MINUTES MEETING OF BENTLEY PARISH COUNCIL MONDAY 9th NOVEMBER 2015 BENTLEY MEMORIAL HALL, 7.30 PM Present: Cllrs: Mr Peter Hurley (Chairman) Mr Patric Curwen Mr Brian Dickinson Mr John Fuller Mr Paul Harrison Mr Alan Lockey Mrs Sally Thornely Mrs Jenny Turner – Joined the meeting at 7:40pm In attendance: Mrs Lorraine Jeffs (Clerk) Also present: District Councillor Ken Carter & 7 members of the public. 111/15 Apologies for absence 112/15 No apologies for absence were received. To receive declarations of interests from Members Councillors were reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest which they may have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when that item is reached. Unless dispensation had been granted, they may not participate in any discussion of, or vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which you have a pecuniary interest as defined by regulations made by the Secretary of State under the Localism Act 2011. Councillors were reminded that they must withdraw from the room or chamber when the meeting discusses and votes on the matter. 113/15 Cllr Fuller declared a non- pecuniary interest in item 6 – Land East of Rectory Lane. To approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday 12th October 2015 The minutes for the meeting held on Monday 12th October 2015, were formally agreed and signed by the Chairman. The formal meeting will be adjourned for 10 minutes to enable local residents to address the Council. A resident addressed the council to discuss item 5 on the agenda the defibrillator(s) and part of this discussion, was to request that B.P.C consider applying for the defibrillators that come with the cabinets, so that residents can access them 24 hours a day. He also informed the council, of his experience of attending a Heart Start training C.P.R session in Farnham, and described the type of defibrillators that are available there making recommendations to the council. Heart Start have said, that they would come to Bentley to give training on C.P.R should we require it. 1 th Signed by the Chairman………………………………………………………………….. 7 December 2015 Bentley Residence Group attended the meeting to give the council an update on Solstice Renewables and the new development sites that have been granted permission since the Bentley parish proposal. The two planning sites are: Winchfield and East Worldham on 54 acres of land just north of Alton. The N.P.P.F (National, Planning, Policy, Framework) states that as long as the site is screened, the planning can go ahead despite the votes against. It was recommended that an independent investigation be completed, which the Bentley resident group have agreed to do. 114/15 The resident of Broadview Farm, attended the meeting to address the council regarding Bentley Parish Council’s objection comments for planning applications SDNP/14/05926/FUL & SDNP/14/02026/FUL. The resident has now provided the council with a copy of a completed traffic survey report to review. The council agreed to read this document, but did not confirm that they would reply or make a retraction of their previous comments submitted. To receive a report from Cllr Ken Carter, East Hampshire District Council Cllr Ken Carter reported the following: The Solar Farm application at East Worldham which passed through on a vote of 6 to 4 which Cllr Carter spoke against. The NPPF (National planning policy framework) states that as long as the site(s) are screened, the solar farm projects can go ahead despite votes. Cllr Carter also recommended a security system that is currently in use at Binstead and was installed in evidence against dog fouling. This costs £5,160.00 which includes five cameras, flood lights, alarm system and CCTV which can be viewed by remote access 24 hours a day using an electronic device such as an ipad or computer. 115/15 To review previous information received, and consider if defibrillator(s) should be made available in Bentley Parish and agree on applying to the British Heart Foundation for a grant. It was agreed, that Bentley Parish Council would apply to the British Heart Foundation for a grant for 5 defibrillators called “Zoll” with cabinets. It was suggested, that the ideal locations could be Bentley church, Pavilion (scout hut), Star Inn, Paxhill and the telephone box outside the Memorial Hall. It was agreed, that this would be finalised when the outcome of our grant application was approved. The locations could then be reviewed in more detail on a map of Bentley and a consultation be conducted. It was agreed, to contact the parish insurers to discuss the terms of the defibrillator(s) in more detail which would include: (lost, stolen or damaged by being used incorrectly). 116/15 Action: Clerk Planning (B.P.C) – Bentley Parish Council Planning application(s) to consider: Receipt of planning appeal Reference: AAP/M1710/W/15/3135241 Location: Land East of, Rectory Lane, Bentley Farnham Proposal: Three detached dwellings with detached garages and new vehicular Access for plots 1 & 2 onto Rectory Lane. Comments: B.P.C stand by the comments originally sent to E.H.D.C for this Application. 2 th Signed by the Chairman………………………………………………………………….. 7 December 2015 Reference: Location: Proposal: Comments: 117/15 118/15 119/15 27816/023 The Quinta Nursing Home Retrospective app for a flat roof extension to accommodate the head of a Lift shaft. B.P.C do not OBJECT however, would like to keep the roof in keeping with the original design, but not encroach above the original roof line. Also, to ensure machinery housed would not create any noise outside the building. Reference: 55904 Location: 1 Holmwood Cottages, Main Road, Farnham GU10 5NF Proposal: Removal of a Beech tree Comments: Bentley Parish Council, raise no objection to this planning application. To review the existing winter plan and make any necessary alternations It was agreed, to check with the current people stated on the winter plan, if they’d still wish to remain listed as a contact. To increase the number of 4X4 vehicle(s) support a notice should be displayed at Star Inn, Bentley school, Bentley church and Bentley train station requesting for additional volunteers. The last addition of the emergency winter plan, was updated in 2011, so the information will need to be reviewed and updated where applicable. Action: Clerk To consider changing B.P.C auditor and review quotation received. Agree on which auditor B.P.C