PROGRAMME AIMED AT TECHNOLOGICAL SELE RELIANCE (PATSER) GUIDE LINES FOR PROJECT SUPPORT DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH MINISTRY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NEW DELHI CONTENTS SI. No. Subject 1. Introduction 1 2. DSIR’s Support to RDDE Projects 2 2.1 Development and Demonstration of Technology 2 2.2 Promotion and Support to Indigenous Development of Capital goods 3 Technology Absorption and Upgradation 3 2.3 Page No. 3. Who can make a proposal 4 4. Whom to contact 4 ANNEXURES I GUIDING FORMAT FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL SEEKING PARTIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION UNDER PATSER II GUIDING FORMAT FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL SEEKING PARTIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR INDIGENOUS DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL GOODS UNDER PATSER III GUIDING FORMAT FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL SEEKING PARTIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION UNDER PATSER PROGRAMME AIMED AT TECHNOLOGICAL SELF RELIANCE (PATSER) 1. INTRODUCTION The Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) under its Plan Scheme ‘Programme Aimed at Technological Self Reliance’ [PATSER] is promoting Industry’s efforts in development and demonstration of indigenous technologies, development of capital goods and absorption of imported technologies. The PATSER Scheme has the following objectives. i) Supporting industry for technology absorption, development and demonstration. ii) Building indigenous capabilities for development and commercialization of contemporary products and processes of high impact. iii) Involvement of national research organisations in joint projects with industry. Towards achieving the above objectives, the Department provides, on a selective basis, partial financial support to research, development, design, engineering (RDDE) projects to be proposed by Industry, in the following area: a) Development and demonstration of new or improved product and process technologies including those for specialised capital goods, for both domestic and export markets. b) Absorption and Upgradation of imported technology. The partial financial support by DSIR in the above areas primarily covers prototype development and pilot plant work, test and evaluation of products flowing from such R&D, user trials etc. Bulk of the financial support to the projects is to be from Industry’s resources. The financial support from DSIR is mainly to meet part of the development expenditures for: - Raw materials, components and other development expenditures for making prototypes or building up of pilot plant and experimentation thereon, for upscaling or optimization of processes. - Product/process simulation/know-why studies - Consumables and other operational costs involved in experimental work - Testing and evaluation, field trials/users trials - Constancy/technical assistance from National R&D Organisations and Institutions. These RDDE projects should be aimed at improvement or complete development of a product or a process and development of capital goods, having good demands. The projects should results in significant benefits in terms of raising the technological level of the industry concerned, high turnover, energy and material savings/recovery and foreign exchange savings or earnings etc. Proposals for RDDE projects such as the following are considered for partial financial support :- Projects undertaken solely by in-house R&D Units of industrial firms. - Projects undertaken jointly by Industry and National R&D Organisations and Institutions. - Collaborative projects of common interest to the concerned sector/area, proposed by a group of industries/users, National Research Organisations etc. So far, over 110 projects of Industrial units, both in public and private sector, have been supported by the Department involving DSIR’s share of about Rs. 45 crores in the total project costs of around Rs.150 crores. These projects cover products and processes in various important industries such as metallurgy, electricals, electronics, instrumentation, mechanical engineering, earth moving and industrial machinery, chemicals and explosives. 2. DSIR’S SUPPORT TO RDDE PROJECTS The details of the activities and other aspects of PATSER are as follows: 2.1 DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION OF TECHNOLOGY The aim of its activity is to provide support for development and demonstration of new or improved technologies in various sectors. Proposals from industry to take up projects for partial support could be considered for demonstration of new technologies or improvement in existing technologies in important sectors/areas. The projects should result in substantial techno-economic benefits and should lead to high turnovers or large savings in materials/energy, wide spread consumption of the product demonstrated, or large scale diffusion and utilisation of demonstrated technologies. Development of technology at an appropriate level before demonstration, wherever needed as a part of the above proposals, will also be considered. Proposals could relate to: - Development and demonstration of new and improved technologies particularly those at prototype / pilot plant level. - Development and demonstration of technological improvements on existing products and processes. 