001 curb N side of Dole St., middle of Sakamaki Hall 002 curb N side of Dole St., middle of Krauss Hall, 7.36m W. of hydrant 3541 003 curb N side of Dole St., middle of Krauss Hall, approx. 10m W of util. Pole 004 curb N. side of Dole St., middle of Andrews Amphitheater 4.5m E of bike route sign, even with joint in sidewalk 005 curb N. side of Dole St., middle of Bachman Annex, 2.65m W of util. pole 48 006 curb N. side of Dole St., middle of Bachman Hall, 2.95m E of bike route sign 007 between curb and edge of asphalt between Bachman Hall and Bachman Annex, 2ft from reserved parking sign, approx. 6m N of sidewalk to Bachman Annex 008 inside corner of sidewalk on N side of Bachman Hall 009 parking lot, in asphalt between wheel stops, W of big tree between Bachman Annex and Bachman Annex 2 ? 010 curb N side of sidewalk N of Andrews Amphitheater 011 edge of concrete E side of parking lot E of Andrews Amphitheater directly W of doors to Young Museum 012 SE corner of concrete pad at base of hydrant 26 E of Campus Center across from bike racks 013 in asphalt of parking lot diagonally E of Art Building, 3rd parking place from W end 014 corner of 1ft square concrete pad N of sidewalk at SW corner of Miller Hall 015 Varney Circle, corner of concrete pad near curb between fountain and Miller Hall, green steel cover on top of concrete pad 016 corner of 2ft square concrete pad 10ft N of center sidewalk S of door to Webster Hall 017 corner of storm grate between Bilger Hall and Edmondson Hall, closer to Bilger Hall 018 corner of storm grate near NE corner of Art Building across from (S of) main entrance to Snyder Hall 019 S side of 6ft x 4ft concrete cover N of vending kiosk W of Keller Hall 020 concrete cover E of sidewalk at NE corner of Keller Hall 021 curb (red paint) W side of East-West Rd., S of cross walk at SE corner of Henke 022 curb W side of East-West Rd., N ? of speed bump, N ? of red-painted part of curb E of Kennedy Theater 023 curb (red paint) W side of East-West Rd. , NW corner of intersection of East-West Rd. and Correa Rd. 024 curb (red paint) W side of East-West Rd., S of speed bump, diagonally S of guard house 025 curb (red paint) E side of East-West Rd., 2m N of storm sewer opening in curb 026 curb W side of East-West Rd., beside speed bump 027 curb E side of East-West Rd., parking lot side of curb in “island” in front of (W of) Burns Hall, 5ft N of lamp post , approx. 15 inches S of sidewalk joint 028 curb W side of island in middle of East-West Rd. , S of UH Manoa sign/monument 029 curb N side of Dole St., across street from concrete bench in front of (N of) Johnson Hall B 030 curb N side of Dole St., across street from Johnson Hall A, approx. 5m E of standpipe 031 corner of grate W of POST Building, E of Sakamaki Hall, close to NW corner of Holmes Hall 032 in sidewalk, in courtyard W of HIG Building, E of Kuykendall Annex, approx. 6m W of red concrete, approx. 2 inches W of a joint in the concrete 033 curb (red paint) S side of Correa Rd., W of crosswalk, E of storm sewer opening in curb, across from driveway to SE corner of Art Building 034 curb N side of Correa Rd., across street from National Weather Service Office in HIG Building, approx. 8ft W of lamp post, approx. 5ft E of telephone manhole 035 curb (red paint) N side of Correa Rd., approx. 0.3m W of crosswalk, approx. 2m W of steps to parking lot 036 curb S side of street S of Kuykendall Annex, apprx. 5m E of ramp to Krauss Annex 19 037 curb N side of Campus Rd., E side of speed bump S of Hawaii Hall 038 curb N side of Campus Rd., in front of (S of) doorway to Dean Hall 039 curb N side of Campus Rd., approx. middle of Gartley Hall, approx. 9m W of speed bump 040 curb N side of Campus Rd., S of Architecture Building, approx. 