IEP Process Teacher or Parent identify a problem Teacher implements interventions to solve the problem for 4-6 weeks *collects data * discusses with parent Success is seen---Monitor Problem is unresolved: Referral to school RtI Team (Response to Intervention team) Meet with parent to discuss further interventions Recommendations implemented and progress is monitored for 4-6 week Success-----Monitor and continue interventions Problem still not resolved: Referral for psycho-educational evaluation Parent provided with procedural safeguards Parents sign informed consent Evaluation Completed within 60 days NO DISABILITY identified---adjust interventions, provide accommodations, and monitor---Possible 504 Plan DISABILITY IDENTIFIED IEP Team meets (Individual Education Plan) to develop a plan Members include: (but not limited to) Parents (and any person they want present) General Education Teacher(s) Special Education Teacher(s) School Evaluation Specialist (Psychologist) Speech/Language Therapist LEA (Local Educational Agency) Representative Report is presented and Eligibility is established Plan is written for the student- focusing on academic, social development, independent functioning and communication areas of concern Goals and Objectives are developed to meet the students needs in each area Services and placements are discussed along the continuum of services from least restrictive to most restrictive educational environments Accommodations and modifications to curriculum is discussed Special considerations that might be needed are discussed IEP is implemented for 1 calendar year. Team may meet at anytime to address concerns and modify the Plan as needed. All educational professionals working with the child are given a copy of the plan to implement in the classrooms.