12 ECTS credits
(Basic Medical
Sciences Course – II)
2nd year2 semester
Total 163 h
(Basic Medical
Sciences Course – II)
Lecture: 107 h
Laboratory&demonstration: 56 h/8 weeks
in Turkish
Total 8 weeks
Basic Medical Sciences Course - II
Anatomy: 42 hours
Physiology: 39 hours
Histology-Embryology: 12 hours
Medical Biochemistry: 3 hours
Biophysics: 10 hours
Medical Education: 1 hours
Laboratory practices:
Anatomy: 28 hours
Physiology: 6 hours
Histology-Embryology: 8 hours
Medical Skills: 14 hours
Compulsory Lectures (Total 28 h)
Principles of Atatürk &History of Revolution: 14 h
Foreign Language (English): 14 h
Prof. Dr. Haluk KELEŞTİMUR
Prof. Dr. Neriman ÇOLAKOĞLU
Prof. Dr. Ahmet KAVAKLI
Prof. Dr. Haluk KELEŞTİMUR
Prof. Dr. Leyla C. KOYUTÜRK
Prof. Dr. Murat ÖGETÜRK
Doç. Dr. Ahmet ERENSOY
Doç. Dr. Dilara KAMAN
Doç. Dr. Mete ÖZCAN
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tuncay KULOĞLU
Aims and Objectives of the Course
This course is designed to examine the components of neural mechanism; the structure of
nerve cell, the mechanisms underlying neural function, and the basic organization and major
divisions of nervous system. This course provides development, morphology and the
functional aspect of the nervous systems and developmental manner at molecular, cellular,
organ and system levels. This course includes topics such as the sensory and motor systems,
the organization and function of the nervous system, such as the functioning of memory and
perceptual processes concerned with sight. Also, basic physiopathologic-clinical correlations
of the field are emphasized in this course. The practical medical skills application features
developing empathy skills with patients via simulating various levels of functional loss.
Course contents
 Anatomy: Structural properties of nervous system (central and peripheral nervous
systems), and special sense organs.
 Physiology: Functional properties of nervous system and sense organs, basic clinical
connections of this systems.
Histology-Embryology: Embryologic and structural and functional properties of the
cells and tissues and nervous system.
Medical Biochemistry: Molecular and biochemical processes of nervous system and
special sense organs.
Biophysics: Bioelectrical properties of information processing and communication in
nervous system, basics of electrophysiology.
Practices and skills: Anatomy, physiology and histology demonstrations integrated to
lectures in this course, basic skills of reflex and sensory examination, basic
communication skills, and public health-related issues.
At least one integrated session is planned for each theme. The theoretical knowledge loaded
during the course is interrelated to clinical sciences. The daily course program includes 45minute lectures and/or laboratory and demonstration facilities.
Assessment Methods
Quizzes, and aptitude tests during the course and, practical exams of one each laboratory
practices and one written exam at the end of the course are performed.
Prerequisite/ Recommended
Textbook/Recommended Reading
1. Arıncı K., Elhan A.. “Anatomi Ders Kitabı”
2. “Sobotta Anatomi Atlası”
3. Dere F., “Anatomi”, Cilt 1-2, Çukurova Üniversitesi Yayınevi, (1988)
4. Williams P.L., “Gray’s Anatomy”, 38th edition, Churchill Livingstone, (1995)
5. Çelebi G., “Tıp ve Diş Hekimliği Öğrencileri İçin Biyofizik”, Çağlayan Kitabevi
6. Çelebi G., “Biyomedikal Fizik”, Barış Yayınları, Fakülteler Kitabevi, (1999)
7. Ganong W.F., (Çeviri: Türk Fizyoloji Bilimler Derneği), “Tıbbi Fizyoloji”, 20. baskı,
Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, (2002)
8. Çavuşoğlu H., “Tıbbi Fizyoloji”, “Guyton and Hall”dan çeviri, 10. Baskı, (2000)
9. Guyton A.C., Hall J.E., “Textbook of Medical Physiology”, 10th edition, W. B. Saunders
10. Junqueira L.C., Carneiro J., Kelley R.O., (Çev. Ed. Aytekin Y)., “Temel Histoloji”, 7.
baskı, Barış Kitabevi, (1998)