04/04/11 - Bentley Parish Council






Held on


Mr. C. Mace

Mr. J. Wilson

Mr. D. Darrah

Mr. R. Leonard

Mr. A. Meneghetti

Ms. J. Turner

Mr. P. Hurley

Mrs. E. Kleeman

County Councillor M. Kemp-Gee, District Councillor Mr K Carter, 14 Residents





Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Gill Thallon, Yann Dubreuil, Bob Wilson, Julie Alexander,

To confirm the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 19 th April 2010 as a

True Record

The Minutes were confirmed and signed.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the previous Annual Parish Meeting.

Reports from Village Groups and Associations

Bentley Primary School - Report for Parish Council read by Mrs. Powell.

Once again Bentley Primary School has enjoyed a very successful 12 months both academically and on the sporting front.

KS2 test results again put the school in the top 50 in the country and the recent county categorisation for the school was outstanding. We have also had our Basic Skills and

BECTA ICT Marks renewed for a further 3 years. This shows the excellent practice happening in school.

Sport has again played a prominent part in the life of the school and it was in May last year that we played in the National 6 a-side football finals at Ewood Park, Blackburn and only just lost in the final. An amazing achievement. In June the school won the delayed County

Cup U/11 Football Final.

Success was enjoyed on the cricket field with the U/10’s reaching the regional finals in

Somerset – having won the County Cup.

Since September we have won local Football, Basketball and Athletics tournaments. Our indoor athletics team reached the County Finals. In addition we were runners-up in hockey, netball and badminton tournaments. Finally, both boys and girls swimming teams



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BENTLEY ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 4 TH APRIL 2011 have qualified for the next round in the National Gala, having been bronze medallists in freestyle and medley relay at the Hampshire Gala.

Students from Farnham University have recently worked with our junior children to produce acrylic pictures on canvas – 124 paintings were displayed at the Bishops Table – a super exhibition which was open to the public.

Improvements to the school have continued with boys and girls toilets being renovated during the summer. We are now concentrating on updating our outdoor learning areas.

Hopefully by the end of the summer this will all be completed.

The school has again played its part in village life with its summer fete, involvement in the village fayre and bonfire night and children singing at Pax Hill and the Quinta.

We have also been heavily involved with fund-raising in association with the Scouts for

Kaira Konko, supporting Evie – a little girl with cerebral palsy going to America, Children in

Need and Red Nose Day plus several other charities.

Our MP Damien Hinds visited the school on the 11 th March and spent several hours with staff and children talking about the school and other educational matters.

The school looks forward to the next year in an up-beat mood but also with a little disquiet

– despite all the talk about there being no cuts in education, that is not the case – the school faces a significant cut in budget – staffing is the only area where savings can be made and if not this year, but in the near future this will affect Bentley School.

Lizzie Powell – Over 60’s Club

Trisha Fuller has retired. The number of members is slowly reducing, there used to be 60 but now only 35-40. Everyone over 60 is welcome to join. Please contact Lizzie Powell for more information.

Gill Thallon – Footpath Officer

Flooding outside Thames Water Sewerage works on approach lane

– storm drain full.

Footpaths on the Joys land should be managed by his tenant farmer. No maintenance has been carried out to mend the stiles or stop growth falling on to the track to the river.

The unofficial diversion through the ditch by the wellington boots deep.

I spoke to the farmer about his stiles and the fallen growth a few weeks ago. He was hoping for a grant from the council for kissing gates to replace the stiles and said he would be re-fencing shortly.

These paths are used very regularly and it seems a real shame they are being left to fall into such disrepair. traveller’s horse grazing field is almost


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Gill Thallon – Parish Magazine

The Bentley and Binsted Parish Magazines are delivered to approximately 330 homes in the Bentley. It is also for sale in the church and the village shop.

Lizzie Powell and Gill Thallon continue in their editorial roles. The co-ordination of the distribution is carried out by Harold Fish. Since 2010 subscriptions are collected in March when the weather is better, rather than December as previously. The magazine cost remains at 50p. The advertising income is essential to keep the magazine at this price.

Demand for advertising in the magazine is growing but the team wish to keep the adverts local and relevant to the community.

The advertising had been managed by the editorial team for the past 3 yrs. From March this year Lizzie Powell is managing the advertising space and administration assisted by

Max Hadlfield (the Treasurer) who is dealing with the income

Dennis Delaney – Bentley Community Association

The Memorial Hall continues to be well used by both village and outside individuals and groups for social and recreational purposes.