shall be using to do the audit for 2015/16. It was agreed, to use John K Murray to conduct the internal audit of B.P.C for 2015/16 for the price stated on the quote received. (Appendix 3) Hardcopy attached. Action: Clerk To agree to consider using the services of a Book Keeper It was agreed, to request a quote for services of creating new financial spreadsheets for B.P.C from the suggested source, and a meeting shall be arranged dependant on quotation price received. Action: Clerk 120/15 To receive reports from the following officers: Allotment Officer - Bill Whitfield No report received. Footpaths Officer - Cllr Patric Curwen It was reported that Cllr Curwen is still trying to get hold of the owner of footpath 11 to discuss the replacement or removal of the stile at the recreation ground and possible replacement of footpath sign. He will get their approval in writing before we can instruct the lengthsman to carry out his work. Action: Cllr Patric Curwen 3 th Signed by the Chairman………………………………………………………………….. 7 December 2015 Highways and Transport Officer - Brian Dickinson It was reported, that the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) is still not disclosing their plans for air traffic movements out of Farnborough Airfield. This means that movements in and out of the field will still be routed at lowest level over villages not towns, for obvious safety reasons. I don't expect any action by the CAA until the new year at the earliest. 2. Road Traffic - impact of the Bordon bypass on surrounding villages which will give rise to a major increase in "rat runs" such as those through Bentley and Wrecclesham. I have put forward a case for a widened Gravel Hill Road. With a roundabout at the A31 (northern end) and again at the southern end, A325, thru traffic will be greatly improved. It is my intention to arrange a meeting with Damian Hinds MP and Jeremy Hunt MP to see if they will look at this issue. But don't hold your breaths! Action: Cllr Brian Dickinson Pond Officer - Cllr Paul Harrison It was reported, that the sleepers will be laid at the pond during the first week of December. Action: Cllr Paul Harrison Tree Officer - Sir Hew Pike No report received. School Liaison Officer - Cllr Sally Thornely Katy Pinchess was very kind to give us an overview of the improvements planned and a walk around the areas within the school that will be affected. There have been many improvements made to the school over the years but, largely due to the age of the original part of the school, some areas are dark, narrow and uninviting. To summarise the proposed improvements: Main reception area: This is where visitors and staff enter the building and therefore must be a welcoming environment. The secondary area, which was enclosed some years ago with a plastic constructed roof, does not keep the heat in and, when it's raining, leaks and is very noisy. It is also used on a daily basis for children to do reading to parent(s) helpers and is a valuable space for this. This area has been earmarked for improvements. Outside building (old toilet block): This is to be removed and use the space to the rear of the reception area to create a new Year R classroom and outdoor learning environment. Existing toilets: Are in need of being replaced, re-plumbed and, in some cases, relocated. Currently there are 3 girls’ toilets for the whole school, the boys toilets wash facilities are outside the toilets raising a hygiene concern, the disabled toilet doubles up as the first aid area and there is only one toilet for the staff to use. Current Year R classroom: Improvements to this space would provide space for wrap around childcare/after school clubs or possible relocation of the school library. Drainage and sewerage: General improvements to be made. There is a presentation open to the public on 26th November which will give more information on the finance side of things, which I will attend if possible and report back accordingly. There has been a Fund Raising team created which are coming up with great money raising ideas (I am aware there is a car going for raffle very soon!), plus this team are focussing on accessing money from potential sources in the form of grants. 4 th Signed by the Chairman………………………………………………………………….. 7 December 2015 121/15 To receive an update on Autumn newsletter 122/15 It was confirmed during the meeting, that the Autumn newsletter has been completed and distributed to the residents of Bentley. The Winter addition will be published in mid-January 2016 and article ideas & ways to distribute more affectively, will be discussed during the December meeting. Action: Cllrs Lockey & Thornely Financial and general purposes committee A Bank Reconciliation at 9th November 2015 showed a balances of £9,866.74 in the 30 day notice account and £35,986.93 in the Treasure account up to & including CQ No 1542. The cheques for payment at the October meeting, were noted and approved by the councillors. See (Appendix 1) The Cashbook (payments, receipts & Expenditure over Budget) spreadsheet includes all payments made up to 9th November was circulated to the councillors prior the November Parish meeting. This was not approved, because a finance meeting is to be organised to review this data in more detail to ensure it balances with the Bank Rec. (Appendix 2) Hardcopy attached. It was RESOLVED to approve the fees/expenses stated on the email quotation received, from Mr Brendon O’Neil/Neil Homer at rCOH Ltd for attending the N.P inspection hearing and for preparation work carried out on the Bentley Parish Neighbourhood plan. The meeting closed at: 9:30pm Next scheduled Parish Council meeting will be held on: Monday 7th December 2015. 5 th Signed by the Chairman………………………………………………………………….. 7 December 2015 Appendix One The following payments were approved at the November meeting: Cheque no 1534/39 1535/40 1536/41 Invoice No Reason for payment Name Total N.A N.A N.A n.a Lorraine Jeffs HMRC £0.00 £1,134.57 £51.40 1537/42 1538/43 1539/44 N.A N.A N.A British Legion Jacqueline Hutton £50.00 £0.00 £100.00 1540/45 1541/46 1542/47 12847 Ben007 IKC739 Void Salary/Expenses Lorraine Jeffs NI contribution for Oct Remembrance donation Void Up paid expenses for May/June Grass cutting/Hedges Grass cutting Autumn/winter newsletter Poulson Premier Grounds Treloar Print £480.00 £440.00 £110.00 Total: £2,365.97 6 th Signed by the Chairman………………………………………………………………….. 7 December 2015