2.2 PROMOTION & SUPPORT TO INDIGENOUS DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL GOODS Partial financial support towards promoting indigenous development and upgradation of capital goods both for indigenous use and exports, can be considered. Partial financial support is provided to R&D projects for capital goods manufacturing and user industries such as, for development of tailor made equipments or capital goods resulting in import substitution/exports and having a good demand. Support can also be considered to R&D and academic institutions, in providing R&D, design engineering and testing support for development of capital goods. 2.3 TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION & UPGRADATION Towards catalysing and accelerating industry’s efforts in absorption and upgradation of imported technology, partial financial support is provided to industry for undertaking research, development, design and engineering (RDDE) projects for absorption and upgradation of imported technology. These proposals could be made by industrial units after or concurrently with implementation and commercialisation of their foreign collaboration concerned with the proposed project. The RDDE activities in the projects for technology absorption and upgradation, inter-alia, may include know-why/computer simulation and mathematical modeling studies, product or process optimization and improvement, energy saving, productivity and yield improvement etc. 3. WHO CAN MAKE A PROPOSAL The proposal in the areas of Technology development and demonstration, Indigenous development of Capital Goods and Technology absorption, projects can be made by industrial units or jointly with national research organisations. If the projects involve collaboration with assistance from national research organisations, the proposals should be made after consulation with identified research laboratories and should highlight the scope of work and responsibilities of each establishment participating in the project. The guiding format for making the project proposals for ‘Technology Development and Demonstration’, Development of Capital Goods’ and Technology Absorption & Upgradation’ are given at Annexure I, Annexure II & Annexure III respectively. Proposals in the above area are invited from industrial firms having well established Inhouse R&D units with a good track records of R&D achievements, for seeking financial support to undertake RDDE Projects. Preference will be given to proposals from In-house R&D units of industry recognised by DSIR. Specified goods imported for use in R&D projects supported under PATSER and undertaken by In-house R&D units of Industry recognised by DSIR, will be exempted from customs duty based on certification by DSIR as per Notification No. 50/96 Customs dated 23 July, 1996. These proposals should be forwarded by the Chief Executive/Director (Technical)/Director (R&D) of the industrial units/collaborating agencies. 4. WHOM TO CONTACT The following may be contacted for any clarifications/further information and for submission of proposals for RDDE projects in technology development and demonstration, capital goods development and technology absorption and upgradation. Shri K.V. Srinivasan, Adviser (PATSER), Department of Scientific & Industrial Research Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016 Tel. : 6518103, 6863805, 6567373/ Ext. 404; Fax : 011-696 0629, 6868607 E-mail:; Internet E-mail: dsir@giasd101. ANNEXURE-I GUIDING FORMAT FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL SEEKING PARTIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT & DEMONSTRATION UNDER PATSER A. General: 1. (a) Name and address of the industrial firm including telephone, telex, fax Nos. (Give address of the registered office, head office and local office in Delhi, if any) (b) Name and address of the collaborating agencies, if any (including Telephone, E-mail, Fax Nos.) (c) Brief history of the industrial firm including products being made, capacities, related collaborations, achievement, capabilities, etc. (Latest annual report and company brochure may be given.) 2. (a) Whether In-house R&D unit of the firm is recognised by DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology. (b) Please indicate recent major achievements of In-house R&D units of the industrial firm in development of new products/processes, indigenous development of capital goods, absorption, adaptation and upgradation of the imported technology, if any. 3. Details of the manpower available (Give separate details for Executive and Collaborating Agencies) (a) Ph. D‘s Engineers Scientists Post-graduates Graduates - Total S&T manpower in the R&D unit No. (b) Number of the other staff in R&D unit 4. Financial capabilities of the Executing Agency: Please provide Memorandum & Articles of Association of the company, Annual Reports for the last 3 years, source of financing the proposed project, Board Resolution indicating the support of management for undertaking the proposed project. 