The big event of the year was the refurbishment of the Dennis Smith Room. We have wanted to do this work for a number of years but couldn’t afford it. This year the work was completed on time and within budget in January/February. We hope you like the finished product. Our thanks are due to Jane Harrap and Bill Whitfield who dealt with design issues, selected materials, choose colours and dealt with the contractor on a day-to-day basis. We still have to get some suitable tables and chairs but that is now in hand.

Major maintenance was carried out last month on the sloping roof facing Hole Lane. The tiling was in very poor condition and was replaced together with all under felt and battens

Minor maintenance works have been carried out during the year to keep the premises in good condition. We want to thank the Parish Council and the Fete Committee for their generous grants to us that paid for some of these works.

Last year the cycle clubs that provide about 15% of our income seemed to be deserting us to Froyle where charges were about half of ours. We reduced our charges and most have come back again

The Community Lunches continue to go from strength to strength. They are intended for the whole community and all ages are welcome. The greater the range the better. They were initiated by Jane Harrap, who with a team of helpers provides a welcoming environment, a very tasty and nourishing meal and an opportunity for the community to meet and socialize.

On the social side we decided we held our annual Social Event at lunchtime on Sunday in early March to celebrate the reopening of the Dennis Smith Room. It was very well supported and was a most enjoyable event.


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Richard Davies – Bentley Recreation Ground Charity

The purpose of the BRGC is to act as the Management Committee of the Parish Council in the running of and maintenance of the Recreation Ground and Pavilion in Bentley.

This activity has 4 key responsibilities namely: -

 the upkeep of the pavilion,

 the maintenance of the car park,

 the maintenance of the ground, which obviously includes the cricket square, the cricket net and the football pitch and

 the maintenance of the Playground area

The major project during the last 12 months was the installation of a disabled access to the pavilion plus the installation of WC facilities for the disabled which was financed by a

Developer’s Contribution Grant of £9,000.

Following this work the complete redecoration of the pavilion has just been completed.

We also had some success improving the playing surface of the football pitch. In recent years we have been concerned that worm activity during the autumn and winter was causing a loosing of the playing surface which was exacerbated by worm castes. The solution of spraying the pitch area of the ground with a fungicide, which I would confirm doesn’t kill the worms but drives them away from the sprayed area, produced an immediate benefit markedly improving the play surface.

The grass cutting contract awarded to Nigel Jeffries also improved the recreation ground.

Looking forward projects that we are now considering include the replacement of the floor in the pavilion, repair of the soffits around the pavilion, clearing some of the tree growth around the ground and the possibility of tarmacking the car park, the surface of which is showing increasing signs of wear.

Hugh Chissell – Bentley Fete and Flower Committee

At the next Bentley Fete it is hoped to have a marching band, falconry display and Morris


Last year £3700 was raised and donated. The beer tent that was raised £750 which was ran by and profits kept by PTFA.

The large marquee was sold for £1500 which is hoped to be spent on new tables. 70 tables are to be purchased in all which will also be used for the flower committee events.

Mr Chissell thanked everyone who has helped make the fetes such a success especially

Mr Davies and Mr Ewin.

The fete is usually held on the 3 rd Saturday of July.

Chris Turk – Bentley Pond Officer

It has been a year since Chris has taken over as pond officer and during this time there have been big improvements. There is now a cutting plan in place for the meadow and


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BENTLEY ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 4 TH APRIL 2011 some wild meadow seeds have been sown. There will be a pathway from school lane to the pond which already has scalping and then a top surface to be added when funding available. There was a fence post that was blocking the outflow from the pond which

Hampshire Highways have cleared. It is hoped to have a slush gate made and padlocked so this will not happen again.

The wildlife seems to be returning to the pond.

Finally Chris thanked the community probation team for their efforts so far with the path.

Without out their help it would not be in there for everyone to use.

Robert Simpson – Greening Campaign

I'd like to update the meeting about the AHCF initiative to restore the 12 acre arboretum site in Lodge Enclosure, to the south of Bentley Station. It is of interest to Bentley because the project is community-led, working in partnership with FC, to the benefit of the local community. The aim is to restore the site, improving access, promoting biodiversity and public enjoyment of the site, while giving a long term future to a nationally important tree collection. The project needs to establish a well-motivated volunteer working group able to offer a half-day's conservation work each month.

David Brown

– Bentley Tennis Club

There are 70 members of the tennis club which include 17 family memberships.

