Pre school registration form

January 2012
Span Pre-School
178 Easton Road
Telephone: Pre-School 07917 871985
0117 9522712
Registered Charity Number: 109 2929
Our Aims Are
Our Staff
Key Persons and Your Child
Records of Achievement
Additional Needs
Admissions Procedure
Sessions and Opening Times
Arriving and Leaving Pre-school
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Daily Routine and Activities
What to bring when your child starts Pre-school
Settling In
Health & Safety
Safeguarding Children
Complaints Procedure
Welcome to SPAN Pre-school.
SPAN is a Non-Profit organization and a registered Charity. The Pre-school is
managed by a Board of Trustees who are accountable to Ofsted and have
overall responsibility for reviewing policies and practice, employing staff and
strategic decision making. The condition of our registration means that Ofsted
regularly inspects us in order to ensure that we are meeting the standards
required by Ofsted.
Our Pre-school offers sessional care for 16 children aged 3-5 years old and 8
children aged 0-3 years old. We are situated in a purpose built setting with an
enclosed outdoor play area within the grounds of Silai for Skills. We aim to
ensure that all sections of our community have access to the Pre-school and that
each child is fully included.
Our Aims Are:
• to provide high quality care and education for children in a safe, secure and
stimulating environment.
• to work in partnership with parents to help children to learn and develop
• to offer children and their parents a service that values diversity and works
within a framework that promotes equality for all children and families.
• to encourage independence, develop self-esteem and self-confidence.
Our Staff
SPAN Pre-school has a suitably qualified and friendly staff team who maintain
the ratio of adults to children in the setting that is required by Ofsted. They are:
Pre-School Manager – Abeje Chinangwa
Deputy Manager – Sabina Zilul
Pre-School Practitioners – Rahela Hussain, Folasayo Kudehinbu
Administrative Assistant – Andrea Grant
We also have support from a team of qualified sessional staff when necessary.
All members of staff are experienced childcare practitioners and are qualified in
Pediatric First Aid and basic Safeguarding Children. All members of staff have
enhanced police checks by the Criminal Records Bureau and adhere to the
policies and procedures of Span Pre-School. You will be able to see details of
staff on the Pre-school notice board
We recognise the importance of continuing professional development for all staff.
As well as gaining qualifications in early years care and education, the staff at
our Pre-school take part in further training, to help them to keep up-to-date with
thinking about early years care and education. The Pre-school also keeps itself
up-to-date with best practice in early years care and education through the
Nursery World magazine.
Key Persons and Your Child
Our setting uses a key person approach. This means that each member of staff
has a group of children for whom she/he is particularly responsible. When you
first start Pre-school, your key worker will discuss with you your child’s likes and
dislikes, any routine your child may have and will help your child to settle.
Your child’s key person will be the person who works with you to make sure that
the care and education we provide is right for your child’s particular needs and
interests. They will be responsible for observing and monitoring your child’s
development and this will be recorded in your child’s development portfolio.
Parents should be confident that any matters discussed with any member of staff
would remain confidential, as is our policy.
Records of Achievement
The Pre-school keeps records about each child, including observations about
their experiences and achievements at Pre-school. These help us to celebrate
together her/his achievements and to work together to monitor progress and plan
the next steps in line with your child’s interests. We believe that parents know
their children best and we ask them to contribute to their learning, by sharing
information about what their children like to do at home and how they, as
parents, are supporting development. All information within the setting with
regard to your child is subject to our Data Protection and Confidentiality policies.
Additional Needs
Children progress at their own rate in all areas of development and this is true for
children with and without disabilities or learning difficulties. In accordance with
the SEN Code of Practice (2001), we aim to make the appropriate provision for a
child who has a special need. We have a designated member of staff who is
responsible for Special Educational Needs (SENCO). This means that we will
consult with parents or carers concerning any child who is not progressing as
well as expected and if necessary we shall alert the appropriate professionals.
Admissions Procedure
Admission to Span Pre-school is open to every family in the community and to
families from surrounding areas when places are available. SPAN Pre-school is
registered to care for 24 children aged 2 to 5 years old. We accept registration
forms from birth and maintan a strict waiting list criteria that take into
consideration birth order, length of time since registration, siblings currently in
Pre-school and exceptional circumstances.
Our registration form asks you to state your preferred days and sessions. We will
do our best to accommodate your wishes, however this is not always possible.
We will try to offer alternatives whilst keeping your child’s name on the waiting list
for your preferred day or session.
A letter confirming your preferred days, along with an invitation for a short visit, is
sent during the term prior to your child/children taking up a place.
Sessions and Opening Times
We are open Monday to Friday during normal school term time from 9.00am –
Our sessions are:
Afternoons 12.00pm
Full Day
Funded 3’s are required to attend the maximum of 5 sessions per week and fee
paying children under 3yrs a minimum of 2 sessions.
You will need to provide a packed lunch for your child if they are attending the
afternoon session or staying all day. Small lunch boxes are preferable, and
should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Can you please include a cold
pack during warm temperatures.
Please provide your own milk feeds and suitable foods for very young children.
To help us to promote healthy eating, we suggest you do not include any of the
following in your child’s lunchbox:• Fizzy drinks
• Sweets/chocolate
Please also don’t include:
• Glass containers
• Food containing nuts or nut products.
We are in receipt of Nursery Education Funding for children who are 3yrs and
4yrs old and we can claim this grant for you. This is your free entitlement to 15
hours per week of Pre-school education for 38 weeks of the year. At the
beginning of each term you will be issued with a Parental Declaration Form which
must be signed and returned promptly in order for funding to be claimed.
Any extra hours will be charged as shown below. Fees for additional hours are
payable in advance by cheque or cash by the first day of each half term when an
invoice will be be provided. Fees will continue to be payable if a child is absent
for any reason and no refunds can be given. For your child to keep his/her place
at the Pre-school, you must pay the fees. Cheques should be made payable to
SPAN Study Centre.
£4.00 an hour
Unwaged/studying £2.50 an hour
If anyone is experiencing any difficulties in paying their fees, please speak to the
Childcare Manager or Administrative Assistance to try and arrange a flexible
framework for payments.
We also charge a £10 registration fee to be paid when you take up a place at
Pre-school; this is waived for sessions covered by the free education grant. Your
child will not be able to take up their place until we have seen their birth
certificate, and the the registration fee and first half- term’s fees have been paid.
Parents/Carers in Receipt of Grants for Training
Prior to the child attending a Setting session, written confirmation must be
provided by the training provider that they will pay for the childcare booked. This
must include details of payment to be made including when the paid childcare will
Arriving at,and Leaving, Pre-school
Arrivals and departures can be busy times, and parents must take responsibility
for their child and any siblings that may be with them, until their child is settled
and they have left the building.
Please arrive with your child just before the beginning of a session and wait
outside until we open the door at the start of each session to give us time to be
ready. The door is opened at 9.00 and 12.00 when you and your child will be
welcomed into the Pre-School.
Please endeavour to collect your child/children on time The door remains locked
during the session and is unlocked and monitored during collection times.
Please ring the bell to gain access at other times.
It is essential that you telephone the Pre-School to let us know if you are
delayed. If we have not heard from you within 15 minutes of the collection time,
we will make every effort to contact you using the telephone numbers provided
on your registration form. If after 30 minutes we have had no response from any
of the numbers, we will be obliged by law to contact Social Services who will take
responsibility for your child.
If you have arranged for another adult to collect your child, please write these
arrangements in the diary and also notify a member of staff. Your child will only
be allowed to leave with someone if we have been informed.
Please give us as much notice as possible of any absence. If your child is
absent without an explanation for more than two weeks, their place will be
offered to another child.
Please note. If you are in receipt of Nursery Education Grant and wish to
give up your child’s place we will require 1 term’s notice in writing. Fee
paying places will be required to give 1 month’s notice.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
The EYFS curriculum is made up of six areas of Learning and Development and
all these areas are connected to each other and are equally important. These
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication, Language and Literacy
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Physical Development
Creative Development
The six areas of Learning and Development together make up the skills,
knowledge and experiences appropriate for babies and children as they grow,
learn and develop.
There are also underpinning principals which help to guide all early years
practitioners and these are grouped into four themes:
• A Unique Child – every child is a competent learner from birth who can be
resilient, capable, confident and self assured.
• Positive Relationships – Children learn to be strong and independent from a
base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person.
• Enabling Environments – The environment plays a key role in supporting and
extending children’s development and learning.
• Learning and Development – Children develop and learn in different ways and
at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important
and inter-connected.
We observe children’s play, learning and progress and record them in each
child’s portfolio. Parents are invited to look at their child’s portfolio regularly and
if they so wish are invited to add comments, observations or photos of their
Daily Routine
The Pre-school has a routine, which includes free play, structured activities,
songs and stories, physical play and refreshment breaks. Children under 3yrs are
provied with stimulating activities, encouraged to share with others and integrate
with the older children at various times throughout the day.
More information about the timing of the day can be found on the Pre-school
notice board.
Choice of Activities
The Pre-School organises its sessions so that the children can choose from,
and work at a range of activities and, in doing so, build up their ability to select
and work through a task to its completion.
Group activities
The children are also helped and encouraged to take part in adult-led small and
large group activities that introduce them to new experiences and help them to
gain new skills, as well as helping them to learn to work with others.
Outdoor Activities
Outdoor activities contribute to children's health, their physical development and
their knowledge of the world around them. The children have the opportunity and are encouraged - to take part in outdoor child- chosen and adult-led
The setting makes snacks a social time at which children eat together and each
child is provided with a drink of milk or water and fruit, vegetables or dried fruit
during the session. Water is available throughout the session for your child to
access if needed. Please tell us about your child’s dietary needs and we will
make sure that these are met.
