Name _________________________
1. What is population genetics?
The study of _______________
from a __________________
point of view.
2. What is microevolution?
A change in the collective
________________________ of a
population. (Genetic material=
the many ___________ or variations
of the many genes that code
for various ________________.)
3. What is a population?
A population consists of a
____________________________ of
the same _________________ that
routinely ____________________.
4. Why are populations
important to the study of
They are important because a
population is the
______________________ in which
evolution occurs.
5. In populations in nature, what
patterns are seen in certain
quantitative traits?
Quantitative traits,
such as __________ and __________,
tend to follow a __________________
6. What causes variation within
a population?
A. Some variations are
influenced by ____________________
____________, such as the amount of
_______________ or quality of food
available to an organism.
Name _________________________
B. Variations are also
influenced by ___________________.
7. What causes genes to vary?
A. ______________- a random
________________ in genes that is
passed on to offspring.
B. ______________________- the
______________ of genes in a diploid
individual (meiosis; independent
assortment/crossing over).
C. The random _______________ of
gametes during sexual reproduction.
8. What is a gene pool?
The total ______________________ in
a population. (The genes for
the next generation exist in an
imaginary pool.)
9. What forces disrupt genetic
equilibrium or cause change
of the population’s allele
1. ____________________
2. ________________- the movement
of individuals ________ a population.
_______________- the movement
of individuals __________ of a
3. __________________ populations
4. _____________________ mating
5. Natural ___________________
10. What is genetic drift?
Genetic drift is the
phenomenon by which ___________
__________________ in a population
change as a result of random events,
or chance.
e.g. Northern elephant seals have
lost genetic variability because they
have been hunted to near extinction.
With such a small population left and
Name _________________________
_________ gene pool_________
11. What is a genetic bottleneck?
A genetic bottleneck occurs
when environmental _____________
cause populations to become so
____________ that inbreeding occurs
which often leads to decreased
______________ variability. Over
evolutionary time, populations with
low variability are less likely to
______________ to changing
environmental conditions.
e.g. Cheetahs
Black footed ferrets.
12. What is sexual selection?
When one of the genders
(male or female) _____________ a
____________ based on the
__________________or certain traits.
e.g. Female peahens choose
attractive peacocks
13. What is sexual dimorphism?
When the __________________ of the
female is different from the
appearance of the ____________.
e.g. Male lions have a ____________,
female lions don’t.
14. What is speciation?
The process of ____________
formation, which results in closely
_______________ species.
15. What causes speciation?
________________________- the
physical ______________ of
members of a population. Also
called ___________________
e.g. Death Valley pupfish
Grand Canyon squirrels
Name _________________________
________________ Isolation- results
from ______________ to successful
breeding between population groups
in the same area. Also called
__________________ speciation.
e.g. Frogs