5. Details of submission of the proposed project to other agencies, if any: Please provided details of the application for financial support submitted to any Govt./Financial Institutions. B. Project Proposal Details : (Details specific to the project proposal may be furnished) 1. Name of the Project proposal : (A brief description may be given) 2. Details of the Project: (a) The details should include the following: - Objectives of the project - Salient features of existing technology/manufacturing problems and technological gaps - Details of new or improved technology to be Developed - Application areas - Demand assessment for both domestic and export markets. - Action plan for implementation of the proposed project including literature survery, patent search, lab-work, pilot plant/prototype development, design and engineering, field trials and pre-production activities, etc. - Times schedule for the above activities - Consultancy arrangement etc., if any, with other consulting engineering organisations/national labs and institutions and assistance from research labs/institutions etc. - Status of research/development by the firm or at the collaborating research, if any, their scope of work and role in the presant project. (b) Expected Output: This may include broad details of relevant aspects such as : - Expected number of prototypes/pilot plant. - Expected optimization/improvements in products/process design/performances, etc. - Expected turnovers of the resultant product/process per annum for five years after start of commercial production. (c) Expected quantified benefits: This may include aspects such as: - Improvements in productivity, yields, efficiencies/quality, value added etc. (to be quantified) - Annual foreign exchange saving/earnings due to import substitution/export earning (to be quantified) giving quantities and values per annum including details of current annual imports and requirements abroad. - Any other benefits (d) Potential customer: (e) Expected capabilities and linkages - S&T Expertise (discipline wise) - R&D Facilities - Links with National Labs/Research Organisation (if any and areas of expertise) (f) Techno-economic Assessment: (i) Please give a comparison of technical parameters and details of the technology (both in product/process) which is proposed to by implemented as a result of the project, vis-àvis the international technological trends, in this area. (ii) Please indicate if a market survey has been undertaken covering demand profile over next 5 years, likely markets/applications domestically and abroad, competing products, realisable prices, etc. If so please give highlights of the survey or enclose a copy of the same. If no such survey has been undertaken, please indicate the above details quoting sources. 3. Financial outlay and time schedule: 31. Financial Outlay: Share in total cost of the Project Heads Total Cost of the Project Industry (1) a) Capital Equipment i) For infrastructural facilities ii) Testing equipment b) Pilot Plant/Prototypes i) Pilot plant Equipment (in process industries) or components and subassemblies for building prototypes (in Engineering Industries) - Indigenous Imported Collaborating Agency Any other Assistance (3) (4) DSIR’s Assistance required (5) ii) Tools, Jigs, Fixtures, Dies required for prototypes/pilot plant. iii) Consumables used for prototype or pilot plant - indigenous Imported iv) Work subcontracted outside v) Manpower 1. Literature Surveys and lab works, design and engineering/software 2. Fabrication of prototypes/ pilot plant c) Cost of testing and trials of prototype or pilot plant (i) Materials (ii) Consumables (iii) Manpower Total d) R&D/Engineering Consultancy for prototype/pilot plant/trials and testing, if any - Indian - Foreign e) Travel Cost i) Own manpower ii) Outside experts f) Overhead Expenses g) Any other costs. Total Note: i) Detailed break-up and ‘Justifications for all the above should be given in annexures. ii) In case collaborating agency (ies) is/are involved, the resource allocation against each of above items should show a break-up of outlay at both executing agency and collaborating agency and collaborating agency (ies), as well as respective totals. 