4m E of lamp post at end of sidewalk 041 curb E side of University Ave., approx. middle of Architecture Building, approx. 5ft S of SPEED LIMIT 25 sign 042 curb N side of parking lot N of Architecture Building, 2.66m W of W edge of standpipe (note that top of curb is 17cm above parking lot surface) 043 curb E side of University Ave., middle of Business Administration Building, approx. 2m N of entrance sidewalk, approx. 3.5ft from parking meter 044 curb E side of University Ave., approx. 11ft S of ‘SPEED 25’ sign, NW corner of Business Administration Building 045 curb S side of Maile Way, in front of entrance to Business Administration Building, approx. 5m from ramp to entrance 046 curb at corner, W side of driveway, approx. 5m from ramp into back of Business Administration Building ? 047 curb S side of Maile Way, corner of Business Administration Building, approx. 19ft downhill from speed bump beside guard post 048 curb, N side of Maile Way, middle of Saunders Hall ???, 18ft downhill from lamp post #15 049 curb, S side of Maile Way, middle of Queen Liliuokalani Building, approx. 15m downhill from hydrant #23, approx. 6m from emergency call box 050 curb, S side of Maile Way, behind Saunders Hall ???, downhill from Maile Annex Building, between tree and lamp post, approx. 5m from lamp post #36 051 E edge of sidewalk in front of (W of) Hawaii Hall back (W) entrance, sidewalk leads to Crawford Hall 052 E edge of sidewalk E of Architecture Building 053 curb, N side of Dole St. in front of steps to Marine Fisheries Building 054 curb, N side of Dole St. where street widens to 4 lanes W of bridge over Manoa Stream, 13cm W of point where curb stops widening 055 curb, N side of Dole St., W side of bridge over Manoa Stream 056 curb, N side of Dole St. E side of bridge over Manoa Stream 057 curb, N side of Dole St. at W side of intersection with driveway to Wa’ahila Faculty Housing, 5.47m E of utility pole #65 058 curb, N ? side of Dole St. across street from music buildings 059 curb, Dole St. E of intersection with University Ave. 060 curb, E side of University Ave., N of intersection with Dole St. 061 curb, E side of University Ave., S of driveway to bus stop 062 end of sidewalk in front of UH sign in front of Bachman Hall 063 corner of grate behind Bachman 064 edge of sidewalk at NW corner of Bachman Annex 6 065curb, E side of University Ave. W of Sinclair Library, 8ft S of Rainbow Shuttle sign 066 curb, E side of University Ave. at intersection with Campus Rd., 5.00m S of stoplight, 1.80m S of crosswalk stripes 067 sidewalk, State of Hawaii benchmark 2-8L 1971, in sidewalk at SW corner of University Ave. – Metcalf ??? intersection, 2.10m S of stoplight at crosswalk 068 curb, W side of University Ave., approx. 11m S of stoplight at intersection with Metcalf ??? 069 SW corner of 8ft x 8ft Board of Water Supply access cover, diagonal from Wist Hall, approx. 9m from US postbox 070 curb, W side of University Ave., approx. 8m from sidewalk leading to University High School #3 071 curb, W side of University Ave., approx. 5ft N of Founders Gate 072 curb, N side of Dole at intersection with University Ave., across street from Players Bar, approx. 7ft W of stoplight 073 curb, N side of Dole St. approx 6ft W of sidewalk entrance to KHET 074 curb, W side of parking lot N of Watanabe Hall, 45cm from SW corner of parking lot, above storm drain 075 curb, N side of Correa Rd. across road from Student Health Service, approx. 7m E of ‘SPEED LIMIT 15’ sign 076 curb, SE corner of parking lot S of Jefferson Hall in back corner of walled parking place 077 ???? same as 078 ? 078 mauka side of sidewalk to Hale Kuahine, N of Jefferson Hall, approx. 12m E of middle lamp post 079 corner of grate (55cm x 55cm) N of sidewalk approx. 