Streamlining the Behavior Intervention Process: Simplifying FBA, BIP, and Behavior IEP’s Cory Dunn COSA Special Education Conference June 23, 2006 Streamlining FBA, BIP Behavior IEP Process Under Federal and State legal mandates such as the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) students with behavioral disabilities are protected by measures such as Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plans, and Behavior goals in their Individual Education Plans (IEP). These processes are designed to ensure students access to a free and appropriate public education. In order to maximize the effectiveness of each of these measures it is critical to seek out the most effective and efficient methodology to correlate them and have them build off of each other. The purpose of streamlining these procedures would be to provide for a common goal of serving the students educational needs and reduce the required paper trial. The advantages are the improved consistency, ease in understanding each component, and assisting in communicating with students, parents, and school staff in regard to the purpose and scope of each process. Streamlining the FBA, BIP, and behavior IEP process can be accomplished based on common links in each area of promoting and encouraging student skill acquisition in assuming responsibility for their academic choices, relationships with peers and adults, and school and classroom expectations. By focusing on these three areas each component of the FBA, BIP, behavior IEP, and the behavior intervention process in general can be simplified and made more consistent with each other. In addition these three areas can be easily supported by regular classroom teachers, as these are the areas of concern they likely experience with these students. The components of a proposed process for streamlining are outlined below and illustrated on the following flow chart. Student Goals: The goals for all students in school are to promote and encourage each student to develop the skills necessary for them to learn to assume responsibility for their academics, relationships, and expectations in school. These three areas can be developed thematically in addressing all areas of the learning process and can be woven together in the development of the students FBA, BIP, and behavior IEP goals. Utilizing these three areas as a basic beginning point school staff can assess a students unique educational needs (UEN’s) through the FBA process, develop a BIP, and document their intervention efforts in the student’s behavior IEP goals. 2 Documented History The need to provide students with behavior interventions begins with the their documented history of behavioral issues and school staff’s interventions efforts. When students demonstrate a lack of academic progress in assuming responsibility for the academic choices, their relationships with others, or meeting behavior expectations they may be considered “At Risk” of dropping out of school. Each student will have a history of school experiences that will need to be documented for purposes of understanding their UEN. This documentation will also be necessary in developing individualized interventions to assist them in benefiting from their school experience. When interventions are developed and implemented it will be critical to generate data on the student’s skill levels, efforts to modify their behavior, and progress on the intervention outcomes to address necessary modifications. Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) Depending on the student’s experiences and abilities the student will need behavior interventions that are based on the function of the behavior choices that the student makes that interferes with their ability to assume responsibility for academics, relationships, and expectations. Ideally, the FBA process will assist school staff with determining if they can assist the student by addressing the antecedents and triggers for target behaviors as well as discerning what reinforces the student’s behavioral choices. This information will need to be recorded in a written format and it will be critical to keep in mind the three areas of student skill acquisition in academics, relationships, and expectations. It is recommended that the most simple FBA format be utilized and more complicated formats be utilized only when the need is demonstrated. (See attached FBA Worksheet, pg. 8-9) BIP When the FBA is completed replacement behaviors can be identified, as well as interventions to address the antecedents, triggers, and alternative reinforcement for the student’s behavioral choices. In developing interventions to assist students, school staff will need to teach, support, encourage, and reinforce replacement behaviors. These replacement behaviors will need to be based on the targeted behaviors articulated in the FBA that interfere with the student’s ability to assume responsibility for academics, relationships, and expectations. 3 The purpose of the BIP is to promote student skill acquisition by encouraging behaviors that are positive, constructive, and pro-social. Generally these replacement behaviors will involve: Support Relationship building that is designed to build trust and create safety for the student. The ideal is having a dialog with students that is personal, individualized, based on the child’s experience and ability, supports the student becoming a learner, and develops emotional connections with the student. Containment Developing structure that is provided by the adults to create behavioral limits and safety. This is both physical safety for the student as well as creating the sense for the student of feeling safe Focus Promoting learning interaction leading to involvement in activities other than the student’s internal preoccupation with their locus of control. Ideally the activity would have an emotional connection for the student, the learning process, and with others the students is engaged with. Behavior IEP Goals The purpose of behavior IEP goals is to articulate Long Term Goals (LTG) & Short Term Objectives (STO) based on the BIP for addressing student skill acquisition in assuming responsibility for academics, relationships, and expectations. It is recommended that the Present Level of Performance (PLOP) and the LTG be based on these areas and that the STO articulate the skills the students will be to demonstrate in order to assume responsibility for themselves. (See sample Behavior IEP, pg. 12 -14) In developing behavior IEP goals it is recommended that regular classroom teachers be included when possible and especially if the student is going to be placed in regular education classes in order to generate teacher support of behavior intervention plans. (Se attached Teacher Student Goal Survey, pg. 5). 