5a. Articles in Refereed Journals 1. Noble, L.M., Hand, I.L., Rivera-Todaro, L., Noble, A. (2010). Engaging the community in post-hospitalization inner city breastfeeding support. Breastfeeding Medicine: The Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, 5 (5): 213-214. 2. Halperin, O., Goldblat, H., Noble, A., Liebergall Wischnitzer, M. (2010). "That marks you for the rest of your life": The impact of stressful childbirth situations on midwives – A qualitative analysis. Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, 56: 388-394. doi:10.1111/j.1542-2011.2011.00030.x 3. Noble, A., Rom, M., Wicks, M., Engelhardt, K., Rom, M., Woloski – Wruble, A., (2009). Jewish laws, customs and practice in the perinatal period. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 20: 323-333. 4. .Noble, L., Hand, I., Noble, A.* (2009). Cultural competence of healthcare professionals caring for breastfeeding mothers in urban areas. Breastfeeding Medicine: The Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, 4:221-224. 5. Noble, API., Wicks, M., Engelhardt, K., Woloski – Wruble, A. 2009. Cultural competence and ethnic attitudes of midwives concerning Jewish couples. Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing, 38: 544-555. Letters: 1. Noble, L., Noble, A., Hand, I. (2008). Student body racial and ethnic composition and diversity related outcomes in US medical schools. (Letter to the Editor). Journal of the American Medical Association. 301(6): 596. 2. Noble, L., Hand, I.L., Noble, A. (2007). Breastfeeding, hospitalizations, and the role of ethnicity. (Letter to the Editor). Pediatrics 120:452 Other Publications: 1. Gorman, R.EPI., Noble, API., Andrews, C. (1997). The relationship between shoe size and mode of delivery. Midwifery Today Childbirth Education. Spring (41): 70-71. (Co-first author). 2. Sloman, M., Elliott, D. Noble, A. (2001). Holistic Nursing Health Assessment of the adult client: A Skills Practice Manual. Henrietta Szold/Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing. 3. Noble, A. (2007). Cultural competence in healthcare services. Hed Haulpan Hachadash. Vol. 91. http://cms.education.gov.il/ EducationCMS/Units/ AdultEducation? HanchalatLashon/HedHaulpan/GilyonotHedHaulpan/Giton91.htm Tool Development 1. 2004. Translation into Hebrew of Campinha-Bacote's Inventory for Assessing Cultural Competence of Healthcare Professionals – Revised (IAPCC-R) tool. Reliability assessed. Stage: Accepted as the official Hebrew translation of the IAPCC-R tool. 2. 2004. Adaptation and Hebrew translation of Rooda's Ethnic Attitude Scale for the Israeli Jewish clients. Renamed: Ethnic Attitude Scale-Adapted. Stage: Completed & utilized, reliability assessed. 3. 2007. Development of a self-efficacy tool for healthcare professionals' cultural issues concerning breastfeeding. Utilized in research project: Self-efficacy of healthcare professionals working in New York City with breastfeeding mothers. Stage: Pilot testing completed. 4. 2009. Adaptation and translation into Hebrew for the Israel Heritage Assessment Tool from Spector's Heritage Assessment Tool. Stage: Adaptation complete, Utilized in pilot research project: The Influence and Efficacy of the Use of Female Physicians to Conduct Clinical Breast Exams on Modest Populations. Beit Natan. Stage: Pilot testing completed. 5. 2011. Official Translator of Dennis' Breast Self-Efficacy Scale – Short Form into Hebrew. Stage: Hebrew translation complete. Backward/forward translation completed. Invited Lectures/ Workshop 1989 Pascack Valley Hospital Policy and Procedure Committee Need for a change in hospital visiting policies 1992 American College of Nurse Midwives, Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona Care of the Orthodox Jewish Client 1998 Women's Health Seminar – Henrietta Szold/Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing Female Genital Mutilation. 2000 Hadassah Medical Center – Mt. Scopus, Obstetrical Nursing Department In- Service. Dietary Counseling for Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women. 2007 Ichilov Medical Center – Unit Project Workshop Promoting Cultural Competence into the Workplace 2007 Hadassah Medical Center Series on Women Cultural Competence of Women 2007 Bikur Cholim Hospital – Shalem College – Doula Certification Course What does cultural competence have to do with labor? 2007 Henrietta Szold/Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing Center for Nursing Research Cultural Competence of Healthcare Professionals Caring for Breastfeeding Mothers in Urban Areas 2007 New York/Jerusalem Dialogue Project Experts Exchange, Webinar Series: Cultural Competency: Healthcare Meeting the Challenges of Diverse Societies Cultural Competence in Israel 2008 Hebrew University School of Medicine – Facilitators Program for the Medical Humanities Course What is Cultural Competence? Incorporation of cultural competence into the School Curriculum 2008 Hebrew University School of Medicine – Medical Humanities Course What is Cultural Competence? 2008 Center for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & the Golda Meir Mount Carmel International Training Center, Workshop Cultural Competence of Migrant Women 2009 Hebrew University School of Medicine – Facilitators Program for the Medical Humanities Course Teaching cultural competence to medical students: What is there to know? 2009 Hebrew University School of Medicine – Medical Humanities Course Cultural competence: what do you need to know? 2010 Hebrew University School of Medicine – Medical Humanities Course How to incorporate cultural competence into our practice 2011 Hebrew University – School of Nursing – Post-Graduate Lactation Consultant Course Certification Course, Cultural competence & Lactation Consulting in Israel Medical Kaplan School of Nursing – Geriatric Post-Graduate Certification Course 2011 Cultural competence & Geriatrics Hebrew University – School of Nursing – Post-Graduate Lactation 2011 Consultant Course Lactation consulting: History-taking, interviewing, & physical