HIS 101 03 - Shelton State Community College

HIS 101 04
03 March 2011
Put the letter of the correct answer in the box in Column B.
Which statement regarding the religious world of the Roman Empire is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Official state religion focused a pantheon of Greco-Roman gods and goddesses.
B. The official imperial cult promoted the worship of Augustus and other dead emperors
C. Roman leaders displayed intolerance and contempt for the religions of other people.
D. Many Romans turned to mystery religions for a more emotional spiritual experience.
E. Mithraism was perhaps the most important mystery cult of the Roman world.
Which Jews rejected personal immortality, favored Hebrew law and cooperation with the Romans?
A. Sadducees
B. Pharisees
C. Zealots
D. Essenes
E. None of the other answers is correct
Which statement regard Paul of Tarsus is NOT ACCURATE?
A. He is considered the most important figure in early Christianity after Jesus.
B. He is called “the second founder of Christianity”.
C. He believed that the message of Jesus should be preached to everyone, not just to Jews.
D. He was responsible for founding Christian communities throughout Asia Minor and the Aegean.
E. He views included equality for Christian men and women.
As the Christianity moved toward more centralized organization, who emerged as Church leaders?
A. Essenes
B. Apostles
C. Bishops
D. Eucharistics
E. Insulae
What reasons do historians give for the attraction and growth of Christianity?
A. The promise of salvation had immense appeal in a world full of suffering and injustice.
B. Spiritual equality for all classes of people.
C. It offered a personal relationship with God.
D. It was not restricted to men.
E. Each of the other answers is correct.
What happened to the emperor Valerian?
A. He reconquered Gaul and reestablished order along the Danube River.
B. He was captured by the Persians, executed, and his body put on public display.
C. He was assassinated by the Praetorian guard during the civil wars of the Third Century.
D. He renounced the persecution of the Christians was recognized as a Christian saint.
E. He restored order after the Third Century civil wars and, unlike his predecessors, died in bed.
What problems (crises) troubled Rome in the Third Century?
A. Years of civil war
B. Inflation and debased coinage
C. Invasions by Persians, Goths, Franks
D. Declining Population and manpower shortage
E. Each of the other answers is correct.
Which statement regarding Tacitus is NOT ACCURATE?
A. He was the greatest historian of the Silver Age of Latin Literature
B. He believed history should objective and not contaminated with moral purpose.
C. His wrote about Rome from the reign of Tiberius through the assassination of Domitian.
D. His work Germania is an important source of information about the early Germans.
E. His main works included the Annals and the Histories.
Which Third Century emperor built a wall around Rome and was hailed as “restorer of the world”?
A. Commodus
B. Septimius Severus
C. Valerian
D. Aurelian
E. Marcus Aurelius
Which statement regarding the 2nd-century A.D. upper-class Roman family is NOT ACCURATE?
A. The paterfamilias continued to have absolute authority over his children.
B. The husband’s absolute authority over his wife disappeared.
C. There was a noticeable decline in the number of children.
D. Romans used infanticide, contraception, and abortion to limit the size of their families
E. Women still could not participate in politics and continued to face great dangers in childbirth.
Who was the best poet of the Silver Age of Latin Literature?
A. Seneca
B. Tacitus
C. Petronius
D. Juvenal
E. Pliny the Younger
What principles from the “classical age of Roman law” would we recognize in our laws today?
A. A person was considered innocent until proven otherwise.
B. People accused of wrongdoing were allowed to defend themselves before a judge.
C. A judge was expected to weigh evidence carefully before arriving at a decision.
D. The idea of natural rights, i.e. that all men are born equal and should be equal before the law.
E. Each of the other answers is correct.
What happened to Perpetua?
A. She was slaughtered by wild beasts in the arena at Carthage.
B. She became the patron saint of a mystery cult that competed with Christianity.
C. She seized power in Syria and Egypt but was defeated by the Emperor Aurelian.
D. She died in Pompey during the eruption of Mt. Vesusius
E. She was the court physician to the emperor Marcus Aurelius
Which statement regarding Seneca is NOT ACCURATE?
A. He tutored the emperor Nero.
B. He followed Stoic philosophy
C. He wrote Satyricon
D. He was forced by Nero to commit suicide
E. He preached simplicity but amassed a fortune
When did Roman persecution of Christians begin?