In late August/September the court was vandalised. Posts were bent over and the netting was ruined. Further security was needed, thank you to the PC for the grant which enabled a high level gate to be installed. Hopefully there will be no further damage. It was asked that the Clerk find out if criminal damage would be covered under the PC Insurance Policy.

Bentley Youth Group

Thanks were given to Bentley Parish Council for their donation which enabled the youth club to replace old and worn out equipment. Numbers can vary from 8 to 20 children attending on some nights. Please encourage local children to attend.

St Mary’s Church

Yann Dubreuil will shortly be receiving admin support. The PPC are in the process of recruiting someone. There are sufficient funds available for this purpose.

Police Report

Tria Gibbs is moving onto the Country Watch Team and will be replaced with PCSO Jess


Selbourne are starting up speed watch scheme. The start-up costs are in the region of

£3000 which buys a fixed pole with a laser sign. PC Whatmore will pass on details. There is a possibility that those caught speeding on this equipment could face prosecution.

PC Whatmore will chase up the neighbourhood watch group. Froyle use a texting system and Holybourne and Fourmarks have a Street Watch.

During the past year there have been the following crimes reported:-

3x House Burglaries (1 attempt, 1 derelict & 1 Offender charged for 2.5 years for 8 burglaries)

8x Non Dwellings (4 on Station Road, 1 detected)

3x Criminal Damage (1 derelict house, 2 vehicles)

2x theft of vehicles


Chairman /0/12






5. Report from District Councillor Ken Carter

There has been much change in East Hants District Council. The Community Forum format is changing with much more Parish and Town Council Input.

The Hampshire Road Safety Council is now covering a much larger area. David Parkinson was the leader and stood down and was replaced by Patrick Burge.

They are the first council in the country to share a joint executive and the cost changes of this are really starting to show.

EHDC are taking over civil parking orders.

The Government will be bringing out a big society bill, The Localism Bill. EHDC are currently trying to work out what impact it will have. So far it is felt that the impact on

Parishes will be small, but a bigger impact will be seen on Towns.

The launch of Shipwrights Way in the south downs national park was held on 1 st April. Cllr

Carter advised that 65% of his ward is in the National Park. Cllr Leonard asked Cllr Carter regarding the Localism Bill that if more responsibilities are offered to Parish Councils will the Precept need to be increased to cover costs of extra man hours required by the Clerk?

Cllr Carter advised that the Bill will not come into force until the end of the year, no extra funding would be offered by central government to Parish Councils for any extra costs incurred.

Cllr Carter has checked the position of Bentley for the elections and there have been 8 nominees for 8 places on the Parish Council. Therefore there will be no need for an election in Bentley.

County Councillor Mark Kemp-Gee

There will be a new waste collection with Winchester which will greatly reduce the cost of road side collections due to a single levy.

Cllr Kemp-Gee wanted to thank you to those who are standing down and would like to encourage those who stand up. He thanked Mrs Harrap and Mr Delaney for all their hard work.

Hampshire County Council made 400 voluntary redundancies which will keep it as a well balanced County with sensible balance sheets. All of the redundancies will be putting

English counties in a better financial position than local government in other countries.

Cllr Kemp-Gee hopes we will use the Shipwrights Way.

Chairman’s Comments

Cllr Mace said that Bentley is a beautiful village with incredible facilities and would like to think that the PC help make it a better place.

The Precept for the last year was £28,500 and has been set at £28,000 for the forthcoming year.

There is now a newsletter that will go to all residents 3 to 4 times a year.

Cllr Mace would like to thank Cllr Turner for all of her hard work as Chair of the Planning

Committee. She is has been extremely thorough with the applications that come in.

With regards to the motor home in the village it tested everyone’s patience. Cllr Mace did not realize how very few powers there are to move these vehicles along. Cllr Mace wanted to thank Cllr Kemp-Gee for getting involved in the matter, soon after which the motor home was moved on.

Many thanks to Chris Turk – the pond is looking fantastic and thanks to all who have helped with the project to date.

Cllr Mace welcomed the new councillors who will be joining in May.

A Parish Plan is on the horizon which will be building on the work of the Parish Appraisal.

A big thanks to the Clerk for keeping them in check and to the Councillors, Police, Officers to the PC Cllr Kemp-Gee and Cllr Carter with whom the PC are very lucky that he attends


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BENTLEY ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 4 TH APRIL 2011 our monthly meetings.

Councillor Wilson

For those who are unaware, Cllr Mace is stepping down after 10 years of service to Bentley

Parish Council. On behalf of everyone, Cllr Wilson thanked Cllr Mace for all he has done and wished him luck with the future.


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