Introduction to Earth Science Week 2 I. Chapter 2 -- Rocks • Why study rocks? • Economic value of minerals • Understand Earth history (environment of deposition and creation) A. Rock cycle Fig. 2.2 • Relations among rocks -- complex, endless • Whot first proposed cycle? When? • Start @ top (12 o’clock, go clockwise) • Magma - molten rock that crystallizes into • Igneous rocks, either at surface (“extrusive”) or at depth (“intrusive”) that eventually weathers/erodes to • Sediment, which becomes cemented, compacted, lithified to become • Sedimentary rock. Both sedimentary & igneous rock are subjected to heat, pressure to become • Metamorphic rock, which can be partially or totally melted back to • Magma • Note complexities, shortcuts in cycle B. Igneous rocks • “formed by fire” (“ign” like in ignite) • primarily composed of silicate minerals • works toward surface/less dense than surface rocks) -Fig.2.3 if it makes it to surface, is extruded through volcanoes -volcanoes variable explosive due to change in chem., H20 content, so, • Magma cools into either lava (extruded on surface) or plutons (intruded into other rocks) • cooling results in crystallization -sequence: nuclei of crystals begin to form in rapid cooling - bunch of small the “melt” crystals slow cooling - crystals can grow larger and larger as crystal nuclei expand • special case of very rapid cooling-volcanic glass “obsidian” cools so quickly no time for ordered structure to develop • Classification of igneous rocks based on 1. texture 2. mineralogy 1. Texture is size and arrangement of crystals • “fine grained”, crystals v. small, can’t see with eye naked WEEK 2 naked • often see “vesicles” due to trapped gas • “coarse-grained”, crystals large enough to see with eye • “porphyritic” - large crystals in fine-grained groundmass • “glassy” - disordered structure due to most rapid cooling which rock type can actually float? 2. Mineralogy of igneous rock --depends on chemistry of melt, and sequence of crystallization e.g., diff stages of eruption of some volcanoes yield diff chem • Bowen’s reaction series Fig. 2.8 • use this in conjunction with Fig. 1.11 to make sense of the series ...note increasing complexity of crystal structure higher temp temp Left branch: biotite mica, etc. Right branch: Ca • minerals precipitate out of melt, then either maintain their identity or can react with melt to form other minerals • minerals that form in same general temperature regime are found in the same rock • note that chemistry of melt changes as crystals precipitate out -Mg, Fe pulled out of melt, locked into olivine, pyroxene - often, these dense crystals settle to base of magma chamber - remaining melt leads to crystals richer in Ca, Na, Al, K 3. Naming igneous rocks High Mg, Fe Low SiO2 “ultramafic” “mafic” Course Gr. Fine Gr. Peridotite Kematiite Gabro Dionite High K, Al High SiO2 “felsic” Table 2.1 Basalt Granite Andesite Rhyolite • Remember to look and classify first • Interpret second WEEK 2 • Note that the Bowen’s reactions series is a guide for evaluation of weathering; wthrig tend to occur opposite to Bowen’s reaction series. Makes sense in terms of mineral’s stability field. e.g. olivine very unstable in Earth surface envir, quartz most stable P,T Diagram C. Weathering of rocks to form sediment • all things weather --concrete sidewalk example • Why weathering? -”natural response to a changing environment”... -constant drive to equilibrate with new environment -example of igneous rock being exposed to new P, T environment once exposed to surface • 2 main types of weathering: • Mechanical weathering- physical breakup • chemical - chemical alteration to diff substance 1. Mechanical weathering • break into pieces, but chem same as original • but more surf area expose to chem attack –sugar example - rock candy vs granular sugar • 3 important physical processes break up rocks: - frost wedging - expansion due to unloading -biological activity a. frost wedging -H20 expands 9% when it freezes Fig 2.11 - cracked engine block is example of the power of wedging -freeze-thaw cycle is the key progressively more open fractures as water fills, freezes, fills, freezes, etc. b. unloading -sheeting (“exfoliation”) like layers of onion due to release of pressure as overlying rocks removed by erosion - granite produces exfoliation domes c. biological activity -plants, burrowing animals, humans WEEK 2 2. Chemical weathering • alters internal structure by removal/addition of elements • trend toward substances more stable in surface environment • Water very important weathering agent -O2 in water is an oxidizer (iron nail changing to rust example) so Fe-rich minerals show signs of oxidation -CO2 in water can make H2Co3 (carbonic acid - the fizz in sodas) example of effect on granite: -H2CO3 attacks K-feldspar, K atoms displace, breaking up the crystal structure. Result of weathering is more stable “clay minerals” -some SiO2 liberated, carried away in groundwater - quartz component of granite very resistant to chemical weathering so as f-spar weathers to clay, the quartz grains fall out of the granite, transported to other sites (rivers, beaches, oceans) - weathering products are the raw materials for sedimentary rx D. Sedimentary rocks • weathering, transport create and carry sediment to new locations • sediment becomes “lithified” through -compaction (by weight of overlying sediments) - cementation (by water