Standards Maps Grade 6

Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Program Title: Understanding Art
Components: SE: Student Edition, TWE: Teacher Wraparound Edition, TRB: Teacher Resource Binder, TR: Fine Art Transparencies, P: Fine Art Prints, DVD:
Art Interactions DVD-ROM
Grade Level(s): 6
Standards Map – Basic Comprehensive Program
Visual and Performing Arts – Visual Arts
Grade – Six
Text of Standard
Primary Citations
Supporting Citations
Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory Information Through the Language and Skills Unique to the Visual Arts
Students perceive and respond to works of art, objects in nature, events, and the environment. They also use the vocabulary of the visual arts to express
their observations.
Develop Perceptual Skills and Visual
Arts Vocabulary
Identify and describe all the elements of art SE: 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 42, 95, 103, 106, 111,
found in selected works of art (e.g., color, 113, 125, 135, 153, 235 244, 248, 275, 299
TWE: 3, 16, 18, 70 73, 83, 89, 101, 107, 119,
shape/ form, line, texture, space, value).
133, 134, 138, 155, 168, 188, 219, 225, 231,
232, 233, 240, 255, 262, 272, 275, 303
TRB: 122, 123, 124,125, 127, 134, 266, 276,
305, 346
TR: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-28,
29-32, 37-40, 41-44 49-52, 53-56, 57-60, 61-64,
65-68, 77-80, 81-84, 85-88, 89-92, 109-112,
117-120, 125-128, 129-132
P: 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 25-28, 29-32, 33-36, 3740, 41-44, 45-48, 49-52, 53-56, 57-60, 69-72,
DVD: Activities 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15
Discuss works of art as to theme, genre,
style, idea, and differences in media.
SE: 6, 7, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 61, 62-65, 75,
81, 113, 131, 136, 137, 142, 155, 156, 157,
160, 172-173, 174, 175, 176, 184, 185, 187,
SE: 27, 43, 86, 89, 92, 99, 101, 108, 117, 120,
121, 126, 127, 137, 144, 149, 173, 174, 189,
201, 222, 238, 250, 255, 276, 282, 283, 286,
290, 303, 304, 305
TWE: 14, 19, 22, 64, 105, 125, 126, 128, 129,
185, 281, 327, 330, 331
TRB: 366, 377
P: 5-8, 13-16, 21-24, 61-64, 65-68
SE: 25, 30, 38, 43, 83, 86, 100, 102, 108, 109,
118, 119, 120, 121, 161, 182, 213, 214, 215,
222-223, 227, 232, 233, 237, 250, 262
Text of Standard
Primary Citations
188, 219, 220-221, 229, 231, 232, 233, 238,
239, 242-243, 244, 247, 248-249, 254, 255,
260, 261, 266, 267, 268, 269, 272, 276-277,
278, 279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 288, 289, 290,
291, 294, 295, 296, 297, 304, 305, 306, 307
TWE: 29, 45, 58, 60,61,68, 69, 70, 73, 75, 76,
83, 88, 89, 101, 102, 107, 109, 126, 157, 160,
166, 168, 171, 185, 211, 219, 226, 228, 229,
231, 232, 235, 242, 246, 249, 24, 255, 256,
259, 262, 265, 271, 272, 294, 297, 303, 305
TRB: 107, 108, 128, 142, 143, 149, 150, 152,
154, 158, 166, 167, 191, 198, 200, 204, 231,
232, 233, 243, 256, 266, 271, 272, 275, 276,
309, 320, 327, 344, 346, 354, 360, 363, 366
TR: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 32, 34
P: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-28,
29-32, 37-40, 41-44, 45-48, 53-56, 57-60, 6164, 65-68, 73-76, 77-80
DVD: Activities 2, 3, 4, 11,12, 13
SE: 84, 85, 173, 175, 194, 188, 189, 191, 227,
Describe how artists can show the same
theme by using different media and styles. 245, 290, 291, 301
TWE: 31, 32, 35, 42,45,58, 66, 90, 93, 95, 96,
109, 126, 127, 155, 187, 233, 244, 254, 256,
262, 299, 300
Supporting Citations
TWE: 13, 53, 64, 65, 79, 84, 95, 96, 103, 105,
119, 128, 210, 281, 307, 317, 320
TRB: 242, 312
DVD: Activities 8, 10
SE: 58, 163, 168, 178, 222, 231
TWE: 29, 40, 53, 73, 87, 101, 102, 131, 242
TR: 121-124
Analyze Art Elements and Principles of
Describe how balance is effectively used
in a work of art (e.g., symmetrical,
asymmetrical, radial).
