Esa unclassified – releasable to the public European Space Agency Directorate of Operations and Infrastructure Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground Monitoring and Control Study EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Issue 1.1 2012/01/12 European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90495 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT ........................................................................................... 3 1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE ACTIVITY........................................................................................................... 4 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTIVITY ............................................................................................................. 6 1.3.1 Relationship between PUS and Mission Operations Services .................................................... 6 1.4 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 8 1.4.1 Applicable Documents ................................................................................................................. 8 1.4.2 Reference Documents ................................................................................................................. 9 1.4.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... 10 2 ASSUMPTIONS, CONSTRAINTS AND CUSTOMER FURNISHED ITEMS ............................................ 11 2.1 ASSUMPTIONS/RISKS ........................................................................................................................ 11 2.2 CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................................................................. 12 2.2.1 General Constraints ................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.2 Intellectual Property Rights Constraints ..................................................................................... 12 2.2.3 SDE Constraints ........................................................................................................................ 12 2.2.4 Baseline Constraints .................................................................................................................. 12 2.2.5 Implementation Constraints ....................................................................................................... 12 2.2.6 Other Constraints ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 CUSTOMER FURNISHED ITEMS .......................................................................................................... 14 3 STUDY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 15 3.1 4 PROTOTYPE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................. 16 WORK TO BE PERFORMED ...................................................................................................... 18 4.1 PROJECT LOGIC ............................................................................................................................... 18 4.2 PROJECT W ORK PACKAGES .............................................................................................................. 19 4.2.1 WP-01, Management ................................................................................................................. 20 4.2.2 WP-02, EGS-CC System Concept, European Harmonisation Results and Protocol Stack Analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 22 4.2.3 WP-03, Prototype Requirements Engineering Phase ............................................................... 22 4.2.4 WP-04, Prototype Design and Implementation.......................................................................... 22 4.2.5 WP-05, Final Delivery Acceptance and final presentation ......................................................... 23 4.3 MEETINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 24 4.4 W ORK LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................ 25 5 DELIVERABLES, SCHEDULE AND MILESTONES .......................................................................... 26 5.1 DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................................. 26 5.1.1 Delivery Items ............................................................................................................................ 26 Documentation Delivery Items ........................................................................................................... 26 Software Delivery Items..................................................................................................................... 27 5.1.2 Delivery Sets .............................................................................................................................. 28 5.2 SCHEDULE AND MILESTONES ............................................................................................................ 29 European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 2 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Document Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 The purpose of this document is to provide the technical Statement of Work (SOW) for the “Harmonised Space and Ground Monitoring and Control Study”. This document describes the activities to be executed and the deliverables required by the European Space Agency1 as part of the Project. It will become part of the contract and shall serve as an applicable document throughout the execution of the Project (with possible amendments recorded during the Kick-Off meeting). The document is structured as follows: 1 Chapter 1 defines the background, objectives and documents applicable to the project. Chapter 2 defines the assumptions, constraints and CFIs applicable to the project. Chapter 3 defines the requirements applicable to the project. Chapter 4 defines the phases and management organisation applicable to the project. Chapter 5 defines the deliverables, schedule and milestones applicable to the project. Also referred to as "ESA" or "the Agency" European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 3 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 1.2 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Background of the Activity ESA missions are currently operated using packets in accordance with the ECSS Packet Utilisation Standard (ECSS E-70-41, RD-0007). Several standards have been / are being produced at European (ECSS) or International (CCSDS) level. Future ESA missions and Ground Segment roadmaps are considering its use in their current roadmap. The main standards involved (list non-exhaustive) are as follows: ESA missions recently launched and in development (Rosetta, Mars Express, Venus Express, BepiColombo, Gaia) have been increasingly moving to off-line operations concepts, with file transfer increasingly becoming common functionality. The use of a file based data delivery is made possible by the availability of standardised file transfer protocols. The ECSS Packet Utilisation Standard (ECSS E-70-41) specifies the TM/TC interface for large data transfer (Service 13), including specific guidelines on how to define a closed-loop protocol using the TM/TC interface, however without standardising the management and the utilisation of files resulting from the data transfer managed via Service 13. CCSDS has defined a standard for File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) (RD-0009), which has been made applicable at ESA. Both standards can be operated open-loop (i.e. transfer not ensuring completeness) or closed-loop (i.e. transfer with automatic detection of missing parts and request for retransmissions, thus ensuring completeness). The CFDP standard even opens the door to transmission via way-points (e.g. relay/orbiter type of mission). The CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C) working group has developed a concept for a Mission Operations (MO) Service Framework [RD-0010], which follows the principles of Service Oriented architectures. It defines an extensible set of end-to-end services that support interactions between distributable mission operations functions, e.g., software applications specific to the mission operations domain. It should be noted that the CCSDS standards are in a state of current development and therefore flux. The latest documents issued in late 2010 contain significant evolutions from previous versions. Further documents, e.g. the COM specification [RD-0011] are still in draft. o The CCSDS Component Object Model (COM) (RD-0011) defines a template for the definition of services. It defines an entity model that services extend and an associated set of standard operations for the management and observation of that model. Defining a standard service entity model allows not only the specification of standard operations but also the definition of a standard historical archive and the associated services that support the archive. The COM is built upon the concepts of the CCSDS Message Abstraction Layer (MAL) (RD-0008). One such concept is that of Domain. Domains provide the ability to decompose the System into a hierarchical tree of components, each of which may support/provide any number of services. The ECSS E31 Space System Model (SSM) (RD-0012) provides a hierarchical decomposition of the 'System' into System Elements (SE). Each node on the tree represents an SE, and each SE contains a set of Activities, Reporting Data, and Events. In addition, Europe (Primes, National Agencies and Primes) has started a new Initiative to develop the next generation European Ground System Common Core (EGS-CC) for MCS and EGSE systems for the benefit of end-to-end usage (AIV/OPS), interoperability of facilities between phases and between programmes (institutional and / or commercial). The EGS-CC (AD-0005 to AD-0011) main functions are as follows: EGS-CC Kernel EGS-CC Reference Implementation EGS-CC Reference Test Facility EGS-CC will make use of all available standards (i.e. SSM, PUS, CCSDS packet TM / TC, PUS, CFDP and the new CCSDS MO Service suite of standards) The EGS-CC Monitoring and Control Model is an important driver enabling the capture of all static and dynamic information related to the Space System in a structured way. The space system knowledge is categorised into activities, events and reporting data as specified within the ECSS E-ST-70-31C (RD-0012) The EGS-CC architecture is logically structured in separate layers isolating different responsibilities and defining clear interfaces between them. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 4 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Component Management Application support Processing o M&C generic o M&C abstraction o Adaptation o Extension Service Presentation External system layer The European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software (AD-0012 to AD-0019) has also developed a Reference Architecture, representing a generalised design of a ground segment, covering all ground components and their interfaces.. The model was aligned to both ECSS and CCSDS standards demonstrating how a ground system can use ECSS-E-ST-70-31C and CCSDS Mission Operations (MO) Services together, featuring a Space System Model (SSM), the Common Object Model(COM) and Message Abstraction Layer (MAL) as part of the same design. The coexistence and use of all these standards in a M&C stack is not obvious and has caused different discussions and point of views, such as: Mapping of ECSS E-70-31 Activity with CCSDS MAL Action Mapping of ECSS E70-31 Reporting Data with CCSDS MAL Parameter Mapping of ECSS E70-31 Event with CCSDS MAL Alert Design of the application software in ECSS E-70-31, CCSDS or both terms Information views and messages are defined in ECSS E-70-31 terms (ServiceView) and Service mechanisms are implemented as CCSDS COM services (InterfaceOperationsView) MO services map to different PUS services at different levels These discussions have shown that it is imperative to perform a study with a “proof of concept” prototype to demonstrate how a M&C stack can be designed. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 5 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 1.3 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Objectives of the Activity The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate through a Proof of Concept that it is feasible to achieve interoperability of the applicable standards within the proposed EGS-CC concept. Where it is not possible, then it is important that recommendations are to be made for changes to the EGS-CC concept and demonstrated by the Proof of Concept Prototype. . The prototype shall include the spacecraft and control system functionality as a “System Proof of Concept”. It should be noted that the intention is not to further investigate the suitability of the concept, but rather to look at the interoperability of all the set of standards (end to end protocol stack) foreseen for its implementation. The following phases/tasks are foreseen in the course of the study: Analysis of EGS-CC System Concept and Architecture Analysis of the European Technology Harmonisation on ground Software Systems results Prototype Architecture and Interface Design Functional (or Proof of concept) Prototype Design and Implementation Provisional Prototype Software Acceptance Final presentation and report With respect to the Analysis of EGS-CC this will involve the analysis of its concept and architecture, the feasibility of all foreseen standards and its operability within the protocol stack, expanding on some of the concepts outlined in AD-0005 to AD-0011and this Statement of Work, detailing the outcome in Technical Notes as specified later in this document. These technical notes will then be used to derive some of the requirements required for the prototype demonstration. 1.3.1 Relationship between PUS and Mission Operations Services The purpose of the PUS standard is the remote monitoring and control of subsystems and payloads. It is an ECSS standard based on CCSDS packet TM and TC standards (RD_0013 and 14) that defines the application level interface between ground and space. It identifies a set of operational concepts covering all the essential requirements for spacecraft monitoring and control during satellite integration, testing and flight operations. It defines the services that satisfy these operational concepts and specifies the structure and contents of the associated service requests (Telecommand packets) and service reports (Telemetry source packets). It can be tailored according to the needs of a given mission (selection of services and options) and it allows mission specific extensions. The PUS has the following current limitations: o The service definition is tightly tied to the CCSDS TM/TC packet structure and cannot be easily ported to another transport protocol (e.g. IP). Synchronisation and routing have to be redeveloped for IP. o PUS mixes service information with protocol information and physical representation. o PUS services are focussed on ground to space services, not including the ground to ground ones. The Mission Operations services can be seen as an evolution of the PUS standard. They comprise all services that are needed to monitor and control a remote system including: TM monitoring TC generation (manual, pre-planned, automatic, time-tagged) Remote software management Time management Mission product data management Mission Planning and automation Orbit, Attitude and Position determination Standard interaction with the operator European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 6 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 MO services do not prescribe the system architecture, technology and functionality. Service provider / consumer may be located differently depending on the specific deployment. They do not predefine applications implementation, but only their management interfaces. MO services allow expansion for future needs. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 7 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 1.4 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 References 1.4.1 Applicable Documents The following documents are to be considered as applicable to the Project: Id AD-0001 AD-0002 AD-0003 AD-0004 AD-0005 AD-0006 AD-0007 AD-0008 AD-0009 AD-0010 AD-0011 AD-0012 AD-0013 AD-0014 AD-0015 AD-0016 AD-0017 AD-0018 Title Ver. Date ECSS-E-ST-40C Space engineering - Software: QMS-EIMO-GUID-CKL-9500Tailoring for Ground Segment Systems OPS Reference 1.0 07.2009 ECSS-Q-ST-80C Space product assurance Software product assurance: Tailoring for Ground Segment Systems The Scrum Guide QMS-EIMO-GUID-CKL-9501OPS 1.0 07.2009 EGS-CC - System Concept EGS-CC Conceptual Data Models European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software Systems, High Level Requirements and Services, European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software Systems, Interface Control Document Monitoring and Control Services, European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software Systems Interface Control Document Mission Planning Services, European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software Systems, Interface Control Document, Flight Dynamics Services, European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software Systems, Standardisation of Interfaces; Guide to Common ICD Concepts, European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software Systems, INFORMATION VIEWPOINT, European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software Systems, COMPUTATIONAL VIEWPOINT, EGSCC-SYS-TN-1003 EGSCC- SYS-TN-1004 EUHA-GS-RQ-1001 1991-2011 Ken Schwaber and Oct 2011 Jeff Sutherland Java Coding Standards BSSC 2005(2) 1.0 03.03.05 Design & Style Guide for XML Data and Schema BSSC 2004(3) 1.0 31.03.05 EGS-CC - Glossary of Terms EGSCC-SYS-GLO-1001 ,1.0A 28.09.11 EGS-CC - User Requirements Document, Vol. 1: EGSCC-SYS-RS-1001 1.0A 29.09.11 Functional Requirements EGS-CC - User Requirements Document, Vol. 2: EGSCC-SYS-RS-1002 1.0A 28.09.11 Non-functional Requirements EGS-CC - External Interface Identification EGSCC-SYS-RS-1003 1.0A 27.09.11 EGS-CC - Use Concept Document, EGSCC-SYS-TN-1002 1.0A 28.09.11 European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne 1.0A 28.09.11 1.0A 29.09.11 1.0 15.11.11 EUHA-MC-ICD-1002 1.0 15.11.11 EUHA-MP-ICD-1002 1.0 15.11.11 EUHA-FD-ICD-1002 1.0 15.11.11 EUHA-GD-TN-1001 1.0 28.08.09 EUHA-GS-TN-1001 1.0 15.11.11 EUHA-GS-TN-1002 1.0 15.11.11 ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 8 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Id AD-0019 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Title Reference European Technology Harmonisation on Ground EUHA-GS-GLO-1001 Software Systems, Glossary of Terms, Document issue: Document revision: Ver. 1 1 Date 1.0 15.11.11 1.4.2 Reference Documents The following documents are to be considered as reference to the Project: Id RD-0001 Title Ver. Date Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services (SOIS) – CCSDS 850.0-G-1 Informational Report Reference 1 June 2007 RD-0002 Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services (SOIS) – CCSDS 873.0-M-0 File and Packet Store Services 0 Sep 2011 RD-0003 Space Packet Protocol CCSDS 133.0-B-1 1 RD-0004 Encapsulation Service CCSDS 133.1-B-2 1 Sept. 2003 Oct 2009 3 2 Oct. 2009 Mar 2008 2 Dec. 2007 A Jan. 2003 1 Sep 2010 4 3 3 Jan 2007 Dec 2010 June 2011 1 Jul 2008 1 July 2008 1 July 2008 complemented by RD-0005 RD-0006 RD-0007 RD-0008 RD-0009 RD-0010 RD-0011 RD-0012 RD-0013 RD-0014 Space Link Identifiers CCSDS 135.0-B-4 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Services CCSDS 522.0-R-2 (SM&C) – Core Services CCSDS Report – Overview of Space CCSDS 130.0-G-2 Communication Protocols Ground systems and operations — Telemetry ECSS-E-70-41A and telecommand packet utilization (PUS) CCSDS Mission Operations Message CCSDS 521.0-B-1 Abstraction Layer (MAL) CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) CCSDS 727.0-B-4 CCSDS Mission Operations Services Concept CCSDS 520.0-G-3 CCSDS MISSION OPERATIONS COMMON CCSDS 521.1-R-3 OBJECT MODEL ECSS Space Engineering – Ground Systems ECSS-E-ST-70-31C and Operations – Monitoring and Control Data Definition ECSS Space Engineering – Space Data Links – ECSS-E-ST-50-03C Telemetry transfer Frame protocol ECSS Space Engineering – Space Data Links – ECSS-E-ST-50-04C Telecommand protocols synchronisation and channel coding European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 9 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 1.4.3 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym / Abbreviation AIV CCSDS CFDP CFI COM ECSS EGS-CC EGSE GSTVi ICD IP IPR KO MAL MCS MO M&C OPS RID SAT SDD SDE SE SM&C SOW SRS SSM SUM TBC TBD TBS TC TM TO European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne Description Assembly, Integration and Verification Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CCSDS File Delivery Protocol Customer Furnished Item CCSDS Component Object Model European Cooperation for Space Standardization European Ground System – Common Core Electrical Ground Support Equipment Ground System Test & Validation infrastructure Interface Control Document Internet Protocol Intellectual Property Rights Kick-Off CCSDS Message Abstraction Layer Mission Control System Mission Operations Monitoring and Control Operations Review Item Discrepancy System Acceptance Test Software Design Document Software Development Environment System Element Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Statement Of Work Software Requirements Specification Space System Model Software User Manual To be confirmed (by the Agency) To be determined (by the contractor) To be specified (by the Agency) Telecommand Telemetry Technical Officer ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 10 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 2 ASSUMPTIONS, CONSTRAINTS AND CUSTOMER FURNISHED ITEMS 2.1 Assumptions/Risks Reference Description AR-0001 New versions of applicable documents may be provided at KO. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 1 1 12/01/2012 Page 11 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 2.2 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 General Constraints Reference Description CO-0001 All phases of the study shall be compliant with AD-0001 Intellectual Property Rights Constraints Reference Description CO-0002 It is of critical importance that the Contractor understands and adheres to the fact that all source code, test tools, harnesses, input data samples and test script procedures to be delivered as part of this work shall be delivered at each milestone as Operational Software with full ESA Intellectual Property Rights. CO-0003 It is also of critical importance that the Contractor understands and adheres to the fact that, if any activity resulting in the production of software as part of this work includes any direct re-use, porting and/or upgrade of any software that was developed under a previous contract, then any such affected software before it is delivered, must fully satisfy the above IPR requirement. 2.2.3 CO-0004 2.2.4 CO-0005 2.2.5 1 1 Constraints 2.2.1 2.2.2 Document issue: Document revision: SDE Constraints None Baseline Constraints Development of the prototype shall be based on SLES 11 Implementation Constraints CO-0006 The prototype shall be developed in Java CO-0007 The outputs of the technology EGS-CC selection activities shall be taken into account if they are timely available by Kick-off The prototype at application level on the ground data systems shall be developed from scratch, in order to avoid any dependency with existing legacy systems. CO-0008 Note:It is allowed the reuse of third party technologies,For example, the EGS-CC concept is based on a component based approach. In this case, it is sensible to reuse an existing component framework rather than develop something from scratch. CO-0009 It is allowed to use existing Spacecraft models to emulate the Space segment. Note: It is acknowledged that some modifications to any existing spacecraft model are likely to be required. CO-0010 Java source code shall be compliant with coding conventions as per AD-0003 CO-0011 The reuse of third party technology shall be agreed beforehand with ESA CO-0012 XML source code shall be compliant with coding conventions as per AD-0004 2.2.6 Other Constraints European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 12 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 CO-0013 The Contractor shall not distribute any Project deliverable without prior written authorization of the ESA TO. This applies both to internal deliveries within the Consortia (to be used in other ESA or non-ESA contracts) as well as to external deliveries to other organizations and/or ESA units. CO-0014 All activities, reports, correspondence, deliverables and tools covered by this SoW shall be in English. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 13 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 2.3 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Customer Furnished Items CFI-0001 ESA is committed to provide only the items listed in Table 2-1 CFI-0002 ESA shall be responsible to deliver to the Contractor by the named dates the Customer Furnished Items (CFIs) identified in Table 2-1. No additional Item will be provided by the Agency. CFI Identifier Description Delivery Date Documentation CFI-DOC-0001 The latest available version for all applicable documents (see 1.4.1) ML-KO Software Infrastructure None Hardware and Network at ESOC None Table 2-1 Customer Furnished Items European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 14 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 3 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 STUDY REQUIREMENTS The objective of this study is to provide a “Proof of System Concept” Prototype , based on concepts described in [AD-0005 to AD-0019]. In particular the following scenarios shall be considered. SR-0001 The study shall provide a “Proof of System Concept” prototype, based on concepts described in EGS-CC documents [AD-0005 to AD-0011] and Harmonisation documents (AD0012 to AD-0019). In particular the following scenarios shall be considered: 1. Protocol stack with coexistent PUS, ECSS E31 and CCSDS MO Services 2. Protocol stack with coexistent PUS, ECSS E31, CCSDS MO Services and CFDP SR-0002 The space and ground station asset shall be modelled in a simple way. SR-0003 The study shall analyse hop-to-hop (ground station or satellite on the ground to control centre) and end-to-end solutions (spacecraft to mission control) SR-0004 The prototype architecture shall be flexible and extensible to allow the implementation of additional functions. It shall be possible to have optional “pluggable” components SR-0005 The Project shall implement a prototype in order to SR-0006 SR-0007 demonstrate through a Proof of Concept that it is feasible to achieve interoperability of the applicable standards within the proposed EGS-CC concept. Where it is not possible, then it is important that recommendations are to be made for changes to the EGS-CC concept and demonstrated by the Proof of Concept Prototype.identify changes to the proposed architecture and to the results of the European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Software System (reference architecture and proposed ICDs) Cross Support scenarios (as defined by CCSDS) shall be taken into account The study shall take into account all results of previous activities,(see AD-0005 to AD-0019) i.e. 1. Harmo 2. EGS-CC European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 15 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 3.1 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Prototype Requirements This section outlines high level prototype requirements. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 16 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 PR-0001 The Prototype implementation shall be according to the European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Siftware System and the EGS-CC current specifications.( AD-0019) PR-0002 The prototype (as described in previous sections) shall allow to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed concept for different European MCS and EGSE PR-0003 The prototype shall allow to simulate typical scenarios according to different mission types PR-0004 The prototype shall allow to estimate the required changes to the EGS-CC and Harmo Reference architectures PR-0005 The prototype shall include as a minimum the main elements related to the exchange of TM and TC data PR-0006 Interfaces shall make use of recognized standards, (RD-0001 to RD-0011)i.e PR-0007 - Space – Ground Interface - CCSDS Mission Operations Services - ECSS Space System ,Model - ECSS Packet Utilization Standard An analysis shall be carried out to see how the PUS can support the following functionality; 1. SSM 2. MO Services . This shall cover two cases a. provision of MO services to clients of an EGS-CC based system (e.g. core M&C services) b. The EGS-CC is a client of a MO service (e.g. controlled system offers MO compliant services) The results of this analysis shall be documented in a technical note. Note: It is acknowledged that it may be necessary to extend the PUS to support the above mentioned functionality. For the purpose of this study it is accepted that this can be done with the PUS mission specific extensions. PR-0008 A Software Requirements Specification document for the prototype shall be produced PR-0009 Once the Software Requirements Specification document has been reviewed and accepted a prototype Software Design Document shall be produced. PR-0010 The Prototype Design Phase shall follow an agile approach (AD-0002) PR-0011 Test Cases shall contain a level of detail that allows their execution by a tester having only “User” knowledge of the application; i.e. without the need of a developer team member support. Test Cases shall unambiguously provide the values of the expected results and state the required input data. Whenever adequate, input data shall be prepared as computer stored Test Data Sets to allow faster execution of tests and full reproducibility. System testing shall include, as a minimum: PR-0014 PR-0015 PR-0016 Functional Test: this test verifies the proper functional behaviour of the system. Testing verifying the compliance against the prototype requirements The Contractor shall be responsible for the production of any items required to support testing, including test harnesses, input data samples, command procedures. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 17 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 4 WORK TO BE PERFORMED 4.1 Project Logic SL-0001 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 The Software Engineering methodology shall be compliant with AD-0001 and in particular Tailoring Type 4 as described in AD-0001 shall be applicable to the prototype software developed for this project. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 18 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 4.2 SP-0001 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Project Work Packages The Project organization shall include the following work packages. Management (supporting process) EGS-CC System Concept, European Technology Harmonisation and protocol stack analysis Prototype Requirements Engineering Prototype Design and Implementation Final Delivery, Acceptance and presentation European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 19 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 4.2.1 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 WP-01, Management MGT-0001 MGT-0002 The following Input to the Work Package shall be considered: All applicable documents; All reference documents; The Statement of Work (this document); Minutes of the kick-off meeting. Perform general project management ensuring proper control over schedule, cost and quality according to AD-0001 MGT-0003 Provide complete visibility to the Agency of all aspects of the work. MGT-0004 Implement the appropriate management communication lines and ensure a single management authority for all tasks. MGT-0005 Perform sub-Contractor(s) management MGT-0006 Perform risk management, identifying potential risks propose meaningful ways to mitigate them and review the risk status during the different Project phases. MGT-0007 Produce and maintain a general Prototype Software Development Plan, PRJ-SYS-SDP1001 Note: content template defined by AD-0001. It shall also contain details on validation Planning MGT-0008 No Prototype Software Configuration Management is required MGT-0009 No Prototype Software Product Assurance plan is required MGT-0010 No Prototype Software Verification Plan is required MGT-0011 Produce and maintain the Prototype Software Validation Specification, PRJ-DOM-SYSSVS-1001 Note: content template defined by AD-0001 MGT-0012 Monthly production of the Monthly Progress Report, PRJ-DOM-SYS-MPR-yymm Note: content template defined by AD-0001 Note: this document shall include (nonexhaustive list): WP Status: progress and problems Identified risks and solutions Problems (if not covered already at WP level) Contractual issues Financial status Flexibility Work Package status List of actions and their status Planning (including SoW dates/KO dates/planned dates) Proposed upcoming meeting agenda (if applicable) List of Deliverables and their status List of deliverable documents and their status Note: the Monthly Progress Report shall be delivered not later than five working days after the end of the reporting month. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 20 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: MGT-0013 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 As required, produce the Meeting Minutes, PRJ-DOM-SYS-MIN-tnnnn Note: this document shall include (non-exhaustive list): List of the participants Agreements Actions MGT-0014 Note: Minutes of Meetings shall be taken by in real time and they must be signed off at the end of the meeting. Afterwards, the Contractor shall distribute the minutes, in electronic format, not later than two working days after the meeting. Support / attend meetings as per section 4.3 MGT-0015 Delivery of Documentation Items – Management as per Table 5-1(at different milestones) European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 21 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 4.2.2 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 WP-02, EGS-CC System Concept, European Harmonisation Results and Protocol Stack Analysis RQE-0001 RQE-0002 RQE-0003 RQE-0004 RQE-0005 RQE-0006 RQE-0007 4.2.3 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 The following Input to the phase shall be considered: All applicable documents; All reference documents; The Statement of Work (this document). Minutes of the kick-off meeting. In this WP the Contractor shall analyse the EGS-CC System Concept, functional scope, European harmonisation results and the proposed protocol stack The Contractor shall identify use cases and associated requirements to be supported. The Contractor shall produce the technical note specified in requirement 2 and 3 Deliver TN PRJ-DOM-SYS-TN-1001 10 working days before the review (ML-TND) Perform / Support TN review (ML-TNR) Update and re-deliver TN within 10 days after TN review (ML-TNU) WP-03, Prototype Requirements Engineering Phase PRE-0001 PRE-0002 The following Input to the phase shall be considered: Inputs/outputs of previous WP’s. Results of previous studies The purpose of the WP is to produce the Prototype Software Requirements Specification, PRJ-DOM-SYS-SRS-1001 Note: content template defined by AD-0001 PRE-0003 Deliver Prototype SRS Package (ML-SRSD) (as specified in req. PRE-0002) 10 working days before the review PRE-0004 Perform / support the Prototype SW Requirements Review (ML-SRS) PRE-0005 Deliver Update Prototype SRS Package (ML-SRSU) within 10 days after SRS review PRE-0006 The Prototype implementation will follow an agile approach (AD-0002). The documents to be produced as PDR package are Software Design Document (1/2), PRJ-DOM-SYS-SDD-1001 Interface Control Document (2/2), PRJ-DOM-SYS-ICD-1001 Note: content template defined by AD-0001 PRE-0007 Update and maintain existing deliverable items as per Table 5-2 PRE-0008 Deliver package (ML-PDRD) 10 working days before PDR PRE-0009 Perform / support the Preliminary Prototype Design Review (ML-PDR) PRE-0010 Deliver Prototype Delivery package (ML-PDRU) within 10 days after PDR 4.2.4 WP-04, Prototype Design and Implementation European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 22 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 DSI-0001 The following Input to the phase shall be considered: DSI-0002 Inputs/outputs of previous WP’s. The purpose of this WP is to perform: DSI-0003 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Coding and brief Documentation System Testing following an agile approach Produce the Prototype Software Validation Specification, PRJ-DOM-SYS-SVS-1001 (as part of CDR package) Note: content template defined by \AD-0001 Note: this requirement refers only to test cases, test procedures/specification, and expected result. DSI-0004 DSI-0005 Produce the Prototype User Manual shall be documented in PRJ-DOM-SYS-SUM-1001 (as part of the CDR package) Note: content template defined byAD-0001. Produce the Prototype Presentation material, PRJ-DOM-SYS-PRE-1001 Note: this document shall include: Background system information; Operational environment; Functions of the system; Technical information (platform, interfaces, standards, …); Known limitations/problems DSI-0006 Update and maintain existing deliverable items as per Table 5-2 DSI-0007 Deliver Prototype Delivery package 10 working days before the review meeting (ML-CDRD) DSI-0008 Perform / support the Prototype Review (ML-CDR) DSI-0009 Deliver update Prototype Delivery package within 10 days after review meeting (ML-CDRU) 4.2.5 PA-0001 PA-0002 PA-0003 WP-05, Final Delivery Acceptance and final presentation The following Input shall be considered: Inputs/outputs of previous WP’s. The purpose of this WP is for ESA to perform the validation of the system Perform Prototype Software Acceptance Test (P-SAT) against the Technical Specification at ESOC’s premises. Note: This task Is to be performed by ESA representative(s).The Contractor shall support ESA representative(s) during P-SAT if requested. PA-0004 Perform / support the Acceptance Review 1 (ML-AR1) PA-0005 Prepare and hold final study presentation (ML-PRE) - European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 23 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 4.3 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Meetings ME-0001 The Kick-off meeting, performed to signal the beginning of the project, addresses management and technical issues. ME-0002 Quarterly Progress Meetings address managerial issues. Note: these Meetings shall be supported by the documentation identified in the management section ME-0003 Functional Coordination Meetings, performed as required, address functional issues in order to ensure alignment of the software Note: at the beginning of the project a monthly frequency is expected ME-0004 Technical Coordination Meetings, performed as required, address technical issues. ME-0005 Formal Review Meetings, performed as perAD-0001, address the formal review of deliverable items. Note: these Meetings shall be supported by the documentation identified in the management section Note: all documents supporting the review shall be available to ESOC, at least, 10 working days before the review Note: all documents, for which updates were stated at the review, shall be available to ESOC not later than 10 working days after the review. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 24 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 4.4 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Work Location and Environment WL-0001 Meetings and other activities shall be at the locations defined in Table 4-1 WL-0002 Work shall be done off-site (i.e. not at ESOC), except for the SAT (System Acceptance Test) Meeting/Activity Description Location Comments Kick-off Meeting webex Analysis TN review Prototype SRS Review Prototype Preliminary Design review (PDR) Final Acceptance Review (AR1) webex webex ESOC ESOC Final Presentation ESOC Functional Coordination Meetings webex Technical Coordination Meetings webex Monthly Progress Meetings webex Table 4-1 Work Location and Environment European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 25 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 5 DELIVERABLES, SCHEDULE AND MILESTONES 5.1 Deliverables 5.1.1 Delivery Items DD-0001 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Documentation Delivery Items In accordance with the requirements specified in Section 4, the Contractor shall create/update/review all documentation items listed in Table 5-1and Table 5-2 Legend: C: Created, U: Updated, R: Reviewed yymm: year/month, yyww: year/week tnnn: t=0 Kick Off Meeting, t=1 Monthly Progress Meeting, t=2 Technical Coordination Meeting, t=3 SWRR, t=4 PDR, t=5 CDR, t=6 AR1, t=7 AR2, nnn= 001 – 999 Id. DD-0002 All produced documents shall use the standard EGOS document template and follow the documentation guidelines specified in AD-0001 providing all mandatory Microsoft Word property fields. DD-0003 Documents produced by the Contractor shall have a change log that allows tracing the implemented changes within the document. DD-0004 All the documentation shall be provided in computer readable format. All documentation shall be delivered in PDF format. Along with the PDF format copy, an editable electronic copy of all documentation (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint …) shall also be provided to the Agency. All computers formatting must be agreed with the Agency. DD-0005 The Contractor shall deliver the documentation in electronic format with an electronic signature. DD-0006 The documents delivered to the Agency for approval shall be signed by the Contractor’s Technical Responsible. DD-0007 The Contractor shall ensure that electronic documents do not contain any harmful code (e.g. virus). DD-0008 The Contractor shall insert the following