Selective Breeding Worksheet - Year 10 Science

Year 10 Science
Selective Breeding Worksheet
Using the Selective Breeding Information Sheet and The Living World
textbook (pages 50-55, 70-71, 103, 108-109) complete the following tasks:
1. What is selective breeding?
2. Who does selective breeding?
3. Why is selective breeding done?
4. Explain what the terms: phenotype, genotype and allele mean in
5. Explain what the terms: trait/ feature/ characteristic mean in genetics
6. List two animal types that have been domesticated and selectively breed
and for each name two traits that breeders could try to breed into new
offspring (breeds) of these animals
7. List two plant types that have been domesticated and selectively breed
and for each name two traits that breeders could try to breed into new
offspring (varieties) of these plants.
8. List two fish or shellfish types that have been selectively breed and for
each name two traits that breeders could try to breed into new offspring
of these fish or shellfish.
9. In a short paragraph discuss one of the specialised techniques used in
selective breeding such as: Artificial Insemination or Controlled