SE: 20, 21, 23, 108,176, 177
TWE: 271
TRB: 122, 235, 276
TR: 29-32, 65-68, 129-132
P: 5-8, 33-36, 41-44
SE: 85, 144, 174, 108, 184, 196, 200, 207, 231
TWE: 21, 23
TRB: 129, 130
P: 13-16
Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts
Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original works of art.
Text of Standard
Primary Citations
Supporting Citations
Skills, Processes, Materials, and Tools
Use various observational drawing skills
to depict a variety of subject matter.
SE: 52-53, 85, 86-87, 110, 139, 141, 145, 175,
197, 221, 239, 251, 263, 269, 280, 218, 285
TWE: 5, 16, 19, 58, 80, 90, 96, 104, 114, 125,
138, 167, 168, 174, 176, 180, 182, 190, 194,
208, 220, 226, 233, 241, 256, 260, 264, 266,
272, 278, 279, 283, 294, 290, 306, 310
TRB: 244, 247-248, 311, 323-324
SE: 57, 73, 211, 217, 235, 253
TWE: 17, 63, 87, 136, 165, 232, 239, 281,
285, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 324, 332
TR: 13-16
P: 37-40
Apply the rules of two-point perspective in
creating a thematic work of art.
DVD: Activities 1, 7
TRB: 247-248
DVD: Activity 11
Create a drawing, using varying tints,
shades, and intensities.
SE: 66-67, 128-129, 198-199, 216-217, 265,
269, 292-293
TWE: 138
DVD: Activity 7
SE: 129, 239, 263
TWE: 37
TRB: 178, 299-300
Communication and Expression
Through Original Works of Art
Create increasingly complex original
works of art reflecting personal choices
and increased technical skill.
SE: 72-73, 92-93, 157, 164-165, 215, 259,
269, 285
TWE: 36, 69, 111, 139, 175, 221, 261
TRB: 129-130, 144-145, 161-162, 163-164,
177-178, 181-182, 194-195, 214-215, 218,
229-230, 247-248, 261-262, 264, 273-274,
283-284, 292-293, 294, 295, 296-297, 299300, 306, 313-314, 323-324, 329, 340-342,
357-358, 359, 371-372, 376-377
DVD: Activities 4, 7, 11, 14, 15
SE: 42-43, 53, 87, 105, 111, 123, 129, 197,
217, 235
TWE:102, 183, 237, 285, 318, 327
TRB: 132, 147, 211, 245, 259, 308, 314, 361362
TR: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-28,
29-32, 33-36, 37-40, 41-44, 45-48, 53-56, 5760, 61-64, 69-72, 73-76, 81-84, 85-88, 89-92,
93-96, 97-100, 101-104, 113-116, 117-120,
121-124, 125-128, 129-132, 133-136
P: 1-4, 5-8, 21-24, 25-28, 37-40, 45-48, 53-56,
57-60, 61-64, 65-68, 69-72, 73-76, 77-80
DVD: Activity 10
Select specific media and processes to
express moods, feelings, themes, or
SE: 52-53, 66-67, 72-73, 91, 95, 104-105, 122123, 128-129, 140-141, 146-147, 157, 163,
164-165, 167, 176-177, 181, 182-183, 198199, 204-205, 234-235, 239, 240-241, 251,
258-259, 263, 264-265, 269, 271, 285, 286287, 291, 292-293, 299
TWE: 32, 49, 63, 67, 70, 75, 106, 108, 120,
125, 132, 144, 147, 156, 168, 175, 208, 232,
SE: 57, 65, 177, 245
TWE: 52, 53, 89, 102, 119, 195, 211, 220,223,
237, 251, 263, 277, 314, 315, 318, 319, 327
TRB: 147, 259, 294, 295, 297, 314
TR: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 33-36, 61-64, 97-100, 113116
P: 1-4, 21-24, 25-28, 37-40, 45-48, 57-60,6164, 69-72, 73-76, 77-80
Text of Standard
Primary Citations
253, 265, 275, 279, 287, 292, 300
TRB: 129-130, 163-164, 144-145, 194-195,
214-215, 218, 229-230, 264, 273-274, 299300, 313-314, 329, 359, 371-372, 376-377
DVD: Activities 4, 11
Use technology to create original works of SE: 36-37
TWE: 106, 158, 270
TRB: 144-145, 376-377
DVD: Activities 1, 14
Supporting Citations
DVD: Activity 9
SE: 53, 73, 111, 165, 235, 265, 287, 293, 309
TWE: 53, 87, 128, 223, 261, 321, 325-331
TRB: 130, 147, 182, 262, 324, 358, 377
P: 73-76
DVD: Activity 9
Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of the Visual Arts
Students analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to the
visual arts and artists.
