinking and feeling?) Evaluation (what was good and bad about the experience?) Analysis (how can you/the student make sense of what happened?) Conclusions (what alternatives did you/the student have?) Action plan (what would you/the student do if it happened again?) All students need to be given the opportunity to THINK AND DO, i.e. the opportunity to apply theory (knowledge) to practice and to reflect on their practice to enhance their knowledge and make links to theories taught in the university. In order to assess a student effectively, what do you need to know? Your job and the work of the agency: You need to be clear about your own task, role and function in order to be able to guide and support a student in the work allocated to them. What the HCPC requires of qualified social workers: You need to become familiar with and understand the Standards of Proficiency for Social Workers and how student social workers are required to provide evidence of competence. You also need to become familiar with the HCPC Code of Conduct and Ethics for Social Work Students. How your student learns best: Students learn at different paces and in different ways. Some students need to learn by doing from the very beginning, others need to take time to watch, listen, think and experiment slowly. Some want to run before they can walk, whilst others need a push in the right direction. Some students will need more support than others and some may need careful management. It will always be useful to explore with the student how s/he thinks they learn best. Decisions about the type, quantity and complexity of work allocated will need to be made by the practice educator/supervisor once s/he has gained some experience of the student. How to identify evidence of competence: Throughout the placement you will be observing, supervising and managing the student and the work they will be undertaking. You will be setting tasks, allocating work and agreeing the quality and standard the student should work to. Linking all of this to the Standards of Proficiency you will be able to assess how the student is doing and agree with the student what level of competence they have achieved. You will use all of your knowledge about your job and the role of the team. All of your knowledge about all of the wider issues related to social work/social care in assessing whether or not the student is achieving agreed or desirable outcomes. You can also use others to help you with this process. Collaborative evidence from other qualified social workers other professionals e.g Nurse, OT, CPN etc. Remember that service users will be able to provide evidence of a student social worker’s competence. The difference in levels of competence: Sometimes expectations about the level of competence at which a student should perform are unrealistic. For instance, a student may commence a final placement in a statutory agency having completed a first placement in a voluntary agency. That student may arrive with only basic classroom knowledge of statutory systems, formal assessment and intervention procedures and recording/report writing skills. Occupational standards will have been met but in other, perhaps more creative ways. Working in a statutory agency will present a steep learning curve for her/him. Sometimes students believe they are much more competent than they actually are. This belief might be supported by the fact that the student has worked in an unqualified social work role prior to coming on the course or has a different professional qualification or first degree. Some students expect to be allocated a caseload and undertake complex tasks long before they are ready to do so.