0101_4.7IEP Process_8.25

IEP Process
Teacher or Parent identify a problem
Teacher implements interventions to solve the problem for 4-6 weeks
*collects data
* discusses with parent
Success is seen---Monitor
Problem is unresolved:
 Referral to school RtI Team (Response to Intervention
 Meet with parent to discuss further interventions
 Recommendations implemented and progress is
monitored for 4-6 week
Success-----Monitor and continue interventions
Problem still not resolved:
 Referral for psycho-educational evaluation
 Parent provided with procedural safeguards
 Parents sign informed consent
 Evaluation Completed within 60 days
NO DISABILITY identified---adjust interventions, provide
accommodations, and monitor---Possible 504 Plan
 IEP Team meets (Individual Education Plan) to develop a plan
 Members include: (but not limited to)
Parents (and any person they want present)
General Education Teacher(s)
Special Education Teacher(s)
School Evaluation Specialist (Psychologist)
Speech/Language Therapist
LEA (Local Educational Agency) Representative
 Report is presented and Eligibility is established
 Plan is written for the student- focusing on academic, social
development, independent functioning and communication
areas of concern
 Goals and Objectives are developed to meet the students
needs in each area
 Services and placements are discussed along the continuum of
services from least restrictive to most restrictive educational
 Accommodations and modifications to curriculum is discussed
 Special considerations that might be needed are discussed
 IEP is implemented for 1 calendar year. Team may meet at
anytime to address concerns and modify the Plan as needed.
 All educational professionals working with the child are given a
copy of the plan to implement in the classrooms.