Atoms and Element Puzzle

Year 9 Chemistry – Atom and Element Puzzle 1
Name: ______________________________________
2 Metals that pick up other metals are? (8)
6 A very handy 'layout' of all the elements. (7,5)
9 This type of compound is usually formed when you burn
an element in air. (5)
10 A solid non-metal, very dark coloured, gives purple
vapour on heating, but looks yellow-brown when its
'tincture' solution is used on your skin as an antiseptic!
11 The only liquid metallic element at room temperature,
known as 'quicksilver'. (7)
14 This element glows very nicely when you put a high
voltage of electricity through it! (4)
18 A very nasty green gas, but kills bacteria in water very
nicely! (8)
19 An element that burns very brightly to form a white
oxide power. (9)
20 Oh!!! to get the 1st letter of this element on a triple
score in scrabble!
21 Formed by combining the elements hydrogen and
oxygen. (5)
22 The main gaseous product of burning coal in air. (6,7)
1 A metal used since ancient times for
jewelry, very pretty when polished
and for your thoughts! (6)
3 The simplest bit of an element! (4)
4 It is dark red in colour and the only
liquid non-metal at room
temperature. (7)
5 The proper chemical name for 'salt'
formed from two elements. (6,8)
7 Its a pity this element rusts too
easily! (4)
8 This elements sets the world alight!
thank you plants! (6)
11 Made from two or more atoms
combined together. (8)
12 The main element in fossil fuels. (6)
13 This type of element usually has a
low melting point and poor heat
conduction. (8 or 3,5)
15 An ? is just one type of atom. (7)
16 Nearly the last metallic element in
the alphabet and used in batteries.
17 Formed when two or more elements
chemically combined together. (8)
Year 9 Chemistry – Atom and Element Puzzle 1
Name: ______________________________________