Text S1 Mathematical derivation of GenoCMI and GameteCMI metrics Conditional mutual information based on genotype (GenoCMI) For convenience, consider two unlinked diallelic loci, G and H, with locus G having alleles a and A and locus H having alleles b and B. Let alleles A and B denote the risk allele of loci G and H, respectively. Let i and j (i, j =0, 1 or 2) represent the genotypes of loci G and H, respectively, where 0, 1 and 2 denote the number of risk alleles in a genotype (that is, wild-type homozygote, heterozygote and mutant homozygote, respectively). Let D denote the disease status of each individual, where D=1 (D=0) indicates affected (unaffected). The conditional mutual information based on genotype, denoted as GenoCMI, could be defined and formulated as following: P(G i, H j D d ) GenoCMI P(G i, H j , D d ) log P ( G i D d ) P ( H j D d ) d i j PijA PijN A N PA Pij log A A PN Pij log N N P P P P i j i j i j (1) where PijA ( PijN ), PiA ( PiN ), and P jA ( P jN ) indicate the joint genotype frequency of loci G and H, the genotype frequency of locus G, and the genotype frequency of locus H in affected (unaffected) population, respectively (i.e. P11A , P1A and P1A indicate the frequencies of AaBb, Aa and Bb in affected population, respectively). PA ( PN ) is the frequencies of affected (unaffected) people in the combined population (in fact, PN 1 PA ). In a case-control study, it is the proportion of cases (controls), and in a cohort study, it is the estimated prevalence (1-prevalence) in the general population. Let f ij , f i and f j be measures of penetrance of joint genotype ij of loci G and H, genotype i of locus G, and genotype j of locus H, respectively. The penetrance is defined as a conditional probability of being affected on the genotype: fij P( D 1G i, H j ) , fi P( D 1 G i ) fij , j f j P( D 1 H j ) fij i Let Pij , Pi and P j denote P(G=i, H=j), P(G=i) and P(H=j) in the general population, respectively, and K denotes the population prevalence. We can show the genotype frequency distribution of loci G and H in cases and controls, respectively, in following tables: Cases locus H locus G 0 (bb) 1 (Bb) 2 (BB) margin 0 (aa) P00 f 00 K P01 f 01 K P02 f 02 K P0 f 0 K 1 (Aa) P10 f10 K P11 f11 K P12 f12 K P1 f1 K 2 (AA) P20 f 20 K P21 f 21 K P22 f 22 K P2 f 2 K margin P0 f 0 K P1 f1 K P2 f2 K Controls 1 locus H locus G 0 (bb) 1 (Bb) 2 (BB) margin 0 (aa) P00 (1 f 00 ) (1 K ) P01 (1 f 01 ) (1 K ) P02 (1 f 02 ) (1 K ) P0 (1 f 0 ) (1 K ) 1 (Aa) P10 (1 f10 ) (1 K ) P11 (1 f11 ) (1 K ) P12 (1 f12 ) (1 K ) P1 (1 f1 ) (1 K ) 2 (AA) P20 (1 f 20 ) (1 K ) P21 (1 f 21 ) (1 K ) P22 (1 f 22 ) (1 K ) P2 (1 f 2 ) (1 K ) margin P0 (1 f 0 ) (1 K ) P1 (1 f1 ) (1 K ) P2 (1 f2 ) (1 K ) 1 Hence, parameters in equation (1) could be expressed as PijA Pij and f ij K , PiA Pi f i , K P jA P j f j K PijN Pij 1 f ij 1 K , PiN Pi 1 f i , 1 K P jN P j 1 f j 1 K Hence, PijA P log A A ijA log ij P P PP i j i j PN log Nij N P P i j P ijN log ij PP i j ( f / K )( f / K ) j i ijA log ( f ij / K ) . [( 1 f ) /( 1 K )] [( 1 f ) /( 1 K )] i j ijN log (1 f ij ) /(1 K ) Then, equation (1) can be expressed as f A (1 f ij )ijN f ij (1 f ij ) Pij log GenoCMI Pij PA ij ij (1 PA ) PA (1 PA ) K 1 K 1 K Pi P j i j K (1 PA )( f ij 1) A ( f K )( PA K ) A (ij ijN ) ij Pij 1ij (1 K ) K (1 K ) i j ( f ij K )( PA K ) Pij Pij 1 log K ( 1 K ) i j Pi P j (2) In fact, if we define the relative risk (RR) of