
Academic Year : 2015-2016
4 ECTS credits
Total 3 weeks
Date : 01.07.2015
5th year
Lectures: 12 h/week
Clinical practice: 24 h/week
in Turkish
Prof. Dr. Ilgın KARACA
Prof. Dr. Mehmet AKBULUT
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ferzeyn YAVUZKIR
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Necati DAĞLI
Doç. Dr. Hasan KORKMAZ
Doç. Dr. Mehmet BALİN
Doç. Dr. Orhan DOĞDU
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mehmet Ali KOBAT
Aims and Objectives of the Course
This course aims to teach the students practical ways to get the anamnesis, how
to perform physical examination and how to evaluate laboratory findings to
diagnose diseases of different disciplines related to cardiology and also basic
theraupetic approaches to these diseases are also taught. The course is more
intensively theoretical, however during the course students find chance to
enhance their practical skills related to theoretical subjects.
Course contents
Phisical examination of the heart and circulation
Clinıcal aspects of heart disease
Valvuler Heart disease (Mitral, Pulmonary, Tricüspit and Aort)
Pulmonary hypertension
The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis – Risk factors for coronary artery disease
Chronic coronary artery disease
Acute miyocard infarction
Disease of the aorta (Dissection, anevizym)
Congenital Heart disease in Adults
Herat Failure: Diagnosis and treatment
The cardiomypathıes and miyocarditıdes
Pricardial disease
İnfective endocardıtıs
Specific arrhythmias: Diagnosis and treatment
Cardiak shock
Practical Lessons
Daily visits to the patients and practical interventions are carried out between
09.00-12.00 a.m.
Assessment Methods
One written and one clinical practice exams and one oral exam are scheduled at
the end of the course and tle lower limit of success is 60 over 100.
Prerequisite/ Recommended
Textbook/Recommended Reading
1. “Heart Disease A tex book of cardiovasculer medicine. Braunwald.
2. The Heart Fuster, Alexander, a Rourke.