MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Product and Company Identification Product Name: Manufacturing Number: Producer: Telephone No: Fax No: Email: Supplier: Advant Foam Fighter Not Available Natrol cc P.O. Box 1137 Delmas 2210 South Africa +27 (0)82 921 8428 +27 (0) 865 476 711 See Producer 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Product description: Dangerous ingredients: A liquid silicone spray adjuvant None 3. Hazards Identification Important hazards: None 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Skin Contact: Eye Contact: Ingestion: Remove patient to fresh air. See a doctor if an allergic reaction noticed Remove contaminated clothing. Wash with water. See a doctor if an allergic reaction noticed Flush with water. See a doctor if an allergic reaction noticed Give ½ to one full glass of water to rinse the mouth with. Do not induce vomiting, unless under direction of a physician or a poison control centre expert. If spontaneous vomiting occurs, have the victim lean forward with the head down to avoid breathing in of vomit, rinse mouth and administer water. Transport the victim immediately to a emergency facility. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Type of material: Extinguishing Media: Hazardous Decomposition Products: Flammable, keep fire exposed containers cool by spraying with water. Container could explode when heated. Water mist, foam, carbon dioxide, and dry powder Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide 1 6. Accidental Release Measures Environmental precautions: Avoid infiltration of large volumes into drains, surface water, groundwater and soil. Avoid contact with eyes. Respiratory protection and safety goggles are recommended. Sweep or vacuum, into a suitable container for disposal and wash area with water. Personal precautions: Destruction and clean up: 7. Handling and Storage Handling: Ensure adequate ventilation when handling. Respiratory protection is recommended. Prevent skin or eye contact. Avoid getting the product on you or in you. Wash hands after handling. Do not eat or drink while handling the product. Stored under cool 5 to 30oC, dry conditions (preferably 25oC). Do not store with food, feed or other materials for human or animal consumption. Keep container tightly closed. Store below 37ºC. Not available. Storage: Incompatible materials: 8. Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection TLV: None Technical measures/precautions: Adequate ventilation Personal protection Respiratory Protection: Hand protection: Gloves should be worn when mixing or handling the product Respiratory protection is recommended. The product is not a skin irritant but gloves should still be worn as a precaution. Not required under normal conditions. Splash guard goggles recommended for splashing or aerosol conditions. Protective Gloves - Not required under normal conditions. Recommended for workers with dermatitis. Eye Protection: Skin and body protection: 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Physical state: Color: Odor: pH: Moisture %: Density: Specific gravity: Solubilty/Misciblity in water: Solubility in organic solvents: Partition coefficient: Vapour pressure: Boiling point: Melting point: Oxidizing properties: Explosive properties: Auto-ignition temp: Liquid White Alkaline 6.0 N/A N/A 1.10 (20ºC) Soluble in water Liquid carrier is soluble Not applicable Not applicable 100 ºC Not applicable None Not explosive Not applicable 2 10. Stability and Reactivity Hazardous decomposition products: Materials to avoid: Conditions to avoid: Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, and possibly irritating gasses may form. Avoid contact with strong alkaline materials. Heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatible material. 11. Toxicological Information LD50: Local effects Skin irritant (rabbit): Eye irritant (rabbit): Chronic toxicity: None None None None None 12. Ecological Information Fish toxicity: Biodegradability: Mobility: None Biodegradable None 13. Disposal Considerations The product may safely be disposed in a land-fill. 14. Transport Information R22 – Harmful if swallowed. R36/37 – Irritating to eyes and respiratory system. 15. Regulatory Information EEC Classification: Hazard Symbol / labeling: S-phrases: National Regulations: Other Regulations: None None None None None 16. Other Information The purpose of the above information is to describe the product only in terms of health and safety requirements. The information given should not, therefore, be construed as guaranteeing specific properties or as a specification. Customers should satisfy themselves as to the suitability and completeness of such information for their own particular use. Contact Person: Mr. Jonathan Etherington +27 82 921 8428 3