4 Implementation, Monitoring, & Data Collection Best practice in implementing behavior interventions and legal mandates require that data be collected on the implementation and monitoring of BIP and behavior IEP goals. The goal of the behavior interventions is to Implement the behavioral IEP goals articulated in the LTG & STO for promoting student skill acquisition in assuming responsibility for academics, relationships, and expectations. It is recommended that the intervention data collection process be made as simple as possible and that staff utilize existing data collection whenever feasible. Monitoring student progress through data collection based on information outlined in the PLOP of their IEP and may include, but is not limited to attendance, grades, disciplinary referrals, student and family self-report, staff report, anecdotal information, and student assessment data. A daily communication process between home and school is recommended when practical and possible, and can become a component of the data collection process. (See attached Daily Communication Form, pg. 15) 5 Developing Function Based Behavior Plans & Behavior IEP Goals Documented History FBA Student Goals Academics Relationships Expectations Monitoring & Data BIP IEP Goals Implementation & Data 6 Behavior Intervention Planning TEACHER SURVEY Student:__________________________________________ Date:________________ Staff requesting behavior intervention________________________________________ Behavior Concerns: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ What (if any) goals would you see as important for this student to assume responsibility for their academics, relationships, and school expectations? 1.______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Your Name: ____________________________________________________________ Relationship to student ____________________________________________________ Would you be available and willing to: a. Be on a student support team _____________________________________ b. Be a monitor for this student?_____________________________________ 7 UNDERSTANDING THE FUNCTION OF BEHAVIOR Name: Date: Set Up Options, Set Off Modifications, Target Behavior Interventions, 8 & Potential Support Reinforcers UNDERSTANDING THE FUNCTIONS OF BEHAVIOR Sample Set Up Name: Date: 4/25/05 Set Off Target Behavior Being asked to perform Unresolved trauma Being held accountable (right that minute) Anxiety rises Grief (loss issue) Academic needs Transitions Oppositional and defiant behavior that disrupts the academic process for others Negative Peer interaction Potential Options, Modifications, Interventions, Reinforcers Going home Avoids academics Engages other and negative attention Sense of control Support Keep him in school Social skills for initiating positive peer contact Pre-correction Establishing options Reading assessment and support plan Examine academics schedule Increase consistency Respond early when signs occur that it’s not working. Cooperative and engaged working toward independent academic performance Training classmates to ignore disruptive behavior Home visit Provide hands-on reinforcement Caught being responsible Logical Consequences for Teaching problem solving skill for frustration choices Training in cause & effect and making choices Teaching how to ask for assistance Parent support Pre correction for transitions Plan for Success 9 FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT OPTIONS SETTING EVENTS PREDICTORS, ANTECEDENTS Physical health factors Impulsive Self-stimulation, i.e., rocking, tapping Overly active Gets angry easily Highly distractible Anxious or fearful Lacks sleep frequently Ill often Complains of physical pains frequently Often hungry Academic Whole class work Receiving instruction Preparing for task Independent work Small group work Content too difficult Length of assignment New information Instruction unclear for student Finishes work quickly Emotional factors Frequent conflicts with peers Defiant to adults frequently Lack of friendships Gets angry easily Loner Frequently appears sad Frequently victimized by peers Lacks motivation for school or friendships Authority Males Females Regular teacher Other staff (music, EAs) Substitutes Problems outside of school setting Family conflicts Alcohol/Drug problems in self Alcohol/Drug problems in family Other: _________________________ PROBLEM BEHAVIORS Tunes Out Instruction Doesn’t take instruction Doesn’t start assignment Doesn’t work consistently Doesn’t turn work in Doesn’t ask for help Distracts others by talking to peers Talks out frequently Non-Compliance Simple refusal Direct defiance Escalates into temper outbursts Argues Inappropriate language APPARENT PURPOSE OR NEED BEHAVIOR SERVES TO AVOID OR OBTAIN Attention from adults Attention from peers Get an activity Get an item Avoidance of certain people Avoidance of peer teasing Avoidance of task(s) Avoidance of demands Problems with Peers Bully Victim Intrusive verbally Intrusive physically Peculiar behavior or communications Escalating patterns Takes other’s belongings Peer Problems with most peers Problems with specific peers With increased numbers of peers present During less supervision Resists Changes Agitation Refusal, verbal/physical Appears confused or overwhelmed Withdraws Destroys property Procedure Transitions Start-stop procedures Less structured areas Access to desirable objects, tasks or people i.e., can’t wait Inappropriate Behaviors Communication Student lacks skills to indicate needs or wants clearly Other: _________________________ 10 Other: ___________________________ Avoidance of correction Avoidance of task(s) SETTING EVENTS INTERVENTIONS Involve family to obtain history and home behavior information Reassure safety frequently Modify setting to insure sense of safety Coordinate with community agent i.e., Mental Health Worker Teach social skills for inclusion, asking for assistance Offer small group for academic tasks or social opportunities Peer assistance Cross age