Tiffany Mills Company

Summer Workshop June 1-5, 2010
We are pleased to offer our Fifth Annual Summer Workshop in New York City, which provides an
introduction to our movement approach and creative process. Working as a choreographer for the
past fourteen years with a dedicated group of dancers, I am interested in continuing this five-day
intensive as a movement laboratory within the dance community.
Each time the Company and I create a piece, I learn about myself and the people collaborating
with me. I continually try to uncover something about human nature that can resonate with our
audience. As a Company, we would like to explore some of our investigations with dancers
interested in delving into the body and emotions that reside within movement.
I hope you will join us for a week of creative exploration. We will enter the work through our
different vantage points, in hopes of finding a rich language and meaningful journey. In this
intimate setting, workshop participants will have contact with Company members, who will be
teaching classes throughout the week. The culmination will be a showing including Company and
workshop participants. A great way to conclude the week!
Tiffany Mills
Artistic Director
“Studying with Tiffany Mills taught me how to listen to the internal potential for movement already
within my own body, as well as others. Through experience and observation, I became acutely
aware of the infinite possibilities for dance inherent in our anatomy and how to connect the mind
and body by asking: What is my motivation? Why?”
Suzanne Chi
Workshop Dancer 2006
MORNING: Tuesday-Saturday, June 1-5
(Morning class will alternate between Modern and Yoga)
Modern Technique
Taught by Company Members, this class offers an opportunity to work in depth on body
alignment, physical clarity, breath, and movement initiation so the dancer can connect his/her
inner and outer worlds. In the warm-up, students are brought to a calm place, focusing on ease in
the muscles while allowing the skeleton to move freely, yet clearly. From here the dancers are
guided through exercises to mentally and physically awaken and energize. Students will explore
how connection to the floor—through an understanding of weight, and connection to space—
through use of focus, allows for powerful movement. The class culminates with phrases from the
Company’s repertory to challenge the dancer to find strength and momentum within a highly
articulate and intricate vocabulary. Time will be given to taking risks within the phrase material, as
well as manipulating and "owning" the movement.
Yoga Class
This class is taught by Company Member Jeffrey Duval, who teaches Vinyasa yoga. His class
emphasizes skeletal alignment to ensure proper stretching and toning of the muscle/soft tissue.
Postures, or asana, are held and flow into one another with intelligent transitions, which are
supported by breath, or Prana (vital life source). Pending good weather, one of the yoga classes
may be taught outside in the sun!
Summer Workshop Continued
AFTERNOON: Tuesday-Saturday, June 1-5
Partnering and Repertory
Taught by Company Members, this class gives participants an opportunity to step into the
Company’s choreographic process. Students will gain the experience of learning existing
repertory, as well as working with Tiffany Mills and Company to create new material. Because
partnering is an integral element of the Company’s choreography, partnering will be emphasized
in this class. Students will build partnering relationships based on trust, listening, weight, touch
and sight. As the class progresses, exercises build to full weight bearing/sharing and an
exploration of levity and gravity. The dancers will be encouraged to open to spontaneity, risk and
creativity. Participants will experience how building duets and trios through task oriented creative
work can develop into choreography that reveals relationships with emotional resonance.
Special Events
Saturday, June 5th
Late Afternoon/Early Evening Showing – Time TBA
The Company will perform excerpts from repertory in an informal performance, and students will
share material created in class. Following will be a dialogue about the creative process. This
performance, free and open to the public, will be a culmination to the Workshop. Please invite
your friends for a free evening of dance, nibbles, and a glass of wine.
Tiffany Mills is a choreographer, teacher, performer, and artistic director of the NYC-based
Tiffany Mills Company. Her work is grounded in partnering and improvisation, and frequently
shown in NYC and nationally. Mills has taught as a guest at Dance New Amsterdam, Trisha
Brown Studio, ADF/NYC, ACDFA, as well as colleges and universities across the country. The
Company’s work has been performed at: Guggenheim Museum Works & Process, Duke on 42nd
Street, Wexner Center for the Arts, Danspace Project at St. Mark's Church, Joyce SoHo, HERE,
Portland Institute for Contemporary Art's Time Based Arts Festival, Contemporary Dance
Theater, and Dance Place, among others. The Company's latest projects include collaborations
with Japanese composer Ikue Mori, Cuban-born filmmaker Ela Troyano, and England-based
theater director Peter Petralia. Recent residencies for the Company have been provided by
Baryshnikov Arts Center and Dance New Amsterdam, among others.
Company Members
Jeffrey Duval
Luke Gutgsell
Petra van Noort
Whitney Tucker
Location and Directions
White Wave Dance Studio – 25 Jay Street, Suite #100, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Take the F train to the YORK STREET STATION, which is on the corner of York and Jay Street
in DUMBO. Walk along Jay Street downhill towards the waterfront and turn right onto John Street.
The entrance is a short distance down John Street on the right. Look for the black steps.
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 30th
INFORMATION: email, or call Megan at (503) 740-6682.
Summer Workshop Registration Form
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 30th
To register for the Tiffany Mills Company Summer Workshop, please complete the form below
and mail with your tuition to:
Tiffany Mills Company
129 Columbia Heights, #45
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Contact Information
Phone in NYC ____________________________________________________
(if different than above)
Dance Experience
Please attach a brief description of your dance training and experience, or your resume. A photo
is not required.
Tuition and Payment
Summer Workshop Tuition: $250
Payment of full tuition should be mailed with registration form. If you submit your application by
email, your registration will be confirmed when your tuition payment is received. Tuition can be
paid by check or money order. Please make checks payable to Tiffany Mills Company.
Scholarship Audition
Contact with questions regarding the scholarship audition.
A written request to withdraw your registration must be received by May 20, 2009 in order to
receive a full refund. Refunds will not be given after this date. Refunds will not be given for
classes missed.
The Tiffany Mills Company can recommend resources for finding short-term housing in NYC.
Equal Opportunity
The Tiffany Mills Company is committed to equal opportunity and will not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or marital status.
Email, or call Megan at (503) 740-6682