Acrylic Painting I - Stephen Snider

Acrylics I
With Stephen Snidercourse
Stephen studied illustration and design at Ontario College of Art and
graduated in 1982. He's worked as a freelance illustrator for over 30
years in the advertising and publishing industry. Stephen is moving
into the fine arts area of artwork these past few years, enjoying painting
for private clients and galleries. He works out of his Port Hope studio.
Watercolour I: This course is for beginners or for beginners with a little experience and
need a refresher course.
Each week we will paint a simple scene, instructor will demonstrate as
we go, and everyone will have lots of time to paint.
Basic supplies to start acrylic painting.
Brushes -
three primary colours 1) red - cadmium medium 60 ml or 2 fl. oz. tubes
2) blue - ultramarine blue
3) yellow - cadmium yellow medium
4) raw sienna
5) burnt umber
6) titanium white
#7 round - synthetic, #12 filbert synthetic, 1 or a 1 1/2" flat synthetic,
palette knife (optional at this time)
Palette - tray (at least 8" x 12") not plastic, metal tray like an enamel meat tray for
easy cleaning, or a disposable palette that has tear off wax paper sheets. piece of glass
or pexi-glass with a white under surface to mix on, for easy cleaning.
Painting surface - canvas panels (pre-gessoed) minimum size - 11" x 14" ( 2 or 3)
paper towel, a 2 litre ice cream type plastic container for water, pencil and eraser,
extra white board or stiff paper for a testing area.