SYLLABUS Tulsa Community College, Metro Campus Summer 20063 Course: Painting 1 – 1023 Call #50049 Days: Mon-Thursday Time: 9:30-12:20 p.m. Instructor: Harriet Derrevere TO CONTACT INSTRUCTOR: CONTACT DIVISION OFFICE: Evening Operations, Metro Office: Room # Phone: 595-7154 Liberal Arts Dr. Marvin Cooke Office: Room #502 Phone: 595-7118 PREREQUISITIES FOR THIS COURSE: Fundamentals of Art 1, (ART 1013) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Painting 1 will develop skills in opaque painting, stressing form and content, visual appreciation, and individual expression. NEXT COURSE IN SEQUENCE: Painting 2 (ART 1023) TEXTBOOKS: No textbook is required to buy; there are many titles in the art section of the library available to check out with your ID. I have several in my own collection at school to browse through during class. REQUIRED SUPPLIES: Please purchase within 1 week of class start date 1. ACRYLIC PAINTS: Choose 10 colors from list Your collection should include: A cool Red, a warm Red, a cool Blue, a warm Blue, a bright Yellow, Black, White, Bt. Umber, Orange, Violet, Green (Optional: other colors you like) (Colors listed following page) Liquitex Artists Acrylics in jars: Napthol Crimson Cadmium Red Medium Brilliant Yellow Yellow Oxide Light Hansa (yellow) Titanium White Cobalt Blue Ultramarine Blue Phthalo Blue Burnt Umber Ivory Black Brilliant Blue Galleria acrylics (Winsor Newton): Cadmium Yellow Pale (or Med.) Cadmium Red Crimson Red Permanent Rose Lemon Yellow Ultramarine Cobalt Blue Winsor Blue Process Cyan Perm. Green Middle Winsor Violet Mars Black Titanium White Grumbacher Academy Acrylics: Cadmium Yellow Grumbacher Red Cadmium Red Med. Titanium White Cobalt Blue Thalo Blue ThioViolet Ivory Black Thalo Green Dioxazine Violet Cadmium Orange Thalo Green M Graham Acrylics, Winsor & Newton Finity or Golden: Professional quality, (more pigment) (a little more expensive) Names will be similar to those listed above. 2. Brushes: A synthetic Round #8, Synthetic Flat 1”, 1 Oval bristle brush #6 or higher Brands: Winsor-Newton Regency Gold 500, Arttec, Lowe Cornell 7300 or 7000, Grumbacher Golden Edge, Master stroke Princeton, Royal Soft Grip ( #8 Flat ) 3. 4. 5. Disposable PALETTE (Tablet with shiney sheets) Canson GESSO- Pint or Quart (Golden, Liquitex or Frederix) Gel Medium, Matt finish (Golden, Liquitex or Frederix) 6. 7. Palette Knife (Bent handle will be more flexible) Supports: Canvas Boards, Frederix 16x20 Canvas Pad, 4x8 masonite, cut into different sizes GENERAL EDUCATION GOAL STATEMENT: The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their personal lives. General Education Goals relevant to this course include Critical Thinking. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The first objective of this course will be to master basic techniques of acrylic painting through a series of exercises and designs. A second objective will be to develop expressive brush movement and shape. A third objective will be careful and thoughtful observation of subject matter and paint activity. TEACHING METHOD: The semester will begin with specific exercises to learn the characteristics of watercolor. The class will then develop designs to demonstrate the techniques. Paintings that follow will emphasize value, texture and composition. Examples of former student work will be shown as well as examples from books, magazines and slides. Field trips may be taken if appropriate museum shows are available or to draw outdoors for an assignment. ADA POLICY: STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Students with documented disabilities are provided academic accommodations through the disABLED Student Resource Center (918-595-7115) or Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (918-595-7428/ TDD-TTY 918-595-7434). If any student is in need of academic accommodations from either office, it is the student’s responsibility to advise the instructor so an appropriate referral can be made no later than the first week of class. Students may also contact the disABLED Student Services Offices directly at the telephone numbers indicated. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS WILL NOT E PROVIDED UNLESS APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED TO THE DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES OFFICES TO SUPPORT THE NEED. EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Students will earn their grade from accumulating points from the following sources: Four exercises- 16 points Field Trips- 2 points attendance each trip (number of trips vary) Field Trip drawing- 4 points 2 painting sketches- 5 points each Value painting- 4 points Outside painting – 6 points Final painting – 6 points Total number of points (based on 2 field trips) = 50 points 45-50points (90%-100%) = A 40-44 (80%-89%) = B 35-39 (70%-79%) = C 30-34 (60%-69%) = D MAKE-UP & LATE ASSIGNMENT POLICY Students must make up field trips on their own but will lose participation points. When students have missed class, they will need to complete their assignment outside of class if the next assignment has begun. It is possible to work in the art department before or after class (or other days) in an area where no current class is meeting. All late assignments must be turned in before final 3 weeks of class. ATTENDANCE: Attendance is required in this lab class because all the work is done during class hours. ( Late work will be done mostly outside of class.) Instructions or announcements are generally made at the beginning of class, so information will be missed if the student comes in late. Excessively coming in late and leaving early will not be tolerated and will result in up to 3 points deducted from final tally. Students are allowed 3 excused absences before an Excessive Absence slip is mailed from Admissions as a warning. The Financial Aid Office also receives the report. Excused absences are illnesses which are reported to me by email, hospital stay or death in the family with appropriate document (doctor’s note or obituary notice. Communication is important! If an emergency arises during the semester, contact me to see if an arrangement can be worked out. Students must attend class to receive a grade. FAILURE TO WITHDRAW POLICY: Failure to withdraw may result in the student’s receiving a regular grade of “F” at the end of the semester. LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES: The Learning Resource Center (Library) is located on the 2nd Floor and has many volumes in the art section on painting and composition. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Please be thoughtful of others. Do not use your cell phone in the art classes; if you must take an emergency call, talk in the hallway. Keep your phone on silent mode. Please clean up your table before leaving by throwing away any trash or cups, spilled paint, eraser crumbs, etc. There are other classes coming in who will appreciate a clean area. Be attentive to instructions on assignments. Don’t leave in the middle to refill a water container or go to your locker. If you arrive late and a discussion is going on, be seated and listen before getting out your supplies.