A. When Paul began preaching
B. During the reign of Nero
C. When the Coliseum was built
D. After the death of Peter
E. Immediately after the death of Jesus
Why did many Romans come to view Christians as harmful to the other of the Roman state?
A. The Eucharist led to rumors that Christians practices ritualistic murder of children.
B. Christians met in secret and seemed connected to groups in distant areas.
C. Christians refused to participate in the worship of state gods and the imperial cult.
D. Christian exclusiveness was viewed as harmful to the community and public order.
E. Each of the other answers is correct.
Which statement regarding imperial Rome is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Beginning with Augustus, emperors provided food for the urban population.
B. There were more than 100 public holiday or festivals each years
C. Living conditions were miserable and poor Romans spent most of their time in the streets.
D. The most famous spectacles were the horse and chariot races at the Circus Maximus.
E. Rome was overcrowded, noisy, and dangerous, especially at night.
What prominent building indicated that public slaughter was an important part of Roman culture?
A. Circus Maximus B. Pantheon C. Pont du Gard
D. Amphitheatre
E. Baths of Trajan
Which statement regarding the Satyricon is NOT ACCURATE?
A. It was written by a member of the inner circle of the emperor Nero?
B. It is a humorous satire on the excesses of the Roman social scene.
C. A central episode describes an elaborate and vulgar dinner party given by Petronius, a rich former slave.
D. It is considered by some literary historians as the first picaresque novel in Western literature.
E. One character, Trimalcho, is a hilarious and satirical portrait of the Rome’s new rich.
Which statement regard art in the early Roman empire is NOT ACCURATE?
A. The Romans were the first people in antiquity to use concrete on a massive scale.
B. Romans contributed little that was original to painting and sculpture.
C. Greek artists and craftspeople did much of the work of Roman painting and sculpture.
D. Romans completely rejected Greek styles of architecture for their own innovative use of curvilinear forms.
E. Romans continued to imitate Greek architecture, making use of colonnades and rectangular buildings
Which statement regarding the Roman gladiatorial shows is NOT ACCURATE?
A. The gladiatorial games served to divert the idle masses from political unrest.
B. Most gladiators were free men enticed by the possibility of rewards; a few were criminals, slaves, or
prisoners of war.
C. Gladiatorial shows were an integral part of Roman society.
D. Programs lasted from dawn to dusk and featured contests to the death between trained fighters.
Which statement regarding slavery in the early Roman empire is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Slaves were highly visible in the early Roman empire, filling the residences of wealthy Romans.
B. Ownership of a large number of slaves was a status symbol for wealthy Romans
C. Because of laws stressing kindness and humanitarian concern, Romans seldom feared their slaves.
D. Freed slaves could become Roman citizens who could vote but not run for political office.
E. Extensive use of slave labor created unemployment among the free population of Rome
Which statement regarding the growth of Christianity is NOT ACCURATE?
A. As it spread in the eastern Roman world, Christianity adopted Greek as its language.
B. With its emphasis on spiritual equality, Christianity proved attractive to all classes of Romans.
C. By the 2nd century, men had control of church organization and had subjected women to secondary roles.
D. The Christian church created a well-defined hierarchical structure of bishops and clergymen..
E. Persecution of Christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries almost brought a halt to the growth of Christianity.
Which statement regarding early Christian communities is NOT ACCURATE?
A. In early Christian communities, both men and women played significant roles and held important positions.
B. Female Bishops were an indication the early church rejected the views of Paul on the position of women.
C. At first, the Roman government paid little attention to Christians, regarding them as a sect of Judaism.
D. Early Christian groups met in private homes in the evening to share a common mean called an agape.
E. The structure of the Roman Empire itself (along with its good roads) aided the growth of Christianity.
Which statement regarding the rise of Christianity in the Roman World is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Christianity began as a religious movement within Judaism and was viewed that way by the Romans.
B. Peter, who founded the church at Rome, was the most important figure in early Christianity after Jesus.
C. It was Paul of Tarsus who transformed Christianity from a Jewish sect into a broad religious movement.
D. By 100, Christian churches were established in most of the major cities in the eastern part of the Empire.
E. A Latin translation of the Greek New Testament aided Christianity in the western part of the Empire.