NOTTINGHAMSHIRE ROOSEVELT TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIP Club Celebration 2015 You are invited to the Roosevelt Club Celebration Friday 5th June 2015 – 6.45 for 7.00pm The evening will be an opportunity to meet this year’s successful Scholars and to hear the tales and adventures of the 2014 Scholars. Tickets are £15.00 per head to include wine and Finger Buffet. The Celebration will be held at County Hall, West Bridgford, in the Rufford Suite, Plenty of free parking GUESTS, PARTNERS, FRIENDS & POTENTIAL SCHOLARS ARE ALL WELCOME Roosevelt Club Celebration Reply Form Name__________________________________________email____________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ I am able / unable to attend the Club Celebration on the Friday 5th June, 2015 I shall be accompanied by __________________________________________________________ Please name all Guests ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Please would you reserve ____ places at £15.00 per person, and find enclosed my cheque for £____ (tickets are not issued, but acknowledgement will be made by either email or post) I am unable to attend the Club Celebration, but would like to make a donation to the Scholarship, please find cheque enclosed for £_____. Please return slip and cheques (made payable to NRMTS) RSVP: Ellen Burns, 8 Mornington Crescent, Nuthall, Nottingham, NG16 1QE. By 29th May 2015 Or by Email: