Maths We are investigating the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and understanding how we can use different criteria to sort them e.g. symmetry, angles, faces, edges, vertices. We will be working on doubling and halving and how this relates to multiplication and division before moving onto further tables and x and ÷by 10 and 100. We will be practising telling the time including Roman Numerals. Dragonflies Class Autumn 2 2015 Topic This half term we will be continuing our Romans topic by learning about the impact they had on Britain after they had settled here, and the legacy they left us. We will focus on their towns, houses, way of life and inventions such as road. The Remarkable Romans We will then move onto our science Personal, Socialof and Emotional Development topic electricity. The whole –school RE week focusSEAL on theme this half term is Christianity and ‘Getting on and Falling out’ which advent. will also be a focus of our anti – bullying week. . Circle time – we will discuss different issues, school council news and ‘Thunks’ (questions which make you think!) Don’t forget! Class ‘Sharing our Learning’ session 20.11.15 1.45 – 2.45pm Home Reading Please read for at least 15 minutes each day. Remember to sign and comment in your reading diary. Home Learning Don’t forget that your spellings, reading, and maths passports also count as part of your home learning. English We are exploring the features of newspapers and how reports are written. We will learn how to write our own newspaper report. We will then move onto to adventure and mystery stories and learn how to write and plan our own version. . In our SPAG sessions we will be focusing on verb endings – tenses including irregular past tense, apostrophes, suffixes; es, er, ed, ing and prefixes ‘dis’ and ‘un’, the ‘ay’ sound and homophones. Physical Development PE sessions will be dance on Wednesdays and on Fridays it will be rugby skills with the sports coach. Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school for these days. It is preferable to have separate footwear for indoor and outdoor tasks e.g. plimsolls and trainers. (Spare socks, warm Creative Roman town giant class collage Cooking/preparing Roman food, designing menus. Mosaics Christmas crafts Music – singing (Roman related song!) Spelling test Spellings should be practised at home and will be tested every Friday. Extra dates Anti bullying week 16th – 20th Nov. Christmas craft day 25.11.15 (All help is welcome!)