7m from steps at SW corner of Hale Kuahine 080 S side of sidewalk S of Lincoln Hall, approx. middle of building, approx. 16m W of E steps to building 081 S side of sidewalk N of Hale Kuahine and W of Hale Kahawai approx. 8m W of driveway 082 W side of sidewalk to E side of Korean Studies Building, approx. 15m from steps at entrance 083 NE corner of concrete surrounding 6ft x 6ft metal access cover N of and between the two Bilger Annex Buildings 084 E side of concrete surrounding storm grate in lawn S of Paradise Palms, approx. 10m NW of concrete Hamilton Library sign 085 S edge of driveway S of curb between Snyder Hall and Spalding Hall, approx. 9m W of center tree in lawn N of Snyder Hall 086 NE corner of electric box cover, S side of Maile Way, W of driveway on W side of Hamilton Library, approx. 4ft from emergency call box 087 curb, N side of Maile Way at entrance to Agricultural Engineering Building 088 curb, corner of curb N side of driveway to Hale Laulima, N of Hale Kahawai, same curb runs close to and behind (E of) Ethnic Studies Portable Buildings 089 rock (60cm x 30cm) behind (E of) Hale Laulima, 64cm E of pipe that runs horizontally along back of lawn, S end of dorm 090 W edge of volleyball court N of Hale Laulima, approx. 6m S of NW corner of court 091 curb, NE side of parking lot SW of Newman Center, approx. 8m W of an opening in the curb 092 curb, corner of curb in parking lot W of Newman Center sign, approx. 5m SE of lamp post in parking lot island 093 NE corner of concrete surrounding metal access cover W of speed bump on East-West Rd, W side of East-West Rd. across road from SW corner of Auxiliary Services Building 094 curb, W side of East-West Rd., across road from Auxiliary Services Building, 48cm S of fire hydrant #6 095 curb, W side of East-West Rd. across road from Agriculture Science Building, 3.44m S of fire hydrant #7, 14cm S of point where red paint on curb begins 096 available 097 in parking lot E side of POST Building in line with door, approx. 8m W of “arch” 098 curb, W side of East-West Rd. at intersection with Dole St., Holmes Hall corner of the intersection 099 curb, N side of Dole St. at intersection with East-West Rd. , even with crosswalk light, Holmes Hall corner of the intersection 100 curb, S side of Dole at intersection with East-West Rd., W of East-West Rd., beside E-W Rd. sign 101 curb, N side of Dole St. at intersection with East-West Rd., E of East-West Rd., approx. 9m E of crosswalk light, 3.05m W of utility pole #60 102 curb, E side of East-West Rd. at intersection with Dole St., approx. 7m N of crosswalk light, 1.5m W of steel signal light access cover, 1cm S of point where red paint on curb begins 103 curb, S side of Dole St. at corner of driveway to Speech and Hearing Clinic, W of driveway, approx. 2m from ramp 104 curb, S side of Dole St., at corner with road/driveway to Hale Aloha, approx. 4m NW of Hale Aloha sign 105 SW corner of 2m x 2m storm grate W of driveway to Lehua Tower , approx. 3m from speed bump 106 curb, driveway S of Wa’ahila Faculty Housing, exact center of building 107 curb, N side of Dole St., across street from door/patio of Hawaiian Studies Building, approx. 9m W of utility pole 108 curb, S side of Dole St. at corner of driveway to Hawaiian Studies Building, approx. 3m W of driveway 109 curb, S side of Dole St. at corner of W entrance to Kanewai Park, approx. 2m W of entrance (driveway) 110 curb, W of fire hydrant #40 E of main entrance to Hawaiian Studies Building, approx. 2ft from hydrant 111 concrete driveway 3.5cm S of sewer manhole E of Agriculture Engineering Building, next to dumpsters 112 curb, N of Food Science and Technology Building, approx. 