CSE Meeting Checklist

Draft IEP completed 2 weeks prior to meeting
District CSE chairperson notified 2 weeks prior to meeting that draft is completed
IEP should include
updated demographic information (depends on district)
correct related services information
updated academic testing
updated MAPS/PLPS section
complete and update testing accommodations and program modifications
input state test results
updated measurable goals and/or objectives
progress reports up to date
students age 14, coordinated set of transition activities must be included (counselor responsible)
students 15 and older, Transition activities and post school outcomes must be included
updated health information
Other Information to have prepared for meeting
current reading level
current math level
attendance information
copy of most current report card
copy of transcript
discipline record
copy of FBA/BIP and data
if testing was updated be prepared to discuss results
Information Sheet
IEP should include
 updated demographic information (depends on district) If not able to type into Cleartrack please
provide district with any new information you may have (i.e phone number)
 correct related services information - check with Speech, OT, PT, APE, counseling, Add’l staffing -include group or individual, frequency and minutes
 updated academic testing - most recent/new triennial information - input test name, date and all scores
 updated MAPS/PLPS section - must be updated (don’t cut & paste) also include areas in need of
 complete and update testing accommodations and program modifications
 input state test results - some of these may already be uploaded if not please find out what scores are
and add to IEP
 updated measurable goals and/or objectives - provide objectives for districts requiring them
 progress reports up to date - this is your way of reporting progress to parents and districts - please
make sure these are kept up to date
 students age 14, coordinated set of transition activities must be included--with student input
 for students 15 and older, Transition activities and post school outcomes must be included-- with
 student input
 updated health information - please provide CSE Chairperson with health record from nurse
Other Information to have prepared for meeting
 current reading level - districts may ask for different indicators - please be prepared to answer
questions and not just guess where student is functioning (i.e. Grade or age equivalent, Rigby level
equated to grade or age)
 current math level - same as reading level
 attendance information
 copy of most current report card
 copy of transcript - particularly important for students who might be graduating
 discipline record - if concerns have discipline information (summarize referrals)
 copy of FBA/BIP and data - 8:1:1 students and any student you may be considering for a more restrictive
setting or who has been exhibiting a pattern of behavior
 if testing was updated be prepared to discuss results