3.2 Time Schedule (i) Activity sequence and time schedule for each activity (bar chart) (ii) Phasing of expenditure on a three monthly basis (iii) Stages of activities in the project Activity Time in months from commencement of project Start Agency Finish a. Literature Survey & Patent search b. Design and Engineering c. Procurement and installation of pilot plant/test equipment etc. d. Prototype development/pilot plant activities e. Testing, performance/field trials f. Modifications and scaling up, if required g. Final report 4. Bio data of the Project Coordinators and other personnel/experts : Give annexure 5. Please indicate steps proposed : (a) to ensure timely completion of the project such as setting up of a project execution group, internal monitoring group etc. (b) for technology demonstration and commercialization of the project Signature of Chief Executive/Director (Technical)/Director (R&D) NOTE: (a) The above format is only for guidance and individual project proposals may be prepared flexibly taking the above points into accounts. (b) The project proposal should be submitted in 5 copies (c) Annual Report/Balance Sheet of the company for the last 3 years along with a copy of Memorandum & Articles of Associations of the Company may be enclosed. (d) In case of joint proposals with other agencies, the proposals should be jointly forwarded by executing agencies and collaborating agencies duly signed by Chief Executives/Directors of the respective organisations. in ANNEXURE-II GUIDING FORMAT FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL SEEKING PARTIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR INDIGENOUS DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL GOODS UNDER PATSER A. General: 1. (a) Name and address of the industrial firm including Telephone, E-mail, Fax Nos. (Give address of the registered office, head office and local office in Delhi, if any) (b) Name and address of the collaborating agencies, if any (including Telephone, E-mail, Fax Nos.) (c) Brief history of the industrial firm including products being made, capacities, related collaborations, achievement, capabilities, etc. (Latest annual report and company brochure may be given. 2. (a) Whether In-house R&D unit of the firm is recognised by DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology. (b) Please indicate recent major achievements of In-house R&D unit of the industrial firm in development of new products/processes, indigenous development of capital goods, absorption, adaptation and upgradation of the imported technology, if any. 3. Details of the manpower available (Give separate details for Executing and Collaborating Agencies) (a) Ph.D ‘s Engineers Scientists Post-graduates Graduates - No. Total S&T manpower in the R&D unit (b) Number of the other staff in R&D unit 4. Please give a write-up on the project proposed to be undertaken with DSIR support giving the name of the product or process proposed to be developed or upgraded its use, the name of user, details of work to be undertaken under the project, share of work of executing and collaborating agencies, the overall cost of the project, the financial arrangement for meeting the cost of the project, time frame for project implementation, etc. 5. Detailed specifications including parameters of the Capital Goods to be developed. Use separate sheets for each Capital Goods proposed to be developed, which can be placed as the Annexures to the project proposal. 6. Name and Country and a brief background of the Foreign Collaborator(s) for the products/processes concerned with the project. 7. Major Applications and Users. B. Project Details: 1. Project Title 2. Machinery to be developed 3. Cost of imported machinery of similar nature 4. Likely cost of machine when commercialized. 5. No. of Prototypes required to be built. 6. Give details of the trials and testing required to be done on prototypes. Also please indicate the use of these prototypes after the completion of the Project. 7. In case the capital equipment proposed to be developed is of special purpose type, give an estimate of the annual quantity and the value of the products made by using the capital goods proposed to be developed. 8. Imports data and estimated market requirement of proposed machine in India after commercialization of the prototype. (Give detailed working of the demand estimates in a separate sheet. Enclose a copy of market survey report if available). 9. Specify the export demand and export price realisation of the machine 10. a) Names of major Indian and major international manufacturers of the machine to be developed (enclose catalogues of international manufacturers) b) A comparative table of specification, features, year of introduction etc. of these international makes in comparison with the proposed capital equipment may be given. 11. Financial outlay and time schedule: 11.1 Financial outlay: Share in total cost of the Project Heads Total Cost of the Project Industry (1) a) Capital Equipment i) For infrastructural facilities ii) Testing equipment b) Pilot Plant/Prototypes i) Pilot plant equipment (in process industries) or components and subassemblies for building prototypes (in Engineering Industries) - Indigenous Imported ii) Tools, Jigs, Fixtures, Dies required for prototypes/pilot plant. iii) Consumables used for prototype or pilot plant - Indigenous Imported iv) Work subcontracted outside v) Manpower 1 Literature Surveys and lab works, design and engineering/software 2. Fabrication of prototypes/ pilot plant c) Cost of testing and trials of prototype or pilot plant (i) Materials (ii) Consumables (iii) Manpower d) R&D/Engineering Consultancy for prototype/pilot plant/trials and testing, if any - Indian - Foreign e) Travel Cost i) Own manpower ii) Outside experts f) Overhead Expenses g) Any other costs. Collaborating Agency Any other Assistance (3) (4) DSIR’s Assistance required (5) Total Note: i) Detailed break-up and ‘Justifications for all the above should be given in annexures. ii) In case collaborating agency (ies) is/are involved, the resource allocation against each of above items should show a break-up of outlay at both executing agency and collaborating agency and collaborating agency (ies), as well as respective totals. 