S556: Systems Analysis & Design

S556: Systems Analysis & Design
Team Project Assignment #3
Suggestions and Client Feedback for System Design
Write a report that describes your team’s suggestions for solving the problem that
you are dealing with as a group. This could be ideas and prototype for system
design, a list of policies, or work redesign).
The report should include the following three components:
1. 1.
Ideas for system design
This can be a sketch or screen shots of a prototype with some
1. 2.
Usability testing report
If you have a prototype, then you will need to conduct a usability
test with at least 2-3 users.
1. 3.
Feedback from users/clients
a. a.
In addition to the results of the usability test, you need to
discuss your design ideas with clients and users. Provide a
summary of the feedback you receive from them.
b. b.
If you are not developing a system, but find other issues,
such as policy issues, organizational issues, you still need to
discuss your ideas with clients and users and report the feedback
from them.
No more than a couple of pages
Include page #
Use default margin (1 – 1.25 inch)