Role and Development of the Visual
Research and discuss the role of the
visual arts in selected periods of history,
using a variety of resources (both print
and electronic).
SE: 58, 59, 79, 81, 97, 112, 113, 115, 150,
166, 167, 168, 190, 191, 199, 207, 209, 227,
245, 273, 300, 301
TWE: 6, 3, 9, 55, 60, 72, 76, 84, 90, 91, 98, 99,
103, 112, 121, 126, 127, 137, 138, 145, 148,
150, 154, 155, 161, 172, 173, 174, 186, 213,
225, 237, 238, 239, 251, 267, 268, 269, 282,
295, 297, 302, 305, 307
TRB: 308, 320, 328, 344
DVD: Activities 2, 3, 8, 9
SE: 67, 88, 89, 114, 115, 132, 140,145, 167,
171, 178, 179, 180, 183, 197, 225, 230, 241,
251, 259, 311, 351
TWE: 40, 46,50, 53, 65, 100, 108, 119, 125,
157, 168, 176, 197, 249, 263, 288, 290
TRB: 225, 355
TR: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 25-28, 33-36, 37-40, 41-44,
53-56, 57-60, 61-64, 65-68, 69-72, 73-76, 7780, 81-84, 85-88, 89-92, 93-96, 101-104, 109112, 113-116, 117-120, 121-124, 129-132
P: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 77-80
DVD: Activities 4, 12
View selected works of art from a culture
and describe how they have changed or
not changed in theme and content over a
period of time.
SE: 78-79, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 97, 124, 125,
126, 173, 190, 301
TWE: 32, 63, 70, 76, 77, 78-79, 88, 91, 95,
124, 127, 138, 162, 173, 200, 207, 249, 254,
256, 268, 272, 285, 296
TRB: 192, 213, 349
SE: 67, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108,
109, 115, 150, 163, 177, 202, 255, 262
TWE: 39, 50, 58, 109, 123, 237, 242, 307
TR: 97-100, 109-112
Text of Standard
Primary Citations
Supporting Citations
Diversity of the Visual Arts
Compare, in oral or written form,
representative images or designs from at
least two selected cultures.
SE: 10, 78-79, 111, 113, 145, 151, 169, 191,
TWE: 57, 77, 90, 95, 99, 101, 102, 107, 109,
113, 121, 129, 144, 145, 149, 162, 167, 174,
175, 180, 186, 187, 189, 193, 205, 219, 231,
284, 304
TRB: 184, 204, 245, 252, 272, 276, 281, 282,
302, 316, 366, 373
P: 77-80
DVD: Activities 3, 10
SE: 107,133, 135, 143, 173, 175, 203, 219
TWE: 103, 147, 195, 212, 202, 235, 291
TRB: 148, 149
TR: 109-112, 117-120, 121-124, 125-128,
129-132, 133-136
Responding to, Analyzing, and Making Judgments About Works in the Visual Arts
Students analyze, assess, and derive meaning from works of art, including their own, according to the elements of art, the principles of design, and
aesthetic qualities.
Derive Meaning
Construct and describe plausible
interpretations of what they perceive in
works of art.
