Greek and Latin Roots 2 Unus: One Unit- one part of a series of a whole Union- act of making one out of many United- together as one Unicorn- (cornu- horn) mythical horse with one horn on its head Duo: Two Duet- music played or sung by two people Duplicate- to make a second copy Dual- two (as in dual purpose- having two purposes) Duplex- two homes in one building Tres: Three Trio- three acting or performing together Tripod- (podos- foot) a three legged stand for a camera or another instrument Triangle- (angulus- corner angle) a figure with three straight sides and three corner angles Triennial- (annus- year) every three years Quattuor: Four Quadricycle- (kyclos- wheel) four wheeled vehicle Quatrain- a stanza or verse of poetry four lines long Quadrille- square dance for four couples Quadrilateral- (latus- side) shape having four sides Quinque: Five Quinquennial- (annus- year) five year period or celebration Quinquesyllable- (syllaba- syllable) a word of five syllables Sex: Six Sexennial- (annus- year) six year period or celebration Sexdigital- (digitus- finger, toe) having six fingers or toes Sexcentenary- (centum- hundred) a 600 year period or celebration Septem: Seven September- seventh month in the Roman calendar Septennial- (annus- year) seven year period or celebration Septangle- (angulus- corner) a flat figure with seven sides and seven angles Octo: Eight October- eighth month in the old Roman calendar Octopus- (podos- foot) eight footed ocean creature Octagon- (gonia- angle) figure with eight sides and eight corners or angles Octennial- (annus- year) eight year period of celebration Novem: Nine November- ninth month in the Roman calendar Novena- devotions for nine days in the Roman Catholic church Novennial- (annus- year) nine year period or celebration Decem: Ten December- tenth month of the old Roman calendar Decennial- (annus- year) tenth anniversary or celebration Decemdentate- (dentis- tooth) having ten teeth Decemfoliate- (folium- leaf) having ten leaves Centum: hundred Cent- one hundredth of a dollar Century- a set of one hundred Centimeter- (metron- measure) one hundredth of a meter Percent- (per-through) number of parts in every hundred Mille: Thousand Mile- a thousand paces Mill- one thousandth of a dollar Millimeter- (metron- measure) one thousandth of a meter Millipede- (ped, pedis- foot) thousand footed bug Millennium- (annus- year) thousand year period or anniversary Digitus: finger, toe, inch Digit- finger Digitalis- the “foxglove” plant from which heart medicine is made Manus: hand Manufacture- (facio, factum- making) make by hand Manuscript- (scribe, scriptum- write) writing or written by hand Manumit- (mitto, missum- send) to send forth or release from one’s hand Bracchium- arm Embrace- (em- in, into) to take into one’s arms Bracelet- ornament for the arm or wrist Brachiate- to swing by the arms on bars or tree branches Pes, Pedis: foot Pedestal- foot of a column Pedestrian- walker, on foot Pedal- foot lever Pedicure- (curo, curatum- care) care for the feet Pedometer- measures distance walked Dens, Dentis: tooth Dent- tooth-like notch in gears, locks, etc. Dentist- tooth doctor Dentate- having a toothed edge (leaves) Dental- pertaining to teeth Denture- set of teeth (false) Dentiform- (forma- shape) shaped like a tooth Kinesis: Movement Kinetic- relating to movement of bodies Kinesiology- (logos- study of) study of human movement Cinema- motion pictures (Greeks had no “c” – they used “k”) Cinematographer- motion picture photographer Corpus, Corporis: Body Corporeal- pertaining to the body Corps- military division organized as a body Incorporate- to make into a body Corporation- legally formed group- a body Corpse- dead body Mikros: Small Microphone- (phone- sound) device for transmitting a small sound over distance Microbe- (bios- life) tiny form of life Microcosm- (cosmos- world) a tiny world Micrometer- (metron- measure) instrument for measuring small things Megas: great, large, big Megaphone- (phone- sound) device for making a sound large Megalith- (lithos- rock) huge rock like the ones at Stonehenge Megalomania- (mania- craze) crazy person with delusions of greatness or grandeur Megameter- a million meters Megatons- a million tons Magnus: big, large, great Magnify- (facio, factum- make, do) make larger Magnifier- One who makes things greater Magnitude- (tudo- ness) greatness Magnate- a person of great rank or influence Tele: far away, distant Television- (video, visum- see) seeing distant things Telephone- (phone- sound) sound from far away Telegraph- (graph- write) writing from a distance Telepathy- (pathos- feeling) knowing how someone far away is feeling Bonus: Good Bonus- something extra good BonBon (French) – beautifully decorated candy, a goody goody Bonny (Scottish)- good looking Bounteous- (ous- full of) plentiful good Thermos: Heat Thermal- relating to heat Thermos bottle- insulated bottle which keeps the contents hot or cold Thermometer- (metron- measure) device for measuring heat Thermotropic- (tropos- turn) turning toward heat