Great Lakes Dance Centre Registration Form ___ / ___ 33435 Harper Avenue, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035, (586) 792-5003 Name of Student ___________________________________ Returning _____ New_____ Address ____________________________________ City___________ Zip____ Phone______________ Age _______ Birthdate______/______/______ Parent’s Name __________________________________ Cell Phone__________________ Lessons Desired__________________________________ Email_____________________ Day and Time ______________________________________ Years at GLDC___________ Tuition Payment Schedule: ($20.00 late fee will be added to all payments received after the 10th of the month. No exceptions.) The dance season consists of 40 class sessions, class tuition fees are based on 10 months, payable in 9 months. Payment Schedule is as follows, ALL PAYMENTS DUE BY THE 1STof the MONTH Sept/June (First & Last Month) February October March November April December (plus $25.00 costume deposit) May January (plus balance of costume) Yearly Registration Fee $20 per family. Registration Fee & Tuition payments are non-refundable A one month notice is required when cancelling classes, or next month payment is your responsibility. Monthly Payment ______________________ Check _______ Cash ________ Please read the following carefully. This must be signed and returned. I understand dance, acrobatics and exercise involve some risk, therefore, I, the undersigned do hereby expressly release and waive any and all claims, demands and actions against Stephen W. Hadala and Kathryn M. Short or Great Lakes Dance Centre, for any and all injury, loss or damage, whatsoever sustained as a result of my or my child’s participation in the dance, acrobatics or exercise classes of Stephen W. Hadala, Kathryn M. Short or teachers associated with or representing them or Great Lakes Dance Centre. I have read and understand the above payment schedule and release. Student______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________ Date ___________________________