July 2014 Meeting Notes - Education Students` Association

Education Students Association
Sunday July 13, 2014, 6 pm
Katie Horvat
Micah Cooper
Kathleen DeGeer
Hanna Callen-Wicks
Najla Rahall
Victoria Mah
Jay-R DeLara
6:19 pm
- New ESA office space in the 4th floor of Education
- Katie looked at the spaces and saw that the spaces were an inconvenience for
the ESA
6:22 pm
- Putting ESA posters on our Bulletin boards on the Main floor
- Thinking of putting smaller bulletin boards around the Education building
6:25 pm
- Implementing a Mentorship program for 1st year and transition students to help
them adjust to the University
6:31 pm
- Discussed about where to put the new microwave
- The best location would be to put the microwave near the ESA office so that it
lets students to know about the ESA
- Posters would be put around the Education building to notify students about the
new microwave by the ESA office
6:39 pm
- Discussed about preparing a booth during Orientation
- Also discussed about putting a 1 min video during Orientation
- BBQ is on Thursday September 4th
- Thinking of holding a Faculty Education event on Friday September 5 th at RAT
 This would have to be advertised through classes on Thursday and Friday
 Also during class talks we could wear buttons that has our names and our
position (done through APIRG)
6:56 pm
- Faculty Education Promotional video
- This will be updated with everyone
- Regular meetings will be tentatively Wednesday evenings
Adjournment: 7:01 pm