YEAR 3 CURRICULUM NEWSLETTER What the Romans did for us! Welcome back, I hope you had a lovely Easter. Following on from our Stone Age topic last term, our topic this term will be ‘What the Romans did for us’. If you would like to view the objectives for this term, please read the curriculum jigsaw which is in our class page on the school website. Literacy Maths Play scripts Times tables We will focus on play scripts to begin with this term. The children will read and act out plays from Julia Donaldson’s book ‘Playtime’. They will progress to writing their own Roman scenes for a class play. It is important that the children continue to practise their times tables to improve their rapid recall. Children in year 3 are expected to practise their 3, 4, 6 and 8 times tables. I will check the children’s recall on a weekly basis. Non-chronological reports Following on from our learning about the Romans this term, we will write reports. The children will complete their own research, plans and reports on their chosen focus. Roman Numerals I will be teaching the children to identify the Roman numerals for the following numbers; 112, 50, 100. General reminders The children will continue to have their P.E lessons on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that they have a labelled P.E kit in school on these days. As the weather begins to get warmer, I plan to take the children outside for P.E. It would be useful for the children to bring their trainers on P.E. days. The children will continue to have their spelling test every Friday. They are prompted to record their scores in their home spelling books. Homework will still be given on a Friday and must be completed by the following Wednesday. They will receive ‘My maths’ homework every week, please speak to Miss Berryman if you are having any difficulties.