Visual Arts Lesson Plan Grade: 6, 7& 8 Class: Art 1 Time: Per.1, 3 & 5 Lesson Title Cardboard printmaking Media: Printmaking Time 9 week unit plan Objective: To introduce students to printmaking through geometric design. Objective: Students will be able to create a geometrically inspired print using corrugated cardboard, exacto knives and printing inks. Materials Newsprint Rulers Juice can lids Cardboard Exacto knives Printmaking ink Brayers Styrofoam trays Manila paper Newspaper Visual/Resources Internet sites on Printmaking Scholastic magazines - Escher and optical illusions Students and teacher examples of cardboard prints Video on Escher Bell ringers on geometric design and printmaking Home Learning Sketch ideas for design Vocabulary Procedures: 1 .Teacher and students will read and view a video about Escher and optical illusions. Teacher will give vocabulary. Students will copy it in their duotangs. 2. Teacher will demonstrate different ways of using can lids, and rulers to create a simple geometric design. Students will draw their own geometric design, breaking the design into solid areas, empty space, and stripes 3. Students will transfer drawing to corrugated cardboard. 4. Teacher will demonstrate the correct and safe use of exacto knives. Students will cut their cardboard , leaving 3 surfaces: solid, stripped and empty space. Students will cut on newspaper. Teacher will assist as needed. 5. Teacher will demonstrate pulling a print. Students will print, making 1 AP, and 5 edition prints. 6. After drying, students will mat their best print and cardboard printing plate using correct labeling. 7. Students will write an artist’s statement about their work. 8. Teacher will grade prints, display them around school, and enter them into competitions. Classroom Management Students will work in small groups using a table captain to give out and collect materials. There will be 10 minutes to clean-up. Teacher will walk to each table and teach in small groups as needed. ESE Strategies: Teacher will present and demonstrate using all styles of learning: visual, verbal, auditory, tactile. Teacher will use small group learning. Teacher will use individual IEP’s to identify individual student needs. ESOL Strategies: Teacher will use multi-sensory activities: visual, auditory, and tactile. Teacher will use topic building. Teacher will simplify text. Students will work in cooperative learning groups. Vocabulary Abstract symmetrical pull a print Op art asymmetrical exacto knife Optical illusions printmaking plate Line ink graphic design Shape water soluble Escher Geometric shapes relief overlapping brayer positive space artist’s proof negative space edition Curriculum Based Critical Thinking & Reflection # VA.68.C.1.2; VA.68.C.3.1 Innovation, Technology & Future #VA.68.F.1.2;VA.68.F.2.2;VA.68.F.3.4 Historical and Global Connections # VA.68.H.1.4 VA.68.H.2.3 Organizational Structure # VA.; VA. Skills and Techniques & Processes # VA.68.S.1.4 ; VA.68.S.2.2. VA.68.S.3.3 Common Core: MACC.K12.MP.5.1; LACC.6.SOL.1.1; LACC.7.SOL.1.1; LACC.8.SOL.1.1 Performance Assessment X Observation of Final Project using Rubrics X X -assessment by student Portfolio A. tracking B. demonstrates growth C. compiles a variety of processes, techniques, and media X A. ideas for projects B. sketches C. teacher-generated assignments Grades (doubled) Base Assessment 1. Sketch X 2. Safe cutting w/ knife 3. Artist’s proof X 4. Edition X Artist Statement 5. Clarity 6. Neatness 7. Matting 8. Artist’s Proof Rubrics Assessment 1 point 2 points 3 points Creative Expression Rubrics Cultural & Historical Aesthetic & Critical Analysis Creation & Communication Skills & Techniques Applications to Life The student demonstrates knowledge of the history of printmaking. The student accurately identifies and compares styles of printmaking. The student’s artwork is expressive, thematic, and a good design. The student demonstrates safe use of tools and equipment. Students will make clear, distinct, neat prints. The student discusses the importance of using printmaking as a means of expression and communication. The student’s knowledge of the history of printmaking is weak or incomplete The student shows an emerging awareness of Printmaking. The student’s artwork shows some attempt at expressive, thematic, and a good design The student shows an attempt at demonstrating safe use of equipment. Students will make blurred, light and messy prints. The student attempts to discuss the importance of using printmaking as a means of expression and communication. The student cannot demonstrate knowledge of the history of printmaking The student cannot identify printmaking. The student’s artwork is not expressive, thematic, and a good design and incomplete. The student’s artwork does not demonstrate safe use of equipment. Student prints are unclear. The student makes no attempt to discuss the importance of using printmaking as a means of expression and communication.