Saint Andrew School Advisory Board Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Saint Andrew School Advisory Board
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Members Present: Paul Bryar, Mary Jo Costello, Mike Frank, Laura Hammans, Jim
Hoffman, Jim Ingraffia, Jill Lewis, Clark McCain, Mike Spingola, Jessica Turner, Liz
Absent: Maureen Miller
Also Present: Fr. Sergio Romo, Al Ackermann
Paul Bryar called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Jessica Turner led the opening
The minutes of the November 11, 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Mary Jo Costello reported that Staff member, and Saint Andrew School parent, Anne
Flynn is interested in starting a sensory support group (SSG) at Saint Andrew
School. Anne will discuss this with Saint Andrew School learning specialist, Amy
Committee Updates:
Catholic Identity:
Clark reported that November's Family Mass went well with many families
attending the after-mass gathering in the social hall for coffee, donuts and fun
faith-oriented projects for the kids. December's Family Mass is planned for 12/21
and there would be no after-mass activity.
He also reported that the first stage of the Parish Transformation process was
coming to completion as 20-25 parishioners have been working over the last 12
weeks to develop plans for the next 2-3 years. Three work groups (Finance,
Education/School, and Mission/Parish) have been developing ideas, many of
which relate to new lay leadership groups and associated programs to help St.
Andrew advance its mission. Plans will be presented to the entire parish, as well
as to Bishop Francis Kane, after the first of the year. Many opportunities to
engage in the effort will be available to all.
Mike discussed prepaid monies that Saint Andrew has collected for the 2014/15
school year to date by using FACTS.
He reviewed the expenditures to upgrade doors for security and other building
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Phase 2 of the Beyond the Walls building project is estimated to cost $160,000
with $36,000 available to start phase 2. Phase 3 roof expenses are estimated to
cost $80,000.
Mike noted that the financial position is right on budget and looking forward,
enrollment of 48 kindergarten students next fall is expected and given the 27
students graduating in the Spring would result in a net 21 student increase
assuming no other changes.
During the January 2015 school board meeting, school tuition for the 2015/16
school year will be discussed.
Jill discussed the December school tour. She noted that 30 families toured Saint
Andrew School, and that parents came to the school tour armed with knowledge
about Saint Andrew School before the tour even started. Parents touring the
school are very concerned about school security (secure doors, cameras, school
entrance procedures, etc).
Jill also discussed community events in which community businesses have
partnered with Saint Andrew to help raise money for the Beyond the Walls
campaign. Most recently, the Frasca event raised $300 for Beyond the Walls and
the Jets Pizza event raised $250. Zia’s Lago Vista & Fat Cat are the next two
community events on the calendar.
Jill is planning on developing a substantial alumni page on our school
website. Jill also said she would be adding a special events section on our
website for parent volunteers to use as a reference as they embark on volunteering
for a Saint Andrew event. This “how to” section of the website will be extremely
Jill also discussed “branding” for Saint Andrew School. Neil Sanders created a
template for teachers & volunteers to use when they make flyers that go home to
families. This template will enable all things pertaining to Saint Andrew School
to come home with the same heading that will promote our branding effort.
Jill recently met with Alderman Ameya Pawar-47th Ward. Alderman Pawar is
the alderman for the school and parish. During Jill’s meeting, she asked what
Alderman Pawar can do for Saint Andrew. He had great ideas and grants to
source. He also pledged to donate $500 to our Beyond the Walls campaign. We
would like to invite him to Saint Andrew events to keep us in his thoughts. We
would also like to invite him to our various meetings to find out what Saint
Andrew would be eligible for regarding grants and monies for which we could
apply. Alderman Pawar discussed with Jill funds that could be used to match our
fundraising dollars. She also reported Alderman Pawar uses social media and
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suggested that people “Like” his posts and Facebook page to get our names on the
forefront of his mind.
Jill also discussed setting up meetings with local businesses in an effort to
develop relationships with Saint Andrew.
Middle School:
Mary Jo noted that a representative from the DePaul Academy admissions office
came to speak to the group at the November Saint Andrew middle school
meeting. Mary Jo would like to schedule another meeting in January/February.
She also reported that DePaul Academy changed their faculty and was regrouping
as to what they want to be which is not just an extension of DePaul University.
They are looking to be the neighborhood Catholic high school and are
encouraging students from all walks to apply. Currently they have 519 students,
of which 89 students make up their 2014/15 freshman class. They aspire to grow
to 800-1000 students.
Special Events/Activities:
Mary Jo discussed the need for Saint Andrew School to identify an “event chair person”
who would work directly with volunteers to plan events for Saint Andrew. She is
currently working on compiling a document for our school web site for volunteers to
reference before they start planning a Saint Andrew event. Mary Jo is currently
inventorying items used for events and will report back to us in January.
Principal’s Update:
Al noted that he will be meeting with Jill Lewis each Monday at 10:30 a.m. The
main purpose of these meetings will be to discuss ways for Saint Andrew School
to develop & maintain strong relationships with alumni. Missi Mannion, Laura
Hammans, and Michelle Frank, who has grant writing experience, will also be
involved in this effort.
He also stated around Valentine’s Day Saint Andrew School will invite alumni
back for a school tour & mass.
Al noted that Catholic Schools Week is January 26-30, kicking off with Super
School Sunday on January 25.
Early admission contract signing will be February 23-26.
Al discussed the success of “Saint Andrew Pray For Us.” Students have been
collecting prayer cards from parishioners and remembering their intentions
daily. The written prayers are surrounding the Advent Wreath on the first floor.
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Saint Andrew alumni were invited back to Saint Andrew School the day after
Thanksgiving for pizza and basketball in our gymnasium. We hosted this social
event in hopes of strengthening future relations with our Saint Andrew alumni.
Al reported that on December 5 there was an intergenerational luncheon in the
social hall. During this luncheon, 20 senior Saint Andrew parishioners joined our
27 8th grade students for food & conversation.
Thursday, Dec. 11 will be the ECE & kindergarten concert and pageant; The
Littlest Star at 6:30 p.m. in the church.
Thursday, Dec. 18 will be the Christmas concert for grades 1-8 at 6:30 p.m. in the
Christmas shopping days will take place Dec. 11-12 in the auditorium. Christmas
shopping days benefits the Teacher Appreciation Fund.
Al reported that Mrs. Michelle Roberts will be coming to speak to the school
board in the near future about advanced education and the topic, “How do we
know we’re a good school.”
Saint Andrew students scored in the 90th percentile in math and raising language
arts which was at the 89th percentile is the new school goal.
Report cards went home before Thanksgiving.
Saint Andrew School offers a fantastic variety of after school activities such as;
drama, dance, chess club, mad science, etc.
For the spring musical performance, alumni members will be invited back to help
our current students with their performances.
Al noted that all maternity leaves are over in middle school and all regular
teachers are back. Al reported that Mrs. Brody, 1st grade teacher is expecting on
or about March 15.
School will resume from Christmas break on Monday, Jan. 5.
Saturday, Jan. 10 will be the Catholic high school placement test for our 8th
Pastor’s Report:
Fr. Sergio reported that the Sunday collection has been dropping every year. He
is looking for the finance council to help with the offertory appeal. Father would
like school families to get more involved in church. Father wants to relay that the
school and parish work together. There is no divide. Fr. Sergio is asking the
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school board to help spread this message. Father stated that there will be
Christmas Eve mass at 3:00, 5:00, and 11 p.m. Christmas Day mass will be at
9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Fr. Sergio will be going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in January, 2015. He
will not be here for Super School Sunday on Jan. 25. Fr. Novak from De La Salle
will be stepping in for Father Romo.
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