Suspension checklist 12-16-10

412 Webster St.
Traverse City, Michigan 49686
Special Education
Principal Suspension Procedural Checklist:
Student: ____________________________
Total days the student has been suspended (full and partial) ________
4-10 Partial or full days of suspension
Administrator and student’s teacher review IEP, PLAAFP, goals, and objectives to
determine any necessary changes (behavior).
Administrator and teacher consider need for FBA and BIP.
General education discipline procedures.
More than 10 (partial or full) days of suspension in a school year:
On day of decision to suspend more than 10 consecutive days or more than 10
cumulative days:
 STEP 1) IMMEDIATELY contact caseload teacher and Service Area Director and
determine Pattern of Removal. THIS MEETING MUST BE HELD ON DAY 11 and
there after for every suspension. Complete worksheet for Determination Pattern of
Removal. Include caseload teacher and SAD. Determine next steps.
STEP 2) Give written notice to parents WITH Procedural Safeguards on day 11
and for every suspension thereafter.
____________ Date/Time; Given to ___________________________
Step 3) Deliver FAPE beginning on day 11. If no pattern of removal, then school
personnel and at least one teacher determine FAPE. If there is a pattern of removal,
then IEP team determines FAPE. Describe FAPE and provide dates:
Step 4) Schedule an IEPT meeting and complete Interim Alternative Educational
Setting Form, either Section 1 or 2 AND Section 3, if necessary and allowable.
Involve SAD
Step 5) Caseload teacher schedules MDR and possible IEPT meeting within 10
school days if pattern of removal exists.
Call Special Education Administrative Assistant (933-5691) if resources are needed.
Removal of Over 10 Cumulative Days (Pattern of Removals—change of placement)
Scenario 3: Student is involved in a fight. (Student already has two removals for
six cumulative days). District suspends for six days.
A. District must:
1. Provide general education protections (see Appendix A).
1. Provide parent with Special Education Procedural Safeguards.
2. Count the number of days student has been suspended (student has six
previous removals, six additional will be more than 10 cumulative days).
3. Plan for 11th day services (see Appendix D).
B. Determine if the three removals establish a pattern (see section
Definition/Guidance for definition of removals and pattern of removals).
If there is a pattern
(change of placement):
If there is no pattern
(no change of placement):
• Conduct an MDR within 10 school days of decision to
change the placement. (It is possible that a student
returns to school before the MDR is held.)
• No requirement to hold MDR.
• Student receives general education
discipline as if no change in
• Provide FAPE on the 11th day.
Is a manifestation:
Is not a manifestation:
• Terminate general
disciplinary removals;
student immediately
returns to school,
(unless other placement
agreed to by parent).
• District may use general
discipline procedures
and provide FAPE on the
11th day.
• Immediately initiate
an FBA/BIP or review
an existing FBA/BIP to
address the behavior.
• Setting and services are
determined by the IEP
• District takes immediate
steps to remedy any
deficiencies in the
implementation of the
current IEP.
• Immediately initiate
a FBA/BIP or review
an existing FBA/BIP to
address the behavior.
• Student immediately
returns to previous
placement or other
placement determined
by the IEP team.
• Student returns to
previous placement
on the 13th day.
• Provide FAPE on 11th day, setting
and services are determined by
school personnel in consultation
with at least one of the child’s
• Student returns to previous
placement on 13th day.
See Appendix B for guidance on holding MDRs for subsequent MDRs after the first 10
days of removal.
The parent has right to due process hearing if in disagreement with the results of MDR.
Special Circumstances: Weapons/Drugs/Serious Bodily Injury
§300.530 (g)
Scenario 4: Student is found with illegal drugs at school. District suspends for 90
A. District must:
1. Provide general education protections (see Appendix A).
2. Invoke procedures specific to students with a disability.
 Provide parent with Special Education Procedural Safeguards.
 School personnel determine a change of placement to an IAES.
 District convenes an IEP team meeting to determine the appropriate
setting for the IAES for 45 days.
 Conduct an MDR within 10 days of first day of decision to change the
placement (see Appendix B for MDR process).
MDR makes a decision:
Is a manifestation of disability:
Is not a manifestation of disability:
Immediately initiate or review/ revise an
existing FBA/BIP.
Immediately initiate or review/revise an existing
FBA/BIP as appropriate.
District may decide the student returns to
the placement prior to the 45 school days,
or the student may remain in the IAES for
the remainder of the 45 school days.
Student may remain in IAES for up to 45 school
The district may impose discipline for as long
as they would for a student without disabilities.
District must provide services for the length of
the discipline removal that goes beyond the 45
school days.
C. Parent has a right to an expedited hearing on placement or MDR.
§300.532 (a) Student remains in the IAES pending the outcome of the hearing.
Upon completion, GO TO STEP 4
a. These are the positions that must be involved:
i. Principal
ii. Service Area Director
iii. Caseload Teacher
iv. Other--based on IEP services (i.e., Social Worker, etc.).
b. Complete Interim Alternative Educational Setting Form, either Section
1 or 2 AND Section 3.
c. Call Special Education Administrative Assistant (933-5691) if
resources are needed.