DISCIPLINING STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES -SUSPENSION/EXPULSION ADMINISTRATOR CHECKLIST Determine if the student is a “student with a disability” If the Student will be suspended for 10 days or less Continue with regular disciplinary action procedures Provide access to the curriculum to student to the extent services are provided to nondisabled students (ie. Work packets, etc) Plan to provide make-up special education services as deemed necessary and appropriate Discuss the need to initiate/develop/review FBA/BIP for the student If the Student will be suspended for more than 10 days (consecutive or non-consecutive for separate incidents) Confer with SPED Coordinator or Director Consult with appropriate staff and plan for services to be provided to student in the alternative setting Send the following documents to Parent(s)/or Guardian(s): o Procedural Safeguards o Invitation to Manifestation Meeting o Notice of Alternative Educational Setting o Notice of Suspension Schedule/hold Manifestation meeting within ten school days of the disciplinary action Team Determined Behavior as a Manifestation of the Child’s Disability FBA/BIP developed or current BIP reviewed by IEP team and changed as necessary Child returned to current to previous education placement Actions taken to rectify IEP non-compliance (If determined as reason for manifestation) Team Determined Behavior as NOT a Manifestation of the Child’s Disability Disciplinary Action Continued (Long term suspension/or expulsion/ 45 day alternative placement) Services set up for student to continue to make progress on IEP goals IEP changed to reflect placement change FBA/BIP designed to prevent behavior from recurring Special Circumstances (Weapons/Drug use or Possession) Review guidance for special circumstances