The Roman Empire notes


Ancient Rome – The Roman Empire

~ During the rule of Augustus, Rome enjoyed a Pax Romana or ______________________________.

The Roman Empire was large and included people who spoke different ____________________ and followed different __________________. Augustus was a strong leader. He made changes that helped unite the empire and set rules that are part of the legal system of some countries today. For example, he granted _________________________ to people living in the provinces which gave them special protection that said they did not have to speak out against themselves in law courts. (*This is like our right to remain silent, or the 5 th amendment) During this time, the Romans took a count of the people. This ______________________, or count, made sure Romans paid taxes and took part in military service. The job of the standing army of the Roman Empire was to defend the empire’s borders. They also built 500,000 miles of ___________________________. This led to

__________________________________________________, or the spreading of ideas, throughout the empire. Why do you think the saying “All roads lead to Rome” exists? _________________________


~ Rome was the capital of the empire. Augustus added government offices, libraries, temples, and

_____________________________. In the city center stood huge government buildings called

____________________________. He created the __________________________, a place where people could meet for business or fun. It was there that merchants sold goods and food and that public notices were posted. The Colosseum was an arena where Romans watched battles between

_____________________________________. People found it entertaining to watch the gladiators

(slaves or prisoners) who fought to the ______________________. Romans also built

_________________________________. These structures carried water from rivers to cities. Provinces throughout the empire modeled their cities after Rome.

~ Roman culture borrowed many ______________________ ideas. Architecture, art, and writing were influenced by Greece. The Roman poet Virgil was asked to write a work that told of the greatness of Rome’s past. This work of _____________________________, or love of country, made

Romans proud. Romans wrote and spoke in ___________________________. Today the Latin alphabet is used in English and other languages. (Languages based on Latin are called Romance

Languages: Spanish, French, and Italian).