percolating through pore space and precipitating cement. • Latin derivation from “sedimentum” (means “settling” as in settling out a fluid, which is primary mode of deposition of seds) • sed rocks account for only 5% volume of Earth’s outer 10 miles, but they are very abundant at surface - contain fossils, help us understand past life, evolution -very important economically -coal (50% of all electric power from coal) - petroleum (oil/natural gas) - Iron, fertilizer, aluminum • Classification -2 types ° Detrital sedimentary rocks ( from “detritus”, solid particles) ° Chemical sedimentary rocks precipitated from water 1. Detrital Sedimentary Rocks -primary constituents are clay minerals & quartz WEEK 2 classification or rounded) ° quartz is durable ° clay minerals are an end product - particle size very important for Table 2.3 ° very coarse grained are either breccia conglomerate (angular or ° sand-size are sandstone ° silt and clay-size are shale (or mudstone) determining particle from source area -particle shape important for distance -angular--close - rounded -far away -particle size very important for determining environment of deposition ° water and air velocity carry and sort particles by size ° clay-size carried by slightest current or water motion ° sand-size by moderate velocity ° cobbles, boulders only by very high velocity 2. Chemical Sedimentary Rocks -precipitates, usually out of sea water -direct precip - example - halite (salt) precipitates out as H2O evaporates -indirect precipitation, by accumulation of time CaCO3 and SiO2 shells from invertebrate animals “biochemical” sediment example - limestone ° 2 rocks composed of shells 1. Coquina - large shell fragments 2. Chalk - microscopic shell fragments -inorganic CaCO3 is travertine ( found in caverns) - silica precipitates to form ° chert ° flint ° jasper ° agate -evaporties includes halites gypsum ° usually associated with restricted ancient seas ( like Red Sea today) ° Death Valley ° Great Salt Lake -Coal unusual ° sed deposit, but primarily organic matter (leaves bark, wood) ° “fossil fuel” because it is made up of fossil material ° reducing conditions allow preservation, not decay by oxidation WEEK 2 ° Stages of compaction 1. Lignite 2. bituminous 3. anthracite Fig 2.19 • Lithification -compaction ° pore space reduced ( by 40% or more in some cases with clays) ° sands compress less -cementation ° cementing material carried by water through pore space, precipitates, glues particles together ° 2 main cements 1. calcite - CaCO3 2. Silica - SiO2 3. Iron oxide - FeO • Features of sedimentary rocks -main feature - layering, recording diff episodes of deposition - bedding planes, separate strata, usually mark a period of non-deposition -lots of deductions can be made from sedimentary rocks, especially from fossils land or ocean hot or cold shallow or deep clear or murky E. Metamorphic Rocks • means “change form” -size -shape -texture -minerals ° agents of change -pressure -temperature -fluids ° Variable degrees -low grad vs high grade -slight change vs huge change Fig 2.22 WEEK 2 -if T goes too high, melting begins and the igneous environment is entered • Metamorphosis causes rocks to be places in new state to which they try to equilibrate (not unlike the example of weathering). But with metamorphosis, pressure and temperature are usually higher in new environment, opposite that from weathering case • 2 general types 1. regional m-m large scale deformation both important -contact m-m local high T, “bakes” rocks in contact with magma body • mm rocks often assoc with mt. belts (Appalatians, Alps, Rockies) • Look at the 3 agents of change 1. Heat may be most important -energy to drive chem rxns to change mineralogy -different effects depending on material being heated - eg, near-surface clay minerals more affected than ign. rx. - T usually increases with depth 2. Pressure also increases with depth, but can also occur from lateral compression (continents ramming into each other) -rocks can be quite ductile at high T, P, fold dramatically P, T 3. “chemically active fluids” -mostly water -facilitates ion exchange • Textural changes Fig 2.23 -foliation develops with re crystallization -mins grow perpendicular to dected stress quartzites that platy minerals as a shaly rock -non foliated rocks exist as well; some marbles, don’t have as many granite or more -new minerals often introduced through “hydrothermal” (meaning_______?) soln’s WEEK 2 -lots important ore deposits (gold, copper, uranium) occur in hydrothermal veins • classification -whole host of changes happen during metamorphosis ° incr. density ° crystal growth ° foliation ° change in mineralogy ° classify based on texture difference - foliated vs non-foliated 1. Foliated m-m rocks -slate - v. fine grained, parent rock usually shale; usually good cleavage. Slate good for tile, chalk boards, pool tables -schist - more strongly foliated, often shiny due to lots of mica, this case in partic know as “mica schist” -”gneiss (“Nice”) - banded, elongate, but more granular than the platy slates 7 schists gneiss usually composed of quarts, fspar. Gneisses are often m-m granite 2. Non-foliated rocks -marble-coarsely recrystalized limestone ° impurity can cause colors other than white -quartzite - recrystalized, very cemented sandstone around so strong ° diagnostic tool - in a ss, rock breaks grains -in quartzite, rock breaks across grains, cause cement is