English I Honors

English III Honors
Dear Students and Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
I look forward to the opportunity to work with your family this school year in English III H: American Literature. It is
very important, however, that you are made aware of the importance and rigor of this class. This class will prepare
the student to continue his/her education and prepare him/her for experience in the real world through the
development of much-needed communication skills. It is of utmost importance that the student put forth the
necessary efforts to succeed, as these skills are necessary both in and outside the classroom. Furthermore, please
be advised that this course may be a struggle for the student, as it moves quickly and requires much effort on the
part of the student.
Important Information:
In this class, the student will build reading and interpretive skills through the study of literature including works such
as The Declaration of Independence and The Crucible; authors including Thoreau, Emerson, Poe, and Melville; and
genres including slave narratives, poetry, short stories, essays, and novels. Furthermore, the student will study and
develop skills in English grammar, vocabulary, oral communication, research, and writing. Each unit of study will
culminate in a test and/or project. Vocabulary and grammar will be infused within the units and assessed regularly.
Students will also be responsible for reading and completing assignments related to choice novel(s), play(s), and
non-fiction or primary source materials throughout the course.
 Make-up work or worksheets will be set aside by the teacher. Additionally, any missed tests, quizzes, etc.
will be listed on the board at the back of the classroom. The student is responsible for collecting and
completing the assignments, as well as making up any missed quizzes or tests. Absence is not an excuse
to miss work! Make-up work will only be accepted for students that have an excused absence. The
student will have five days to make up the missing assignments.
 Late work will result in a reduction of ten points per day late. This includes weekend days. After five
days, the student will receive no credit.
 If a student is truant, a zero will be given for all work done and/or due on that date.
 Cheating in any way will result in the grade of a zero and a referral to administration. Please read and sign
the attached cheating policy.
 In order to be graded, all student writing and research must include the following signed statement on the
final page of the student’s work: I acknowledge that all words and ideas are my own unless otherwise
appropriately documented and cited according to MLA style.
Grading Policy:
Tests/Projects/Major writing assignments
Quizzes/Minor assignments
Absences/Tardy Policy:
School policy states that only five unexcused absences are allowed for any student enrolled in a semester course.
Unexcused absences in excess of this number will result in failure for that class. Tardies beyond one will result in
consequences according to the school tardy policy. See the HHS Student Handbook for further information
regarding the absence/tardy policy.
Classroom Rules and Consequences:
1. Follow all School rules.
2. Bring all Materials.
3. Be Attentive.
4. Show Respect.
5. Be on Time.
 1st Offense – Warning
 2nd Offense – Conference w/student and/or detention
 3rd. Offense – Parent/Guardian conference/contact and/or detention
 4th Offense – Referral
***Additionally, students will have access to netbook computers in the classroom. Please be advised that your
student will be responsible for his/her assigned netbook computer and its appropriate usage. The consequences for
misuse of technology are as follows: parent contact, ISS or OSS, referral to the SRO, and/or the loss of computer
rights for one year; furthermore, the consequences for vandalism are restitution, referral to the SRO,
recommendation for expulsion, and OSS.
Recommended materials are:
 One three-ring binder
 Dividers—labeled as:
o Bellringer
o Grammar
o Vocabulary
o Literature
o Research & Writing
 Loose-leaf paper
 Pens or pencils
 Flash drive
Contact Information:
 Feel free to contact me at vanadore@bcsdschools.net or 820-3710 ext. 2121.
 Do be aware that emails may take up to 48 hours to receive a response. Most will be answered quickly
Parents/guardians, PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTACHED PAGE and have your student return it to indicate you and
your student have read and understand the above policies, procedures, and course expectations. Feel free to
contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have regarding any of the above information. I look forward
to a great year with you and your student!
Ms. Laura Vanadore
English Teacher
Hanahan High School
Parent and Student Signature Page
I have read and understand the above policies and procedures. I understand the classroom rules and expectations,
cheating policy, tardy policy, and the consequences of any infractions to these policies.
Printed Name: __________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Printed name: __________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________ Date:______________
Student email address:________________________________________
Parent Contact Information (Please provide as much information as possible.):
Parent phone numbers:
____________________ (home) ____________________ (work) ____________________ (cell)
Parent email address:________________________________________
Information Ms. Vanadore should know about my student and/or general comments:
100 homework grade in Ms. Vanadore’s class. Please keep a copy of the classroom letter for your records.
The English Department at Hanahan High School observes the following policies:
A zero will be given for work not completed.
If a student is truant, a zero will be given for all work done and/or due on that date.
Cheating in any way will result in the grade of a zero and a referral to administration.
What constitutes cheating?
Working with another person without the teacher’s permission is cheating.
Getting information from an outside source without the teacher’s permission
Copying from another student’s paper
Giving your own work to another student for his/her use
Using “cheat sheets” during formal assessments
Glancing at another person’s work during formal assessments
Plagiarism—All student writing and research must include the following signed statement on the final page of the
student’s work: I acknowledge that all words and ideas are my own unless otherwise appropriately documented and
cited according to MLA style.
Consequences for Cheating:
1st offense: zero on assignment, parent contact, referral to administration (warning)
2nd offense: zero on assignment, parent/teacher/guidance counselor conference, referral to administration (ISS)
3rd and subsequent offenses: zero on assignment, referral to administration (OSS)
If the student is in the National Honor Society or the Beta Club and is caught cheating, the cheating offense will be
reported to the club sponsor. It is possible, if not probable, that the student will be dismissed from either of these
organizations for the first cheating offense.
If an English teacher observes a student cheating on another teacher’s assignment, he/she will take the assignment
from the student, notify the teacher, and submit a referral to the administration.
I have read and I understand the grading and cheating policies by which the English department at Hanahan High
School abides.
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
Student’s Printed Name
Parent’s Printed Name
Student’s Grade Level