6th Grade Pathways Lesson Plan Teacher: Ms. Letzring Dates: November 24th-December 19th, 2014 Theme/Unit Title: Art/History of Printmaking (Identity) Stage 1-Desired Results Pathways Framework Strand(s): 1.3 the student will demonstrate the ability to use evaluation; 1.4 The student will demonstrate the ability to use analogical thinking skills; 1.5 The student will demonstrate the ability to use critical thinking;; 1.6 The student will demonstrate the ability to make decisions and to defend those decisions using appropriate thinking skills; 1.7 The student will demonstrate the ability to arrive at a conclusion based on reasoning from the general to the specific (deductive); 2.2 The student will demonstrate the ability to use affective forms of creativity; 3.3 The student will demonstrate the ability to develop a project plan; 3.5 The student will demonstrate the ability to develop a project plan; 3.7 The student will demonstrate the ability to utilize technology and apply appropriate media skills to develop a product presenting results of the independent project; 4.1 The student will demonstrate the ability to use appropriate intrapersonal skills; 4.2 The student will demonstrate the ability to use appropriate interpersonal skills Language Proficiency Level: 6th Grade Student Learning Objective(s): The importance of a lost art The importance of your own identity Lesson Outcome(s): Students will research the history of printmaking Student will create their own stamps to represent their identities. Essential Questions: How does a skill become a lost art? What importance in society did it have? How did it change from a skill to an art? How do you determine your identity? Key Vocabulary: brayer, baren, relief print, bench hook, block, print, printing press, printmaking, artist’s proof, collagraph, edition, couge, burin, impression number, ink, linoleum print, relief, stencil, trial print, monoprint, engraving, etching, intaglio printing, reduction block print, silkscreen art, stamps, identity, individuality, Stage 2-Assessment Evidence Performance Task: Presentation on the history and creating their own stamp Summative Task: Writing an essay on the history of printmaking Stage 3-Learning Plan Anticipatory Set: Input/Modeling/Crafting: Creating their own stamp Guided Practice: Help in finding research and editing assistance Independent Practice: Designing their own stamp Closure: Using their stamp to show their identity Differentiation Notes: Technology Integration: Each student writes an essay Creates a stamp to represent their identity Presentation on the history and their own stamp Materials/Items Needed: Paints Different materials Strategies: Note: Modified based on dates, not on content Word Processing Internet Resources Internet Research Cooperative Learning Writing Before and After Reading Higher-Order Thinking Skills Real-World Connections Research Materials