SE: 42, 48-51, 54-55, 83, 85, 97, 93, 117, 131,
133, 140, 153, 165, 171, 177, 186, 191, 193,
208,219, 235, 247, 272, 273, 281, 287, 299
TWE: 26, 29, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 59, 64, 69, 72,
73, 75, 89, 91, 93, 94, 99, 110, 120, 122, 126,
128, 132, 134, 137, 141, 150, 153, 161, 165,
170, 171, 177, 179, 183, 185, 187, 196, 201,
211, 226, 229, 231, 233, 234, 236, 238, 241,
242, 247, 253, 254,255, 256, 259, 262, 264,
265, 269, 272, 277, 283, 287, 289, 290, 293,
296, 299, 308, 309
TRB: 107, 110, 134, 159, 160, 327, 338
TR: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-28,
29-32, 33-36, 37-40, 41-44, 45-48, 49-52, 5356, 57-60, 61-64, 65-68, 69-72, 73-76, 77-80,
81-84, 85-88, 89-92, 93-96, 101-104, 105-108,
109-112, 113-116, 117-120, 121-124, 125-128,
129-132, 133-136
P: 1-4, 13-16, 17-20, 25-28, 33-36, 37-40, 4548, 49-52, 57-60, 61-64, 65-68, 69-72, 73-76,
SE: 26, 43, 56, 59, 77, 86, 89, 119, 123, 132,
139, 141, 143, 144, 149, 155, 167, 174, 205,
239, 260, 261, 262, 265, 266, 268, 269, 271,
277, 278, 279, 284, 285, 288, 289, 294, 295,
296, 297
TWE: 5, 6, 38, 55, 85, 86, 89, 101, 105, 119,
143, 168, 175, 199, 279, 290
TR: Transparencies 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 34
Text of Standard
Primary Citations
Supporting Citations
DVD: Activities 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13
Identify and describe ways in which their
culture is being reflected in current works
of art.
SE: 59, 147, 285
TWE: 54, 64, 77, 90, 139, 144, 147, 180, 212,
219, 226, 244, 268, 309
TRB: 374
P: 33-36, 73-76, 77-80
DVD: Activities 4, 11
SE: 137
TWE: 7, 10, 88, 108, 126, 162, 238
TRB: 232, 375, 377, 379
TR: 45-48
Make Informed Judgments
Develop specific criteria as individuals or
in groups to assess and critique works of
SE: 19, 25, 87, 93, 157, 175, 181, 187, 239,
TWE: 48, 51, 57, 165, 183, 241
TRB: 159, 160, 170, 232, 276, 282
DVD: Activity 10
SE: 43, 67
TWE: 49, 267, 314, 337
TRB: 130, 132, 145, 147, 162, 178, 182, 195,
215, 230, 248, 262, 266, 274, 284, 293, 297,
300, 311, 314, 324, 342, 358, 362, 372, 377
Change, edit, or revise their works of art
after a critique, articulating reasons for
their changes.
SE: 91, 175, 181, 197, 239, 269
TWE: 93, 181
DVD: Activity 11
SE: 157
TWE: 265
TRB: 130, 145, 162, 164, 178, 195, 230, 248,
293, 300, 314, 324, 358, 372
Connecting and Applying What Is Learned in the Visual Arts to Other Art Forms and Subject Areas and to Careers
Students apply what they learned in the visual arts across subject areas. They develop competencies and creative skills in problem solving, communication
and management of time and resources that contribute to lifelong learning and career skills. They also learn about careers in and related to the visual arts.
Connections and Applications
SE: 224-225, 271
SE: 90, 252, 257, 345
Research how art was used in theatrical
productions in the past and in the present. TWE: 12, 28, 92, 134, 152, 274, 183, 225, 170, TWE: 46, 139, 148, 246, 270, 345
252, 271
DVD: Activity 2
Research how traditional characters (such DVD: Activity 3
as the trickster) found in a variety of
cultures past and present are represented
in illustrations.
Create artwork containing visual
metaphors that express the traditions and
SE: 71, 92-93, 104-105, 128-129, 145, 149,
158-159, 182-183, 187
SE: 124, 148, 149
TWE: 148, 149, 179
SE: 204-205
TWE: 71
Text of Standard
myths of selected cultures.
Primary Citations
Supporting Citations
TWE: 119, 167
DVD: Activity 4
Visual Literacy
Describe tactics employed in advertising
to sway the viewer’s thinking and provide
SE: 311
TWE: 90, 219, 289
DVD: Activities 5, 9
SE: 37
TWE: 7, 33
SE: 43, 159, 281, 308, 309
TWE: 125, 234
TRB: 216
DVD: Activity 5
SE: 67
TWE: 43, 255, 281
Careers and Career-Related Skills
Establish criteria to use in selecting works
of art for a specific type of art exhibition.