Rosshall Academy S2/3 Chemistry Extension Tasks 2014-2015 1 Contents Topic Page Energetics page 3 Atom Bonding page 4 Forensics page 5 Earth’s Materials page 6 Plastics page 7 Acids and Metals page 8 2 Energetics Extension Task 1 – Fire You have just witnessed your teacher carry out experiments involving fire. Find out about the fire triangle and what we can do to control fires. Extension Task 2 – Catalysts 1) Try to find out at least 3 examples of Catalysts used in real life, products you use at home and in the chemical industry. 2) Why are they useful/Important? 3) What else can you find out about catalysts? 4) What is an enzyme? 5) Find out 3 examples of enzymes and explain their uses. Discuss the success criteria with your teacher including how you have to present your findings. Bring in a picture of an enzyme/catalyst to make a class collage! 3 Atom Bonding Extension Task 1 – Atom Models Try to design and build your own 3D model atom for display in the classroom using various materials. You should choose a small atom such as Helium or Lithium to make the task easier and use less equipment. Extension Task 2 – Valency Try to come up with your own rhyme to remember the diatomic elements and generate a poster detailing these. This should include the difference between valency of 2, and a diatomic 4 Forensics Extension Task 1 – Acids and Alkalis Come up with your own research project title. Carry out research and present your findings in a suitable manner! Ideas: How do acids or alkalis affect our skin? Are there any real-life scenarios of acids/alkalis being used at crime scenes? What kind of pollution do fertilisers contribute to? Extension Task 2 - Fibres Come up with your own research project title. Carry out research and present your findings in a suitable manner! Ideas: How do dyes affect fibres? Can colour be traced back to a specific manufacturer? Does hair structure differ between mammals? Do cats and dogs have the same kind of fur? Can you actually tell the difference? Are there any other pieces of evidence that can be classed as foreign body analysis? Are there any cases in the news that include this type of evidence? 5 Earth’s Materials Extension Task 1 – Burning Fossil Fuels Although burning fossil fuels for domestic and industrial needs is useful and sometimes necessary, it can cause harm to the environment. Find out, using a variety of sources, what effects burning fossil fuels has in the environment. You may be asked to present your findings. Extension Task 2 – Uses of hydrocarbons Use a variety of sources to find out how the hydrocarbons obtained from crude oil are used. You may wish to present your information in a table. Alkanes are obtained from crude oil by fractional distillation. Find out where the alkenes come from. Extension Task 3 – Alcohol Content Find out the alcohol content in common alcoholic drinks like beer, wine and spirits. Find out how the alcohol content in some drinks is increased. 6 Acids and Metals Extension Task 1 – Acid Rain Either by research or revision from previous topics answer the following questions. 1) Name 2 gases that cause acid rain AND the sources of these gases. 2) Name 3 types of living things damaged by acid rain and give details. Name 2 non-living things damaged by acid rain and give some details. 1) Give 3 ways in which acid rain can be reduced. Discuss the success criteria with your teacher including how you have to present your findings. Extension Task 2 – Everyday Neutralisation Try to find out about everyday situations that involve a neutralisation reaction. There are many around us and most of us carry out at least one (or twice!!) a day. Write down examples in your workbook and explain why it is an example of neutralisation. Extension Task 3 – Properties of Metals Choose 4 metals from the list below and find out how their chemical and physical properties are linked to their uses. You may wish to use a variety of resources available e.g text-books, evans2chemweb etc. 7 IRON ALUMINIUM COPPER MERCURY SILVER GOLD LEAD PLATINUM Extension Task 4 – Properties of Metals For each of the following metals find out their date of discovery and their properties; COPPER, GOLD, TIN, SILVER AND IRON. Extension Task 5 – Extraction of Iron Iron is more reactive than copper. It is therefore more difficult to extract it from its ore. Find out how iron is extracted from its ore in industry. Extension Task 6 – Corrosion We are all facing the problem of trying to stop corrosion as so many of the things we use are made of metal. When trying to prevent corrosion it is important to keep oxygen and water away from the surface of the metal. Try to find out what methods are used to protect metals from corroding. Extension Task 7 – Alloys Find out about 3 alloys and present your information in a table with the following headings: Name of Alloy, Elements Present, Properties and Uses. 8 Extension Task- Assessment Form/Success Criteria Scientific content Presentation literacy skills References (GREEN) Shows full understanding using correct scientific words. Can explain ideas in own words. Covers the entire topic in depth. Excellent standard. Easy to read and makes good use of colour, pictures, labelled diagrams to explain. Paragraphs and sentences used consistently. Good spelling, grammar Bibliography with 2 or more sources. All diagrams referenced. (ORANGE) Shows some understanding of topic. Tries to use scientific words. Covers some aspects of topic in detail. (RED) Limited understanding. Little detail/limited explanations. Copied words direct from source Good standard contains pictures and labelled diagrams. No labels on pictures and layout need improvement. Paragraphs and sentences used most times. Some spelling and grammar mistakes. Bibliography 9 Little structure e.g. Paragraphs/ sentences Spelling/grammar could be improved. No bibliography/ references given.