copyright statement on the first page following the cover page of any document for which ESA owns the IPR: "The copyright of this document is vested in the European Space Agency. This document may only be reproduced in whole or in part, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means e.g. electronically, mechanically or by photocopying, or otherwise, with the prior permission of the Agency." DD-0009 The Contractor shall insert the following copyright statement (with the years sets as applicable) in the footer of each page of any document for which ESA owns the IPR, including the cover page, using a font size of 8: "© Copyright European Space Agency, 200x" DD-0010 The reference to a copyright shall mention each and every year, when a document or software was created and when a modification was made to a document or software, e.g.: "© Copyright European Space Agency, 2011, 2012, 201x" European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 26 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Final Package PRJ-DOM-SYS-MPR-yymm PRJ-DOM-SYS-MIN-tnnn ML-AR1 Prototype Software Development Plan including details on prototype / archoitecture validation planning Monthly Progress Report Meeting Minutes ML-CDR PRJ-DOM-SYS-SDP-1001 ML-SRS Description Event driven Documentation Item Document issue: Document revision: ML-PDR Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 ML-KO Document title: Document reference: C/R/U C/R/U C/R/U 1 1 C/R/U C/R/U C/R/U C/R/U C/R/U PRJ-DOM-SYS-ICD-1001 PRJ-DOM-SYS-SDD-1001 PRJ-DOM-SYS-SVS-1001 PRJ-DOM-SYS-SUM-1001 PRJ-DOM-SYS-SRelD-1001 PRJ-DOM-SYS-PRE-1001 Prototype Software Design Document Prototype Software Validation Specification Prototype Software User Manual Prototype Software Release Document Study Presentation C/R/U C/R/U Final Package Technical assessment Prototype Software Requirements Specification Prototype Interface Control Document ML-AR1 PRJ-DOM-SYS-TN-1001 PRJ-DOM-SYS-SRS-1001 ML-CDR Description ML-SRS Documentation Item ML-PDR Table 5-1 Documentation Delivery Items – Management U/R/U C/R/U U/R/U C/R/U U/R/U U/R/U C/R/U C/R/U C/R/U U/R/U U/R/U U/R/U Table 5-2 Documentation Delivery Items – Technical Note: “C” = Create “R” = Review “Ü” = Update Software Delivery Items European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 27 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: DS-0001 The deliverable software shall be managed as specified in the AD-0001 DS-0002 For all software developed under this contract the source code shall be delivered. This includes all files required to build the system (e.g. "include" and "make" files, design files for CASE tools, etc.) as well as all test software used for acceptance testing. 1 1 The list of software items specified here is tentative only: Both source code and executable of the application software/firmware; Software needed for system installation; Any test software and Simulators developed for testing (e.g. test scripts, test data, etc.); Target platforms' system software (e.g. additional software tools needed for correct operation of the system, etc.); Any 3rd Party Products software required to run the application and to develop the system is deliverable. The Software Development Environment (SDE) and CASE tools used for development. Clear instructions on how to compile, install and deploy the developed software. DS-0003 5.1.2 Applicable Intellectual Property Rights are defined as per “Article 4 Part II of the Final Contract Conditions” Delivery Sets DM-0001 Deliverable items in Table 5-1shall be delivered as required using FTP or email as delivery media. DM-0002 Deliverable items in Table 5-2shall be delivered in sets as per 3 using the specified media. Legend: FTP/email: FTP/email used as delivery media, CD/DVD: CD/DVD used as delivery media DM-0003 The organisation of the files in the media be compliant with AD-0001 and the requirements specified in this section. DM-0004 The organisation of the files in the media shall be approved by ESA Technical Officer in advance. European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 28 of 29 Esa unclassified – releasable to the public Document title: Document reference: 5.2 Statement of Work for Harmonised Space and Ground M&C EGOS-GEN-HarSpGrMC-SOW-1000 Document issue: Document revision: 1 1 Schedule and Milestones SM-0001 The Contractor shall establish a schedule that is consistent with the planned start of work and milestones identified in Table 5-3 Legend: TBD: To be proposed by the Contractor SM-0002 Each payment shall be subject to acceptance by ESA, the conditions for ‘successful’ acceptance being obtained by a certificate sent by the Technical Officer. Milestone Description ML-KO Kick-Off Meeting ML-TND ML-TNR ML-TNU ML-SRSD Events Timeline TBD WP-02, EGS-CC System Concept, Harmonisation Results and Protocol Stack Initial delivery of TNs ML-KO + 3 Months Review meeting for TNs ML-TND + 2 Weeks Delivery of updated TNs ML-TNR+ 2 Weeks WP-03, Prototype Requirements Engineering Phase Prototype SRS ML-SRS Prototype SRS review ML-SRSU Update Prototype SRS ML-PDRD ML-PDR delivery packages for review (see ML-PDR Preliminary Design Review (PDR) ML-PDRU ML-PDRdelivery packages update ML-CDRD WP-04, Prototype Design and Implementation Prototype delivery packages for review ML-CDR Prototype Review (CDR) ML-CDRU ML-CDR delivery packages update ML-AR1 WP-05, Prototype Final delivery acceptance and Presentation Prototype Acceptance Review (AR1) ML-PRE Final Presentation Timeline Payment 01.06.12 (tbd) 01.09.12 15.09.12 30.09.12 ML-KO + 4Months ML-SRSD + 2 Weeks ML-SRSD + 2 Weeks 01.10.12 ML-KO + 5 Months ML-PDRD + 2 Weeks ML-PDR + 2 Weeks 01.11.12 ML-KO + 8 Months ML-CDRD + 2 Weeks ML-CDR + 2 Weeks 01.02.13 MLCDRU+ 2 weeks ML-AR1 + 2 Weeks 15.03.13 15.10.12 30.10.12 35 % 15.11.12 30.11.12 35 15.02.13 28.02.13 31.03.13 30 % Table 5-3 Schedule and Milestones European Space Agency Agence spatiale européenne ESOC Robert Bosch Strasse 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 90-0 Fax: +49 6151 90-495 12/01/2012 Page 29 of 29