IInd INTEGRATED COURSE RESPIRATION AND CIRCULATION 9 ECTS credits (Basic Medical Sciences Course – II) 2nd year1 semester st Undergraduate Required Total 139 h (Basic Medical Sciences Course – II) Lecture: 83 h Laboratory&demonstration: 56 h/5 weeks in Turkish Total 5 weeks Basic Medical Sciences Course - II Lectures: Anatomy: 18 hours Physiology: 39 hours Histology-Embryology: 12 hours Biophysics: 13 hours Laboratory practices: Anatomy: 22 hours Physiology: 18 hours Histology-Embryology: 6 hours Medical Skills: 10 hours Medical Education: 1 hours Compulsory Lectures (Total 16 h) Principles of Atatürk &History of Revolution: 8 h Foreign Language (English): 8 h Contact: Prof. Dr. Neriman ÇOLAKOĞLU Prof. Dr. Ahmet KAVAKLI Prof. Dr. Haluk KELEŞTİMUR Prof. Dr. Enver OZAN Prof. Dr. Murat ÖGETÜRK Prof. Dr. Oya SAĞIROĞLU Doç. Dr. Özlem DABAK Doç. Dr. Ahmet ERENSOY Doç. Dr. Oğuz ÖZÇELİK Aims and Objectives of the Course This course consists of three main topics: heart and vascular system, homeostasis, lungs and respiratory system. The development, morphology and the functional aspect of the heart is presented. It is designed to teach the student the normal structures and functions of respiratory, circulatory, hematopoetic systems, interactions between these systems at the level of cell, tissue and organ. Cardiac markers and clinical correlation are emphasised. Every tissue or organ requires adequate amounts of blood for its function. Blood, presented to the peripheral tissue by regular pumping of heart, is directly in contact with the tissue through capillary blood vessel wall and it provides tissues with oxygen from lungs and nutritional factors from gastrointestinal system. Finally respiratory system histology, mechanism, regulation, which includes mechanism of exchange of gases at the lungs and tissue cells, blood gases and pH measurement, and respiratory disorders are introduced. The practical medical skills application features developing empathy skills with patients via simulating various levels of functional loss. Course contents The teaching subjects of this course are classified under eight main themes. These consecutive themes are organized according to the chain of events from oxygen supply to the body to carbon dioxide drainage as follows: 1- Respiratory Apparatus 2- Breathing 3- Gase exchange in alveoli 4- Blood and blood oxygen 5- Heart and big vessels 6- Peripheral circulation and homeostasis 7- Maintenance of arterial tension 8- Acid-base balance At least one integrated session is planned for each theme. The theoretical knowledge loaded during the course is interrelated to clinical sciences. The daily course program includes 45minute lectures and/or laboratory and demonstration facilities. Assessment Methods Quizzes, and aptitude tests during the course and, practical exams of one each laboratory practices and one written exam at the end of the course are performed. Prerequisite/ Recommended None Textbook/Recommended Reading 1. Arıncı K., Elhan A.. “Anatomi Ders Kitabı” 2. “Sobotta Anatomi Atlası” 3. Dere F., “Anatomi”, Cilt 1-2, Çukurova Üniversitesi Yayınevi, (1988) 4. Williams P.L., “Gray’s Anatomy”, 38th edition, Churchill Livingstone, (1995) 5. Çelebi G., “Tıp ve Diş Hekimliği Öğrencileri İçin Biyofizik”, Çağlayan Kitabevi 6. Çelebi G., “Biyomedikal Fizik”, Barış Yayınları, Fakülteler Kitabevi, (1999) 7. Ganong W.F., (Çeviri: Türk Fizyoloji Bilimler Derneği), “Tıbbi Fizyoloji”, 20. baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, (2002) 8. Çavuşoğlu H., “Tıbbi Fizyoloji”, “Guyton and Hall”dan çeviri, 10. Baskı, (2000) 9. Guyton A.C., Hall J.E., “Textbook of Medical Physiology”, 10th edition, W. B. Saunders (2000) 10. Junqueira L.C., Carneiro J., Kelley R.O., (Çev. Ed. Aytekin Y)., “Temel Histoloji”, 7. baskı, Barış Kitabevi, (1998)