Board Meeting
Tuesday April 30, 2013
Vice Chair: Linda Bloom, Don Gerardot, Nelson Peters, Therese Brown, Russell Jehl
Also Present:
Tony Burrus: Director, District Attorney: William Fishering
Call to Order
Don Gerardot: Called the meeting to order at 10:31 a.m.
Therese Brown: Motion to approve the March Meeting minutes.
Don Gerardot: 2nd
Motion passed 5/0/0
Amendment to Interagency Agreement
Tony Burrus: Due to the action of the county counsel: an increase of 2% across the board increase to all
county employees, there is now a shortfall of $1,129.00 in the Interagency Agreement. We’ll have to make
an adjustment in the agreement to satisfy the State Board of Accounts.
Therese Brown: Motion to amend the agreement by $1,129.00
Nelson Peters: 2nd the motion
Motion passed 5/0/0
2013 Tire Contracts
Tony Burrus: We have included the new Tire Agreement for waste tires in your packet. We put this out
for bid and had no bidders. I’m asking you to approve the contract subject to Attorney’s review.
We will award the contract back to the current vendor. This affects the Municipal Program, Tire Amnesty
Day, the rental of trailers and the proper disposal of tires. We provide the services and absorb the costs.
The Municipal program includes tires collected along the public right of ways by the city and highway
departments. Tire Amnesty Day is our program to collect the tires from the public.
Therese Brown: Do I have to pay for those tires if I were to drop off tires at Tire Amnesty Day?
Tony Burrus: To answer; nobody has tire amnesty day except us. The other is municipal program whereby
they pick up tires along road and we provide the mechanism and to get rid of them.
Therese Brown: OK, so that being said South Barn…
Tony Burrus: South Barn, North Barn, the City of Fort Wayne in different locations, Monroeville…
The money comes from the District. We are charged by statute to manage waste tires. We have partnered
with the City to run programs funded sometimes with grants to promote ridding of tires in the
neighborhoods of Fort Wayne. Cooperating together we have managed many programs to clear tires from
the environment. We work with the highway department as well, providing containers and the disposal
services contracted.
Linda Bloom: And then grind up into mulch?
Tony Burrus: Tires can have multiple uses: mulch, playground equipment and even auto parts. Anything
out of rubber made tires because you can grind them down to the consistency of cooking flour and then
form them into the product you want.
Therese Brown: Motion to approve the Tire Contract
Don Gerardot: 2nd
Motion passed: 5/0/0
Director’s Report:
Tony Burrus: The only news is that next month we’ll see a large repair bill from Vermeer.
Russell Jehl: Do I understand by that remark that there is no line item for repair in the budget?
Tony Burrus: We do have a line item for that. We will try to absorb the cost but it will make a major cut
into the budget.
Tony Burrus: Web stats continue to look good.
Review of Claims:
Nelson Peters: Motion to approve Claims
Therese Brown: 2nd
Motion passed: 5/0/0
Public Comments: none
Linda Bloom: Meeting adjourned. 10:48 a.m.