11.2 Time Schedule (i) Activity sequence and time schedule for each activity (bar chart) (ii) Phasing of expenditure on a three monthly basis (iii) Stages of activities in the project Activity Time in months from commencement of project Start Agency Finish a. Literature Survey & Patent search b. Design and Engineering c. Procurement and installation of pilot plant/testing etc. d. Prototype development/pilot plant activities e. Testing, performance/field trials f. Modifications and scaling up, if required g. Final report 12. Bio data of Project Coordinators and other personnel/experts 13. Estimated Turnover for five years after commercialisation 14. Expected Quantified Benefits 15. Please indicate steps proposed: (a) to ensure timely completion of the project such as setting up of a project execution group, internal monitoring group etc. (b) for technology demonstration and commercialization of the project Signature of Chief Executive/Director (Technical)/Director (R&D) : Give annexures in NOTE: (a) The above format is only for guidance and individual project proposals may be prepared flexibly taking the above points into accounts. (b) The project proposal should be submitted in 5 copies (c) Latest Annual Report/Balance Sheet of the company may be enclosed. (d) In case of joint proposals with other agencies, the proposals should be jointly forwarded by executing agencies and collaborating agencies duly signed by Chief Executives/Directors of the respective organisations. ANNEXURE-III GUIDING FORMAT FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL SEEKING PARTIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR INDIGENOUS DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL GOODS UNDER PATSER A. General: 1. (a) Name and address of the industrial firm including Telephone, E-mail, Fax Nos. (Give address of the registered office, head office and local office in Delhi, if any) (b) Name and address of the collaborating agencies, if any (including Telephone, E-mail, Fax Nos.) (c) Brief history of the industrial firm including products being made, capacities, related collaborations, achievement, capabilities, etc. (Latest annual report and company brochure may be given). 2. (a) Whether In-house R&D unit of the firm is recognised by DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology. (b) Please indicate recent major achievements of In-house R&D unit of the industrial firm in development of new products/processes, indigenous development of capital goods, absorption, adaptation and upgradation of the imported technology, if any. 3. Details of the manpower available (Give separate details for Executing and Collaborating Agencies) (a) Ph.D ‘s Engineers Scientists Post-graduates Graduates - Total S&T manpower in the R&D unit No. (b) Number of the other staff in R&D unit (a) Name and Country and a brief background of the Collaborator(s) for the products/process concerned with the project; along with status of implementation of collaboration. (b) Please give a write-up on the project proposed to be undertaken with DSIR support giving the name of the product or process proposed to be developed or upgraded its use, the name of user, details of work to be undertaken under the project, share of work of executing and collaborating agencies, the overall cost of the project, the financial arrangement for meeting the cost of the project, time frame for project implementation, etc. 5. Detailed technical specifications including performance parameters of the products and processes to be developed. 6. Name and Country and a brief background of the Foreign Collaborator(s) for the products/processes concerned with the project. 7. Major Applications and Users. B. Project Proposal Details: (Details specific to the project proposal may be furnished) 1. Name of the Project proposal: (A brief description may be given) 2. Details of the Project: (a) Broad details of the existing technology - Salient features - Technical problems and constraints in absorption and upgradation/development - Major technological gaps which are being targeted to be bridged - Any other aspects (b) Objectives of the project (c) Background of research work done so far by the firm/other labs. (d) Scope of proposed work and brief technical description of research, design and engineering activity to be undertaken by the: - In-house R&D Unit - National Laboratories/Institutions - Other Consulting Organisations - Commercial Plant Investigations, if any. (Please also indicate if the proposed project is to be a part of any other large project work proposed at the firm and if so give details). (e) Action