Chapter 04 Rome - Dr. H. Hamilton

Chapter 04 - Rome
Chapter 04
Name: __________________________________________________________
True / False Questions
_____1. The early leaders of the Christian church condemned Roman sports.
______2. Since they were the "victims" of Roman sport, Christians were the dominant force that
opposed the carnage associated with the games and spectacles of ancient Rome.
______3. The Roman sport of chariot racing was so popular that it was adopted by Christians in the
Byzantine Empire and remained popular for centuries.
_____4. There were four types of Roman gladiators.
______5. The Roman military embraced the Greek model of athletic competition because it developed
the "team unity" the Romans demanded.
______6. The Romans were prejudiced/very uncomfortable in regard to the nudity of the Greek
______7. Apparently, it was only during the era of the early Republic that Romans actually participated
in physical activity and athletic competition - during the Empire, they became a nation of spectators.
______8. Roman leaders feared that bored citizens may revolt against the government. As a result, they
provided entertainment for the citizens in the form of athletic spectacles.
______9. Although gladiators who displayed courage, bravery, and fought well were admired by many
Romans for their skill, these same Romans cared very little about the "future" of these trained killers
since the fate of the gladiator was to provide the masses with entertainment and die in the arena.
_____10. . LUDI is the Roman/Latin term for games.
_____11. The Hippodrome of Constantinople (present day Istanbul) was a huge chariot racing venue
and could accommodate upwards of 100,000 fans.
Multiple Choice:
_____12. Which of the following is true?
A. The most popular sport enjoyed by the Etruscans was chariot racing.
B. The Etruscans had no problem killing prisoners of war or other condemned individuals as a way to
provide public entertainment.
C. Both
_____13. The Roman Empire was
A. formed before the Etruscans civilization.
B. was governed by a succession of Emperors.
C. Both
_____14. The Romans during the Empire
A. were known as master builders.
B. looked with disdain upon Romans who built lavish houses and attended gladiatorial spectacles.
C. revered Nero as one of the finest emperors that the Empire ever had.
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Chapter 04 - Rome
____15. Stoic Philosophy
A. was grounded in a sense of Individualism, a sense of personal responsibility and frowned on those
who were/are emotional.
B. did not appeal to Romans.
C. was criticized by the Roman Seneca because it ignored the teaching of personal conduct.
____16. The physical and "sporting" activities of the Romans
A. revolved around "physical exercises - physical education" during the early years of the Republic.
B. evolved into massive spectacles of entertainment, debauchery, and carnage during the Empire.
C. included ball games, spending time in the baths or engaging in mild exercise tossing various balls
back and forth to loosen the joints and increase range of motion.
D. for the most part, was not at all similar to the intense, strenuous activities engaged in by the Greeks in
the palastras and gymnasiums.
E. All of the above.
____17. Cladius Galen (A.D. 130-200)
A. was one of the first physicians to combine medicine and biomechanics to form the "science of
B. was very knowledgeable in the surgical procedures of the day and the use of drugs to assist the
healing process.
C. believed that professional athletes did not have much of an intellect and spend their lives over
exercising, overeating, and oversleeping like pigs.
D. All of the above.
____18. Which of the following is true?
A. Women were expected to participate in the Olympic Games.
B. There are historical accounts that documents women competed as gladiators.
C. Both.
____19. Which of the following is true?
A. Romans enjoyed watching slaves and professional athletes compete while also taking delight in
watching the less fortunate Christians, criminals, and political prisoners participate unwillingly in the
B. Romans insisted that gladiators were amateurs.
C. Both.
____20. The Circus Maximus in Rome
A. was the premier hippodrome in the Roman Empire
B. attracted men, women, and Christians.
C. was where two Roman Emperors, Nero and Caligula, raced chariots.
D. could accommodate upwards of 250,000 spectators.
E. All of the above.
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