English II Prep - Lesson Plans Contrast) Monday Daily Objective: The student will analyze dramatic poetry works using vocabulary and comprehension skills. - Week of 11/10 – 11/14 (Characterization and Compare and Tuesday Daily Objective: The student will analyze dramatic poetry works using vocabulary, comprehension skills, and analytic skills. Wed/Thur Daily Objective: The student will analyze two characters and compare and contrast them to respond to a SAR question over drama and the characters within the drama. Friday Daily Objective: The student will analyze characters in dramatic poetry How Assessed: Julius How Assessed: Julius How Assessed: Julius How Assessed Julius Caesar test, raft project, and Caesar test, raft project, Caesar test, raft project, Caesar test, raft project, analytical timed writing and analytical timed and analytical timed and analytical timed writing writing writing Materials Needed: Materials Needed: textbooks, comprehension journal, textbooks, question sheet analytic question sheet, and comprehension question sheet Materials Needed: textbooks, SAR questions, character frame, STAAR SAR rubric Daily Activities: 1. Do First –MUGS Monday 2. Read Act 2, Scene 1 (Teacher will read Brutus) 3.Discuss reading 4. Compete comprehension questions Daily Activities: Daily Activities: 1. Do First –Explain the 1. Do First – Revising and character frame Editing worksheets rotations 2. Introduce Julius Caesar 2.Break into groups and raft project complete the 3. Explain the gallery walk characterization frame 4. Complete gallery walk over Caesar and 5. Work on raft project Cassius 3. Groups will rotate to answer a compare and contrast SAR question over both characters. Daily Activities: 1. Do First –Journal Is it sometimes ok to betray your friends? 2. Read Act 2, Scène2,3, 4) 3. Discuss reading comprehension questions 4. Work on analysis questions Materials Needed: Gallery walk worksheets, Julius Caesar notes Homework: None Homework: None Homework: None Homework: Raft project due 11/25