plan for executing the Project. This may include description and time schedules of proposed RDDE activities at various stages such as: - Literature survey and patent search - Background and other details of the project coordinator from the In-house R&D unit and/or the collaborating research institutions and/or other experts to be associated with the project. - Details of the project group such as names of key S&T persons associated full time/part time to the project, their background and qualifications, etc. - Details of internal high level monitoring group - Details of proposed research work in the Inhouse R&D Lab/the collaborating research and consultancy agency giving names and proposed tasks of national labs/institutions/consultants. - Pilot plant/prototype development (both Inhouse and in other research organisations) - Design/Engineering (In-house and by other agencies). - Field/User trials. - Any other pre-production activities. - Completion Reports. 3. Outputs, Assessment Benefits and Techno-economic (a) Expected Output: This may include broad details of relevant aspects such as: - Findings from the understanding of know why aspects of imported technology. - Expected optimization/improvements product/process design/performances, etc. - Demands and turnovers of the resultant product/process per annum for five years after successful completion of the project. - Any other output (both quantitative and qualitative) in (b) Potential customers: (c) Expected capabilities and linkages (With brief description) in the following: - S&T Expertise (discipline wise) - R&D Facilities - Links with National Labs/Research Organisations (if any and areas of expertise) - Any other aspects. (d) Techno-economic Assessment: (i) Please give a comparison of technical parameters and details of the technology (both in product/process) which is proposed to be implemented as a result of the project, vis-à-vis the international technological trends, in this area. (ii) Please indicate if a market survey has been undertaken covering likely markets/applications domestically and abroad, composite products, realisable prices, etc. If so please give highlights of the survey or enclose a copy of the same. If no such survey has been undertaken, please indicate the above details quoting sources. 4. Financial Outlay and time Schedule 4.1 Financial Outlay: Share in total cost of the Project Heads Total Cost of the Project Industry (1) a) Capital Equipment i) For infrastructural facilities ii) Testing equipment b) Pilot Plant/Prototypes i) Pilot plant Equipment (in process industries) or components and subassemblies for building prototypes (in Engineering Collaborating Agency Any other Assistance (3) (4) DSIR’s Assistance required (5) Industries) - Indigenous Imported ii) Tools, Jigs, Fixtures, Dies required for prototypes/pilot plant. iii) Consumables used for prototype or pilot plant - Indigenous Imported iv) Work subcontracted outside v) Manpower 1. Literature Surveys and lab works, design and engineering/software 2. Fabrication of prototypes/ pilot plant c) Cost of testing and trials of prototype or pilot plant (i) Materials (ii) Consumables (iii) Manpower (iv) Total d) R&D/Engineering Consultancy for prototype/pilot plant/trials and testing, if any - Indian - Foreign e) Travel Cost i) Own manpower ii) Outside experts f) Overhead Expenses g) Any other costs. Total Note: i) Detailed break-up and ‘Justifications for all the above should be given in annexures. ii) 4.2 In case collaborating agency (ies) is/are involved, the resource allocation against each of above items should show a break-up of outlay at both executing agency and collaborating agency and collaborating agency (ies), as well as respective totals. Time Schedule (i) Activity sequence and time schedule for each activity (bar chart) (ii) Phasing of expenditure on a three monthly basis (iii) Stages of activities in the project Activity Time in months from commencement of project Start Agency Finish a. Literature Survey & Patent search b. Design and engineering c. Procurement and installation of pilot plant/testing etc. d. Prototype development/pilot plant activities e. Testing, performance/field trials f. Modifications and scaling up, if required g. Final Report 5. Bio data of Project Coordinators and other personnel/experts : 6. Please indicate steps proposed to ensure: Give in Annexures (a) timely completion of the project such as setting up of a project execution group, internal monitoring group etc. (b) commercial implementation of the results of the project. Signature of Chief Exective/Director (Technical)/Director (R&D) NOTE: (a) The above format is only for guidance and individual project proposals may be prepared flexibly taking the above points into accounts. (b) The project proposal should be submitted in 5 copies (c) Latest Annual Report/Balance Sheet of the company may be enclosed. (d) In case of joint proposals with other agencies, the proposals should be jointly forwarded by executing agencies and collaborating agencies duly signed by Chief Executives/Directors of the respective organisations.