tutoring Opportunities to build status with peers Involve student in decision making Task analysis-break down steps to beginning school day and modify as such Increase structure and support with preferred adult or peer Begin day with incentive schedule Picture schedule or organizing activity Daily check in group or with “coach” Identify clear expectations for positive behaviors Cost/benefit program for acceptable and non-acceptable choices PREDICTORS/ANTECEDENTS INTERVENTIONS Academic Pinpoint specific problem Task analysis, break down steps for problem task expectations Modify content, length, time to perform tasks Modify seating Increase or decrease movement options Stimulate interest areas for student Allow peer help Teach organization skills Teach positive self-talk Teach communication skills: How to get help, how to ask for a break, a quieter place To recognize when help is needed Pre-teach academic expectation Authority Increase rapport Set goals for specific expectations Identify positive adults for student and increase access to them Look for ways to reinforce expected behaviors—3:1 positive to negative statements Response Cost Plan Allow limited (2) choices when giving directives Reinforce small steps toward compliance Peer Increase time with positive peers Decrease time with negative peers Cooperative learning options Teach social skills to improve peer interaction Teach verbal skills to meet social needs or wants Teach conflict management skills Communication Teach social skills to verbalize or signal need or want Prepare adults to recognize attempts to communicate Procedure Pre-teach steps to procedure Specify behavioral expectation Prepare for all changes Picture or written schedule of procedures Reassure verbally if fearful of change Over-request tasks with high degree of success prior to difficult procedure Allow peer assistance, e.g., “Hall Buddy” 11 Zachary’s Behavioral IEP Goal’s Present Levels of Performance (PLOP) In three 1hour observations Zach he was off task 70% of the time and sough negative attention from peers and adults 40% of the time. When first presented tasks Zach demonstrate efforts to do them but when he blocked he shouted out and would quickly be distracted, get out of his seat, engage in peer conflict and hit others when frustrated. When Zachary did complete academic tasks he showed them in his desk and did not turn them in. When adults provided directions he ignored them and would yell and run away when frustrated. On the playground Zach demonstrated no positive peer contact. LTG # 1 Zachary will successfully maintain his adult and peer relationships by learning to initiate positive contacts with others and utilizing appropriate problem solving skills 80% of the time based on staff observation and student self report. STO # 1.1 Zachary will learn to demonstrate mutual respect in interactions with others by using the following strategies 50% of the time: Making eye contact; Asking appropriate questions; Utilizing a pleasant voice; Sharing resources; Demonstrating relaxed body language. STO # 1.2 Zachary will learn to initiate positive contact with his peers during unstructured time by utilizing the following practices when engaging others 80% of the time: Approaching others in a relaxed manner; Inquiring about their activities; Asking to join others activities; Meeting classroom and school expectations. STO # 1.3 Zachary will learn to use problem solving skills when frustrated in social situations by utilizing the following situations 75% of the time: Asking questions; Walking away; Asking for help; Expressing his feelings in a responsible manner. 12 LTG # 2 Zachary will learn to assume responsibility for his academic performance by increasing his on task behavior to 75% as measured by observation and by turning in 85% of his assignments on time with an average grade of “C” or better. STO # 2.1 Zachary will improve his ability to tract his assignments by utilizing the following strategies 80% of the time: Paying attention to the instructional process; Listening and responding to adult written and verbal directions; Obtaining detailed information on assignments; Asking questions; Asking for assistance. STO # 2.2 Zachary will learn how to tract and complete his assignments 80% of the time with 70% accuracy by utilizing the following strategies: Keeping an assignment log; Checking for understanding; Asking for assistance; Daily home communication; Having a home study time. STO # 2.3 Zachary will learn to utilize the following problem solving skills 80% of the time when he is stuck, blocked, or frustrated with academic expectations: Relax and calm himself by using a mental time out; Keep trying; Clarifying what he needs; Asking for assistance; Time out from his desk when he thinks it is appropriate; Identify and express his feelings appropriately when frustrated or angry: Take time outs when requested by staff. LTG # 3 Zachary will learn to assume responsibility for academic expectations by meeting classroom and school rules 90% of the time and responding to adult directions appropriately 80% of the time based on staff observation and student self report. 13 STO # 3.1 Zachary will learn to assume responsibility for classroom and school academic expectations by completing a Personal Education Plan (PEP) and being able to relate verbally, at least three specific goals, when requested by an adult. STO # 3.2 Zachary will learn to communicate in a reasonable manner by utilizing the following Strategies 80% of the time: Asking clarifying questions when appropriate; Using responsible language; Talking in a responsible tone of voice. STO # 3.3 Zachary will learn to accept written and verbal directions from adults and respond in a responsible manner in a reasonable period of time 80% of the time. STO # 3.4 Zachary will learn to apply specific problem solving skills when frustrated or angry by utilizing one or more of the following strategies 80% of the time: Identifying his feelings; Taking a mental time out; Calming himself down; Expressing his feelings in an appropriate; Checking for understanding; Taking a time out when he thinks it is appropriate; Responding to adult directions to take a time out. 14 DAILY COMMUNICATION FORM Student Date A M On Task Manage Anger Getting Attention + = Exceeds Expectation = Meets Expectation 0 = Needs Improvement Parent Signature 15 A M P M P M R R L I B R E C