3m E of asphalt walkway 113 driveway W of greenhouse S of Pope Lab, 63cm E of concrete wall (83cm high), approx. 8m S of opening in wall next to Pope Lab 114 curb, in N end of ‘T’ shaped island in parking lot N of Pope Lab, W of Biomedical Sciences Building, approx. center of Pope 115 in concrete W of drain grate across the road that runs from Credit Union to Biomed. Sci. Building, 116cm W of edge of grate, in center of 90cm wide concrete surface 116 SE corner of some kind of access cover N of Biomed. Sci. Building in a big island between Biomed. Sci. Building and a house with a white wooden fence 117 SE corner of access cover E of Credit Union in lawn of Energy House 118 curb, sidewalk NE of Diving Safety Building, even with hydrant #31 119 curb, S side of _____? St. , E corner of driveway to “back” entrance to campus 120 curb, N side of East-West Rd. across road from Environmental Services Building, 27cm E of point where curb begins to curve in to driveway 121 curb, N side of East-West Rd. across road from Env. Health and Safety Office (2040 East-West Rd), 112cm E of point where curb curves N into driveway of Transportation Services 122 curb (red paint), N side of East-West Rd. across road from Campus Security Building, 40.5cm W of point where curb starts to curve into driveway of “SHOP” 123 curb, S side of Dole St. W of cross walk between Law School and Law Library, 62cm NE of fire hydrant #3540 124 curb, S side of Dole St., E of intersection with Lower Campus Rd., approx. 3m E of bike route sign 125 in NE corner of large water meter cover (2.30m x 3.05m) S side of sidewalk on S side of Dole St. , approx. 20m E of intersection with Lower Campus Rd. 126 curb (red paint), E side of Lower Campus Rd. at intersection with Dole St., 13cm S of curved curb section 127 curb, E side of Lower Campus Rd., approx. 5m N of sidewalk bridge to NW corner of parking deck 128 curb, W side of Lower Campus Rd., approx. 10m N of driveway to music building, 1.03m S of an ‘irrigation control valve’ (plastic box between bushes and curb) 129 curb, W side of Lower Campus Rd. approx. 10m N of driveway to music building 1.03m S of an ‘irrigation control valve’ (plastic box between bushes and curb) 130 curb, S side of Dole St. 183cm W of sign showing right lane is right turn only, approx. 10m W of intersect with Lower Campus Rd. 131 curb, S side of Dole St., E of intersection with University Ave., 18cm E of point where curb starts to curve, approx. 6m W of ‘Bike Route’ sign 132 curb, E side of University Ave., S of intersection with Dole St., 85cm N of fire hydrant F33 133 curb, E side of University Ave. at point where it widens to an extra lane, 57cm N of ‘No Parking” sign 134 curb, E side of University Ave. 35cm S of point where curb angles to begin the turn lane to Dole St. 135 NE corner of concrete surrounding steel access cover (69cm x 117cm) E of sidewalk on E side of University Ave. where turn lane to Dole St. begins 136 curb, E side of University Ave. approx. 20m N of on-ramp to H1, 73cm S of steel signal light cover (57cm x 38cm) 137 curb, W side of University Ave. approx. 3m N of S driveway to Lutheran Church 138 curb, W side of University Ave. approx. 10m N of Puaena Place, 190cm N of ‘School Crossing’ sign 139 curb, W side of University Ave. S of intersection with Dole St., 147cm S of pole with crosswalk button and signal !!! Warning !!! Heavy traffic here, only measure in middle of night ! 140 State of Hawaii benchmark in sidewalk at corner of Dole St. and University Ave., in front of door to Player’s Bar, benchmark labeled 2-8M/1971 141 curb, S side of Dole St. W of Intersection with University Ave., 263cm W of pole with traffic signal and crosswalk signal 142 curb, S side of Dole St., approx. 4m W of driveway to Dole St. Offices parking lot 143 curb, N side of Dole St. across street from Dole St. Offices, 135cm W of utility pole #40 144 curb, S side of driveway N of Young Museum, NW corner, 16cm E of point where curb begins to curve 145 curb, W side of traffic circle W of Frear Hall, 51cm S of point where curb begins to curve 146 rock, W of sidewalk at SW corner of dorm W of Frear Hall, S of palm tree, 75cm N of fence 147 W edge of sidewalk (2cm from edge), W of Frear Hall, in sidewalk leading to Aloha Lehua Tower, approx. 8m S of first lamp post on way to Lehua from Frear 148 edge of concrete at NE corner at top of steps from Aloha Cafeteria courtyard to path along fence N of playing fields, 1.5cm from N edge, 41cm W of NE corner 149 edge of concrete, bottom of same steps referred to for point 148, N side of concrete pad, 1cm S of edge, 124cm E of NW corner 150 S edge of water meter (or electric meter) cover, 1m S of lamp post above (N of) playing fields. Point is approx. 30m E of emergency call box N of fence, point is also approx. 5m N of N edge of dirt road N of fence 151 N edge of concrete electric box cover, approx. 4m S of back step (S side) of Lehua Tower 152 SW corner of concrete cover E of Ilima Tower, approx. 2m W of road, approx. 6m S of sidewalk to Ilima Tower 153 curb, at NE corner of parking lot E of Ilima Tower 154 W edge of electric box cover at SE corner of parking lot SE of Mokihana Tower, 149cm E of lamp post 155 in center of spillway in Manoa Stream, in rock in concrete spillway W of pedestrian bridge S of Hale Noelani 156 in top of wall forming E bank of Manoa Stream, 93cm NW of NW corner of USGS Stream Gauge shack W of pedestrian bridge, monument is a large (#6) screw 157 E side of a small concrete pad (formerly the base of a sign), S of pedestrian bridge over Manoa Stream, between 2 parts of Hale Noelani, 110cm N of chain link fence 158 SW corner of asphalt basketball court S of Noelani, monument is a large (#6) screw 159 in concrete surrounding a manhole cover marked ‘WATER”, E side of the cover, E of Noelani laundry room 160 in concrete S side of square cover at SW corner of Noelani, approx. 3m from building corner 161 in NW corner of concrete surrounding fire hydrant HA8 at S end of parking lot S of Hale Wainani 162 W corner of concrete around hydrant HA7 W of Hale Wainani across road from emergency call box 163 edge of concrete W of curb and guardrail on W side of Hale Wainani, approx. 3m N of steps down to practice fields 164 SW corner of concrete pad surrounding fire hydrant HA6 W of Hale Noelani 165 curb, E side of road between practice fields and Hale Noelani, approx. 6m N of speed bump next to utility pole 28R 166 N edge of concrete around water meter S of Hale Noelani convenience store, easternmost and largest of the two water meter covers in the lawn here 167 curb, W side of road E of breezeway connecting Lokelani and Mokihana Towers, approx. 8m N of standpipes on E side of road 168 W edge of sidewalk on SE corner of courtyard E of Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, 95cm N of corner of sidewalk, approx. 7m WNW of lower steps to Marine Science Building 169 NE corner of concrete surrounding steel access cover in driveway at NE corner of Marine Science Building, big (#6) screw 170 curb, N side of sidewalk to the W entrance of Student Health Building, 9cm from westmost end of curb 171 edge of sidewalk, S edge of sidewalk S of Moore Hall, 29cm E of sidewalk to center building of Henke Hall 172 curb, W side of East-West Rd. directly across street from entrance to Lincoln Hall 173 curb (yellow paint) W side of East-West Rd., E of Moore Hall approx. 7m S of sidewalk to Moore Hall’s E entrance 174 curb (red paint) W side of East-West Rd. directly E of E entrance to Moore Hall’s N building, across street from front steps to Korean Studies Center 175 curb (red paint) S side of Maile Way, 140cm E of sidewalk to Moore Hall’s E entrance 176 curb (yellow paint) S side of Maile Way across street from entrance to St. John’s Plant Laboratory, approx. 2m W of ramp to moped parking 177 curb (red paint) S side of Maile Way, approx. 2m E of driveway to N side of Paradise Palms Café, 192cm E of start of red paint on curb 178 curb, N side of Maile Way, approx. center of St. John’s Laboratory, due S of lamp post #57 179 curb (red paint), N side of Maile Way, 19cm W of where curved section of curb begins at intersection with East-West Rd. 180 curb (red paint), W side of East-West Rd., 125cm N of speed bump at intersection with Maile Way 181 curb (red paint) E side of East-West Rd., 155cm N of start of red paint on curb at crosswalk N side of intersection with Maile Way 182 curb (red paint) E side of East-West Rd., 98cm S of where red paint on curb starts at crosswalk to Sherman Laboratory 183 S side of drain grate in Sherman Laboratory courtyard, grate is located in SW corner of courtyard 184 corner of sidewalk, S of emergency call box in front of S entrance to Biomedical Sciences Building 185 curb, N side of Dole St. at point where street widens W of bridge over Manoa Stream 186 curb, N side of Dole St. E of corner with driveway to National Marine Fisheries Building, 93cm E of curved part of curb 187 curb (red paint), E side of driveway to National Marine Fisheries Building at intersection with Dole St., opposite (E of) lamp post, 122cm N of point where curb starts to curve at corner 188 curb, S side of parking lot N of National Marine Fisheries Building, approx. center of building 189 in asphalt, center of parking lot N of Marine Fisheries Building, E of Burns, midway between two big trees in parking lot, monument is a large (#6) screw at intersection of two old yellow stripes 190 sidewalk corner, NW corner of narrow sidewalk leading to door at NW corner of Burns 191 edge of sidewalk, W edge of sidewalk in front of (W of) Hale Halawai, E of northernmost of 4 plastic water meter covers 192 curb (red paint), W side of East-West Rd., 206cm N of point where curb starts to curve into POST Building parking lot 193 curb, N side of Dole St. in middle of bridge over Manoa Stream. Located over center of stream, approx. 18m W of E end of bridge 194 curb, W side of driveway to Wa’ahila Faculty Apartments, approx. 1m S of a point parallel to N side of building 2640-A 195 NOT YET ASSIGNED 196 curb, S side of driveway S of building 2640-B, opposite center of building – a column labeled B4B5 (Wa’ahila Faculty Apartments) 197 curb, S side of driveway S of building 2640-C, opposite center of building – a column marked C5C6 (Wa’ahila Faculty Apartments) 198 curb (red paint), S of driveway S of building 2640-D, opposite center of building – a column marked D6D7 (Wa’ahila Faculty Apartments) 199 curb, S side of driveway N of building 2640-D, approx. 1m W of center of building (Wa’ahila Faculty Apartments) 200 curb, S side of driveway S of building 2640-E, opposite center of building – a column between parking bays labeled E9 and E10 (Wa’ahila Faculty Apartments) 201 curb, N side of Dole St., diagonally across street from driveway E of Hawaiian Studies building, approx. 7m E of utility pole #68, this site is where mountain bike trail from Wa’ahila Ridge ends, monument is a large (#6) screw 202-207 not yet assigned ! 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 curb (red paint), SE corner of music building, approx. 5m S of sidewalk to SW entrance to building, approx. 3m N of ‘SPEED LIMIT 15’ sign 209 curb, E side of off ramp to Lower Campus Rd., approx. 6m N of white stripe across road at intersection with Lower Campus Rd., S of music building 210 curb, W side of off ramp to Lower Campus Rd. S of music building, approx. 6m from start of ramp (approx. 6m to concrete surface), big (#6) screw !!! Warning !!! Fast traffic here – better to measure this point in the middle of the night 211 NE corner of concrete pad around storm drain, E side of off ramp from H1 to University Ave., approx. 5m N of intersection with ramp to Lower Campus Rd., approx 2.5m N of lamp post #67, big (#6) screw !!! Warning !!! Fast traffic here – better to measure this point in the middle of the night 212 concrete in NE corner of steel access cover approx. 30m N of Lunalilo Portable Building called ‘Lunalilo Freeway 4’, S of music building in lawn of Lunalilu Freeway 4 building, big (#6) screw 213 in center of a low rock outcrop approx. 10m S of sidewalk S of ‘Lunalilo Freeway 4’ building, approx. 3m E of chain link fence, approx. 9m W of sidewalk W of ‘toll booths’ on Lower Campus Rd., big (#6) screw 214 curb (red paint), E side of Lower Campus Rd. approx. 40m N of ‘toll booths’, directly across road from a lamp post 215 curb, W side of road W of gym, approx. 1m S of steps leading up to Lower Campus Rd. at SW corner of gym 216 SW corner of concrete around drain grate in lawn S of gym, W of Sherriff Center, approx. 17m S of ‘Maka 10’ sculpture, has large (#6) screw 217 curb (red paint), NE side of Lower Campus Rd. approx. 15m SE of intersection with road to parking structure, approx. 4m NW of lamp post 218 SW side of concrete ‘HECO’ (electric utility) cover approx. 3m NW of NW side of parking lot, approx. 3m SW of SW-most of several shipping containers 219 curb (red paint), S side of Lower Campus Rd., S of Sheriff Center, approx. 1m E of sidewalk to trailers, approx. 4m NW of ‘SPEED LIMIT 5’ sign 220 edge of sidewalk at NE corner of trailer, approx. 1m N of SE corner of sidewalk 221 in SW corner of concrete surrounding steel access cover on W side of Lower Campus Rd. at NE corner of sidewalk between buildings 171-B and 171-H, small screw 222 curb (red paint), N side of Lower Campus Rd. across road from building 171-H, approx. 6m W of corner of tall wall extending S from Sherriff Center 223 NE corner of concrete pad around fire hydrant FI3, N side of Lower Campus Rd. at entrance to parking lot S of Sherriff Center, large (#6) screw 224 curb (red paint), N side of Lower Campus Rd. approx. 10m N of Stan Sherriff Center sign along sidewalk, opposite moped and motorcycle parking lot 225 SE corner of sidewalk E of Office of Procurement Building (1400 Lower Campus Rd.) 226 curb (red paint), NE side of Lower Campus Rd. at intersection with entrance road SE of Speech Pathology Building, directly beside lamp post, approx. 4m SSE of fire hydrant PI72 227 curb (red paint), NW side of short entrance road SE of Speech Pathology Building, approx. 5m NE of speed bump 228 curb (red paint), NW side of short entrance road, end of curb, approx. 1.3m from gate 229 curb (red paint), SE side of short entrance road, approx. 1.9m from gate 230 curb (red paint), SE side of entrance road at intersection with Lower Campus Rd., 23cm W of point where curb starts to curve and curb changes from concrete to asphalt 231 SE ? corner of concrete around storm drain manhole cover, approx. 4m W of ramp to building ‘Lower Campus 2’ 232 curb, N side of Lower Campus Rd. at intersection with road to Rainbow Stadium, 13cm from point where curb begins to curve at corner 233 curb, W side of road to Rainbow Stadium, directly across road from steps to ‘Hawaii English Language’ Buildings 234 SW corner of concrete surrounding steel access cover, NW side of road to Rainbow Stadium, across road from ‘portable’ building ‘Makai Campus 14’ W of Rainbow Stadium