What to bring when your child starts Pre-School
Fruit/Vegetable Donation
As part of our healthy eating policy, we ask families to donate at least one piece
of fruit or vegetable a week. A fruit bowl is available on the cabinet by the front
door in which to place your donations. The fruits and vegetables are shared in
our ‘Snack-Time’ during the morning and afternoon sessions. You will be notified
of any fruit we cannot accept due to allergies.
Spare clothes/nappies
Children will need to bring in a bag of spare clothes in case of ‘accidents’ or if
they become wet or dirty. This bag can be left on their coat peg. If your child is
in nappies, please remember to bring in spares, wipes and creams.
Name Labels
We would be grateful if you could put your child’s name in their clothing,
especially their coats. A lost property box is provided.
Sun Cream and Sun Hats
We tend to stay outside longer on sunny days. Please ensure that on warmer
days your child is wearing sun cream on arrival and have a suitable hat to wear.
We will request permission to reapply sun cream for children staying for the full
Comfort Items
Comfort items are welcomed at Pre-School and we have trays to keep them safe
during the sessions. Children can have access to or keep hold of, their comfort
items during the session.
Settling In
It is important for parents and staff to work together to help your child to feel
confident and secure in the group as an unhappy child is unable to play or learn
properly. This can take longer for some children than for others and parents
should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle.
Please be prepared to stay with your child in the Pre-school or within easy reach
by mobile phone, until your child is happy and secure. We hope that your child’s
time at SPAN Pre-school will be a very happy and productive one. If you have
any queries, or if we can be of any help, plase contact a member of staff at any
SPAN Pre-school recognises parents as the first and most important educators
of their children. All of the staff see themselves as partners with parents in
providing care and education for their child and parental involvement is
considered to be an essential part of our Pre-school.
There are many ways in which parents can take part in making the setting a
welcoming and stimulating place for children and parents such as:
• exchanging knowledge with the staff about your children’s needs, activities,
interests and progress
• being involved and helping occasionally at one of the Pre-school sessions
• sharing your own special interests with the children
Health & Safety
We cannot look after sick children at the Pre-school, or administer nonprescribed medication. For further information, please see our policy on
administering prescribed medication. Please inform the staff about any allergies
or medical conditions. If your child has head lice please treat promptly to ensure
they don’t spread to others.
Please do not bring children to Pre-school if they have an infectious disease or
have suffered diarrhoea or vomiting in the past 48 hours. If a child becomes
unwell in Pre-school we will make every effort to contact the parent or the
alternative contact number.
There is always a recognised First Aider on duty during a session. We will keep
parents informed of any accident that has occurred to their child whilst in our care
and an accident/incident book will be signed by the parent/carer of any child with
an injury.
Please inform us of any injury your child has sustained whilst in your care as this
needs to be recorded in our records.
Safeguarding Children
SPAN Pre-school aims to create an environment which promotes and safeguards
the welfare of children which includes protecting children from maltreatment,
preventing impairment of children’s health or development and ensuring that
children are provided with consistent, safe and effective care.
We have a duty to refer any allegation, complaint or concern received relating to
a child to Social Care or the Police. A nominated member of staff is responsible
for Safeguarding issues. A copy of our Safeguarding Children’s Policy and
Procedures and all other Pre-School policies are available on request.
Complaints Procedure
SPAN Pre-School aims to deliver a high quality service in the care and education
of your children. We hope to provide children with the best possible start whilst
enabling parents to work, study or volunteer in the community. We promote a
supportive, happy working environment for staff and encourage parental
involvement. However, there may be something that you are unhappy about and
if this is the case, the following procedure exists for your guidance.
In the first instance, you may wish to approach your child’s key person to
discuss issues concerning play activities, lost clothing etc. The majority of
concerns are settled at this stage.
If the issue is not resolved at the first stage or you feel unable to discuss
the problem with the person concerned, a complaint can be made to the
Childcare Manager (Abeje Chinangwa), Deputy Manager (Sabina Zilul) or SPAN
Study Centre Director (Tove Samzelius). Parents and staff are entitled to an
informal confidential discussion before making a formal complaint.
By this stage the Childcare Manager (Abeje Chinangwa), Deputy Manager
(Sabina Zilul) or SPAN Study Centre Director (Tove Samzelius). may have
received an official complaint; this may be verbal or written. You are entitled to a
written response within five working days.
If you are still unhappy, having received a reply from the appropriate
member of staff you should contact the Chair of SPAN Personnel Group. A
complaint at this stage will be acknowledged within three working days and (if
necessary) a hearing will be arranged within fifteen working days. You are
entitled to bring a friend to any hearing arranged. You are entitled to a full
explanation and details of any action taken within twenty working days. If this is
not provided, a full explanation of any delay will be given.
Any complaint concerning a breach of Ofsted Regulations under the
Children’s Act can be reported to Ofsted.
Chair of SPAN Personnel Group
Baptist St.
Early Years Directorate
National Business Unit
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Helpline 03001231231
Complaint line 03001234666
Please write PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL on all letters of complaint