a genotype or genotype combination as the ratio between the penetrance of the given genotype and the population prevalence (also called the reference or baseline penetrance), ijA could be referred as an information measure for the interaction between the two loci 1, which measures the log-scale of deviation between the risk of joint genotype against the additive risk of marginal genotypes (usually called main effects). Departure of ijA from zero indicates the presence of interaction between loci G and H. Furthermore, we could obtain that, f ij /(1 f ij ) K /(1 K ) A N ij ij log f i /(1 f i ) f j /(1 f j ) K /(1 K ) K /(1 K ) ORij log OR OR j i ORij where log OR OR j i can be shown as a measure of interaction between two loci G and H 2, 3. Hence, equation (2) could be reduced to (1 PA )( f ij 1) ORij log GenoCMI Pij ( 1 K ) i j ORi OR j ( f ij K )( PA K ) RRij 1 log K ( 1 K ) RRi RR j ( f ij K )( PA K ) Pij Pij 1 log K ( 1 K ) i j Pi P j RRij PA Pij RRij log RR RR i j j i ( f ij K )( PA K ) Pij Pij 1 log K ( 1 K ) i j Pi P j (3) (by using the approximation that OR≈RR if disease prevalence K is low, i.e., for a rare disease ) Pij The second part of equation (3) is a function of fij and log PP i j . The latter is a measure of dependence between loci G and H in general population, and hence could be viewed as a quantity for the population linkage disequilibrium (LD). In the case of two unlinked loci, this part is approximated to be zero, and RRij GenoCMI PA Pij RRij log RR RR i j j i (4) In a cohort study where PA=K, it can be easily seen that equation (3) becomes RRij GenoCMI K Pij RRij log RR RR i j j i P Pij log ij PP i j i j (5) Conditional mutual information based on gametic disequilibrium (GameteCMI) Similarly, we consider two unlinked diallelic loci, G and H. Let alleles A and B be the risk alleles of loci G and H, respectively. Let hkl be a gamete of loci G and H, where k and l (k, l =0 and 1) indicates the carrier states of the risk alleles A and B in the gamete, respectively. The four possible gametes for the diallelic loci, a-b, a-B, A-b and A-B, are denoted by h00, h01, h10 and h11, respectively. Similar to equation (1), GameteCMI metric can be defined as: P(hkl d ) GameteCMI P(hkl , d ) log P ( G k d ) P ( H l d ) d k l (6) where P(G=k|d) and P(H=l|d) are the frequencies of alleles k and l under disease status d, respectively. Similar to derivation of equations (2) and (3), the equation (6), approximately, can also be decomposed into two components, RRklh GameteCMI PA qkl RRklh log h h k l RRk RRl ( RR klh K )( PA K ) qkl qkl 1 log ( 1 K ) k l qk ql (7) where qkl , qk and ql are the frequencies of gamete hkl, and alleles k and l in general population, respectively. RR klh , RR kh and RRhl are the relative risks of gamete hkl, and alleles k and l, respectively. Different from GenoCMI, the logarithm function in the second term of equation (7) explicitly describes the LD status between loci G and H in general population. For unlinked loci or loci without linkage disequilibrium, the second term equals to zero, because D qkl qk q.l 0 in this case. Consequently, equation (7) can be reduced to h RRklh GameteCMI PA qkl RRkl log h h RR RR k l l k (8) In a cohort study where PA=K, equation (7) becomes RRklh q qkl log kl GameteCMI K qkl RRklh log h h k l RRk RRl k l qk ql (9) Reference 1. Wu X, Jin L, Xiong M. 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