The Cell Study guide 2014

Unit 4: The Cell Study guide
Name: _____________________________
Period: _______
Cell Theory
All living things are made up of __________________
Cells are the basic units of ________________ and ______________ of living things
Living cells come only from other ______________________________
Organization of an organism
Use these words:
Organ system
Basic Structures of a cell
All cells share certain structures that make them a cell
All cells must contain at least 3 basic structures to be considered a living cell
- Prokaryotes- _________________ contain a nucleus
- Eukaryotes – Do contain a ___________________
Cell Structures and functions
Humans have ________________________
Cells contain ________________________
These _________________ are like tiny __________________ inside a cell. For
example: A nucleus acts like the brain of the cell.
Match the organelles with functions.
_____ 1. makes proteins
a. lysosome
_____ 2. assembles and passes on cell
products, like an assembly line
_____ 3. converts food into energy for the
cell (cellular respiration)
b. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
c. golgi apparatus
d. mitochondrion
_____ 4. cleans up cell waste and breaks
down materials
e. ribosome
_____ 5. acts as shipping and packaging for
the cell
_____ 6. provides support and protection for
the cell; made of cellulose
f. nucleus
g. centriole
_____ 7. Helps cell perform division by
creating spindles.
_____ 8. controls what enters and leaves the
cell; made of two layers of lipids/ proteins
h. chloroplast
i. cell wall
j. cell membrane
_____ 9. the control center of the cell;
contains DNA
_____ 10. turns solar energy into food for
the cell (photosynthesis)
_____ 11. membrane enclosed structure
inside of a cell that has a specific function.
Name means “little organ”
a. vacuole
b. prokaryote
_____ 12. the jellylike material that fills the
space inside a cell
c. eukaryote
_____ 13. cells that do have a nucleus
d. organelle
_____ 14. cells that do not have a nucleus
e. cytoplasm
_____ 15. Storage area for water, food, etc.
Cellular Movement & Homeostasis
Directions: Fill in the correct letter in the blank that best answers the question. (2 points each)
_________1. The movement of substances from an area of high concentration to low
concentration is called:
a. diffusion
b. endocytosis
c. exocytosis
d. osmosis
________ 2. The movement of water molecules across a membrane is:
a. exocytosis
b. endocytosis
c. osmosis
d. diffusion
________ 3. A substance that moves by passive transport tends to move:
a. away from equilibrium b. away from low concentration c. away from high concentration
________ 4. Cell transport that requires a source of energy is called:
a. active transport
b. energetic transport c. passive transport
d. osmosis
________ 5. The words describing that a membrane can choose what enters or exits a cell:
a. Selectively Flexible
b. Impermeable
c. Selectively Permeable
________6. When cells move material to keep a constant and equal internal environment it is:
a. Homeostasis
b. equilibrium
c. Movement
________7. When cells are in a state where all materials are balanced and equal it is in:
a. Homeostasis
b. equilibrium
c. Movement
________8. Movement without energy is called:
a. Active
Draw a cell that will do diffusion:
b. Stationary
c. Passive
Draw a cell in equilibrium:
Cellular Nutrition & Energy
____1. Organisms that make their own food
A. Chloroplasts
____2. Site of photosynthesis
B. Aneorobic
____3. Process occurs in a mitochondrion
C. Aerobic
____4. C6H12O6
D. Glucose
____5. Process does not require oxygen
E. chlorophyll
____6. Process requires oxygen
F. Fermentation
____7. Energy storing molecule
G. Respiration
____8. The anaerobic process of splitting glucose
and forming lactic acid or alcohol
____ 9. The pigment that traps sunlight
I. Autotrophs
____10. Organisms that eat for food
J. Heterotrophs
Photosynthesis: Process where plants use ________________________ for food
__________ + ___________ + ____________
________ + __________
2 types of Cellular Energy processes - Aerobic & Anaerobic
(1) Aerobic Respiration
Requires ___________________________________
Water and CO2 are _____________________ products
___________ + __________  _________ + _____________ + ___________
(2) Anaerobic Fermentation
Does not require _____________
Yeast cells used to make bread
Creates __________________ (makes bread rise), alcohol and ATP OR
Creates __________________ and ATP in other organisms
Cellular Reproduction & Growth
TWO Types of Reproduction
Mitosis (asexual reproduction)
In order for an organism to ___________, the cells must ______________ and
create more cells to add to the organism
Each new cell is a _____________ of the parent cell.
Meiosis (sexual reproduction)
In order for organisms to reproduce sexually they must make _______ cells
Each new cell is a ____________ then the parent cell with ________ the DNA
Put the following stages of cell division in the correct order by adding a number beneath
for which is 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Also include the name of the stage below. (8 points)
Name: _______________ _______________
1. What are the large X’s in the pictures above called? (2 points)
2. What are the X’s made of? (2 points).
3. List two ways that Mitosis and Meiosis are different (2 points)
Major differences between a PLANT and ANIMAL cells
Plant cells have a _______________________ – animal cells do not.
Plant cells have _________________________ – animal cells do not
Plant cells have a large central ___________________ – animal cells do not