examination of the mother & baby Hebrew University – School of Nursing – Post-Graduate Lactation 2011 Consultant Course Putting it altogether: Assessment, Planning and Evaluation Hebrew University – School of Nursing – Post-Graduate Lactation 2011 Consultant Course Research Methods: What does a lactation consultant have to know? Clalit Health Fund – Breastfeeding Conference 2011 Cultural Competence and Nursing – What do you need to know? 2012 Jerusalem College of Technology, Machon Tal School of Nursing Sexually Transmitted Infection & Fertility and Health Promotion 2012 Rambam Hospital, Center for Advancement, Certified Lactation Consultant Course 1. Cultural Competence and Lactation Consulting 2. Research & Lactation 3. Lactation & Performing a history and physical 2012 Clalit Health Fund, Lactation Support Course 1. Cultural Competence and Lactation Consulting 2. Working with Interpreters workshop 2012 Gan Shikumi Early Intervention Center, Multi-disciplinary In-service Cultural competence & Care of Children with Special Needs 2012 Israel Ministry of Health - Cultural Competence Course for Hospital Representatives Cultural competence in the Hospital Setting 6b. Conference Presentations 2005 Israel Israel Association for Nursing Research – Annual Seminar, Beer Sheva, Transcultural Nursing Panel – Cultural Competence Issues . 2005 Cultural Competence Workshop for Israeli Nursing School Faculty, Jerusalem, Israel Workshop Organizer & Lecturer. 2006 Bar-Ilan University: Access to health care for language minorities. Tel Aviv, Israel Cultural competence from theory to practice 2006 32nd Annual International Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society, Annapolis, Maryland Cultural competence of healthcare professionals caring for breastfeeding mothers in urban areas. . 2006 32nd Annual International Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society, Annapolis, Maryland Effect of an cultural competence educational intervention on Israeli nursing students. . 2006 The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine 11th Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls, NY Cultural competence of healthcare professionals caring for breastfeeding mothers in urban areas. (Honorable Mention, Best Platform Presentation) 2006 Israel Association of Nursing Research Annual Seminar, Haifa, Israel Effect of a cultural competence educational intervention on Israeli Nursing Students (poster presentation) . 2007 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada 1. How much do Pediatric Residents know about cultural competence? (poster symposium) 2. Pediatricians lack confidence in breastfeeding skills. (poster) 2007 New York City Breastfeeding Promotion Leadership Committee Annual Workshop for Healthcare Professionals: Promoting Cultural Diversity and Addressing Disparities in Breastfeeding Nursing the nursing mother: Incorporating cultural competence into clinical practice 2008 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii Effect of a cultural competence educational intervention on Pediatric Residents (poster) 2008 International Nursing Research. "Facing the Challenge of Health Care Systems in Transition". Jerusalem, Israel. 1. Traditional customs used by Jewish women to facilitate the childbirth continuum 2. Session moderator: Cultural Diversity and Multicultural Nursing. . 2008 2009 The Gerry Schwartz and Heather Reisman 2nd International Congress on Chronic Disorders & Disabilities in Children, sponsored by Hadassah Medical Center, Shalva, the Israeli Pediatric Association and Israeli Medical Association, December 3-4, 2008, Jerusalem, Israel Cultural competence and care of the chronically ill child Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland "Breastfeeding Interventions that Succeed with Increasing Rates at Birth and at One Month" (poster presentation). 2009 Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, Annual International Meeting, Williamsburg, Va., November 6-8, 2009. (Platform abstract presentation) 1. Breastfeeding interventions that succeed in increasing rates at three months. 2. Predictors of early complementary feeds in a diverse Latina community with traditionally high breastfeeding rates. 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada (poster presentations) 1. Hospital Breastfeeding Interventions And 1 Year Breastfeeding Rates. 2. Predictors of Early Complementary Feeds In A Diverse Latina Community With Traditionally High Breastfeeding Rates 3. Cultural Impact of Maternal Obesity On Breastfeeding. 4. The Impact of Culture and Maternal Obesity on Infant Feeding Practices And Childhood Obesity. 2010 Hadassah Nurses Council, Jerusalem, Israel. "Traditional customs used by Jewish women to facilitate the childbirth continuum" 2010 The First Global Conference of the Doctoral Midwifery Research Society, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, September 1-3, 2010 (Presentation session) "Traditional customs used by Jewish women to facilitate the childbirth continuum" 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado (poster presentation) "The Impact of Breastfeeding, Parental Attitude and Parenteral Practices on 2nd Year Weight" 2011 Hadassah Nurses Council, Hadassah National Office. New York, New York. June 15, 2011. (Invited lecturer). "Jewish customs to promote the childbirth continuum: What do we need to know?" 2011 2nd European Transcultural Nursing Association Conference, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, June 31st- July 2, 2011 (Oral Presentations) 1. Effect of a cultural competence intervention on first year nursing students 2. Traditional customs used by Jewish women to facilitate the childbirth continuum 3. The impact of culture, breastfeeding, parental attitude and parental practices on two year weight. 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Conference, Boston Massachusetts. (poster presentations) 1. Breastfeeding Support: It Takes a Village to Breastfeed a Child 2. Why Do Mothers Stop Breastfeeding in the US?